
A Boat Having Length 3m

Oktober 09, 2022

A Boat Having Length 3m

the length of a space diagonal cube having a base area of 196cm² is​

Daftar Isi

1. the length of a space diagonal cube having a base area of 196cm² is​

Diketahui :
La = 196 cm²

Ditanya :

Jawab :
La = r²
196 = r²
r = √196
r = 14 cm

dr = r√3
dr = 14√3 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

FYAN1440WITH BRAINLY _____________________

======>Mathematics <=======

Rumus =>L. alas = r² => r = √L. alas

Diagonal ruang = r√3

Penjelasan :

• r = √196 cm²

r = 14 cm

• Dia. ru. = 14√3 cm

2. 5 The picture shows the Sky Tower in Auckland.Alongside the tower is a boat. The boat is 33 metres long.Use the length of the boat to estimate the height of the Sky Tower


The height of the tower is estimated at 10 × 33 meters = 330 meters.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Well, we just have a 33 meters boat to estimate the height of the Sky Tower. If you place the 33 meter boat along the height of the Sky Tower, there will be around 10 boats lined up to cover the tower. It means that the height of the tower is equivalent to the length of 10 boats with a length of 33 meters. So the height of the tower is estimated at 10 × 33 meters = 330 meters.

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3. when we (..) a holiday last year, we went to a place at the seaside and borrowed a boat. a. had b. were having ??

A. When we had a holiday last year..... A. When we (had) a holiday last year, ...

4. 1.why was the boat waterlogged A. the boat broke down B. the boat drownedC.the boad leaked D.the boat was upside down​


C. the boad leaked


The boat was flooded because the boat was leaking

5. A floor tile in the shape of a rhombus has sides of length 52 cm and a diagonal of length 48 cm. find the length of the other diagonal.


speak indonesian please...

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

indonesian speak

6. sebuah speed boat menghasilkan gaya sebesar 2500 N. jika speed boat tersebut bergerak dengan percepatan20m/s2, berapakah massa speed boat tersebut?


m = 2500/ 20 = 125 kg


speed boat itu berat Lo :p

7. 1. (short)​.............................................................................................boat. 2. (fast)​.............................................................................................boat. 3. (slow)​.............................................................................................boat. 4. (expensive)​.............................................................................................boat. 5. (cheap)​.............................................................................................boat.


1. jolly jim

2. red devil

3. jolly jim

4. red devil

5. jolly jim


semoga membantu

sedikit terjemahan :

short : pendek

fast : cepat

slow : lambat

expensive : mahal

cheap : murah

8. Calculate the perimeter and area of square having the following length of sides 2,5 m

P = 4l
P = 4 . 2,5 m = 10 m

A = l²
A = (2,5 m)²
A = 6,25 m²

9. sailing boat is a/an...... tranportasi​


Sailing boat is a transportasi


'a' dipakai untuk kata benda tunggal yang diawali dengan huruf konsonan.

'an' dipakai untuk kata benda tunggal yang diawali dengan huruf vokal.

10. A triangle can be formed having side lengths 4, 5 and 8. It is impossible, however, to construct a triangle with side lengths 4, 5 and 9. Ron has eight sticks, each having an integer length. He observes that he cannot form a triangle using any three of these sticks as side lengths. The shortest possible length of the longest of the eight sticks is

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Let two sticks be size 1. The third stick must have length ≥ 1 + 1 = 2. So choose it to be

length 2.

Choose the stick of length 1 and 2. The fourth stick has to have length greater than the

maximum possible sum of the other sticks, i.e. it must be ≥ 1 + 2 = 3, so it has length 3.

The fifth then must be of length ≥ 2 + 3 = 5, so it has length 5.

The pattern used to generate the next stick is obvious - this is just the Fibonacci sequence

{1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, . . . }. The eighth term in this sequence is the longest stick, which

is 21.

Therefore the longest stick length is 21.

11. A lot of people .... allergic to prawn a. Are having B. They are having C. Is having D. Having


A. Are Having


A lot of people are having allergic to prawn

12. John bought a boat. The boat cost thirty thousand dollars.

John telah membeli perahu. Perahu harganya 30.000 dollar

13. dadang is a frieday person he likes getting asquainted with other people now he is on an excursion boat to jakarta he is having a conversation with ismail a passeger from malaysia​

good mpmpmlpllliwiwkwkw

14. keunggulan motor boat ?kelemahan motor boat ?

keunggulan:cepat,kelemahan:tidak bisa melawan gelombang besarKeunggulan : Tidak membutuhkan waktu lama, Cepat sampai, 
Kekurangan : Membutuhkan biaya yg mahal,Masih terbatas. muatan sedikit

15. calculate the length of the simple pendulum having time period of 3 seconds (g=9.8)


[tex] \displaystyle (T)^2 = \left(2\pi \sqrt{\frac{l}{g}}\right)^2 \\ T^2 = 4\pi^2 \frac{l}{g} \\ l = \frac{T^2\cdot g}{4\pi^2}[/tex]

Tinggal masukkan angka-angkanya

[tex] \displaystyle l \approx \frac{(3)^2\cdot (9.8)}{4(3.14)^2} \\ l \approx 2.2364 \; m [/tex]


[tex] \displaystyle \boxed{\bold{l \approx 2.2364 \; m }}[/tex]

16. 14. In Figure RT8.9, determine the length of AC. 10 m 3m 8 m


10/8 = 3/CA

CA = 3 x 8/10

CA = 24/10

CA = 2,4 cm

17. Hilda : where were you when the accident happened?Nani : I ....... a party.a. Am havingb. Was havingc. Were havingd. Having

b. Was having

Karena itu sudah berlalu jadi pakai to be 'was' b karena pertanyaannya menggunakan verb 2 sehingga jawabannya jg hrs menggunakan verb 2

18. Bob And Luc were having a trip on a(1)... From the virgin islands to miami when suddenly the boat(2)... A rock and began (3)...

1.) boat
2.) hit / crushed
3.) broke

semoga membantu1. Boat
2. Hit
3. Sink

19. a ..... using a boat

a ...fisher... (nelayan) using a boat

mohon maaf kalau saya salaha fisher using a boat

20. a boat race is.... A. boat races B. race in boat C. a race for boats D. boats that race what is the answer? please answer :)


A.boat races Semoga membantu

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