
Read The Passage And Answer The Questions That Follow

September 02, 2022

Read The Passage And Answer The Questions That Follow

read the passage and answer the questions and help me to answer number 10 , 11 , 12

Daftar Isi

1. read the passage and answer the questions and help me to answer number 10 , 11 , 12

11. Baloons
12. Measure the air in
13. Science

good luck to the both of us :)

2. Read the passage to help you answer the question​


a) he put to much sauce into his meatball

b)Was burning


3. A. Choose a,b,c ord for the correct answer. Read the following passage for questions number 1 to 10.​












4. Read the passage, then answer the questions. What is the Topic? What is the Writer’s idea about that topic? What is the Thesis statement? What is the Pattern of organization? What are the Supporting points (main ideas)?Jawaban Anda​


gak bisa bahasa inggris



5. Read through the passage of " history of the chickenpox vaccine" and identify types of conclusion the author used in drawing his conclusion​


kamu duyuredi tulus tapi bohong a love yu

6. answer the questions below based on the passage above 1. why are dolphins regarded as the friendliest creatures in the sea?​


passagenya dimana? memang boleh tulis answer sendiri?

7. G. Reading Read this passage and answer the following questions. There are twenty six letters in the alphabet. The first is A. The last letter is Z. B is the letter after A. C is the letter before D. C is the letter between B and D The letters before and after € are D and F Answer these questions based on the passage. 1. What is the first letter in the alphabet? It is ........ 2. What is the last letter in the alphabet? It ......... 3. What is the letter after A?.............. 4. What is the letter before D? ............ 5. What is the letter between B and D?.................... 6. What are the letters before and after E ? They are ............ and ............ Tolong bantu jawab aku ya sekarang mau dinilai​​


1. A

2. Z

3. B

4. C

5. C

6. D and F


the first letter in the alphabet is Athe last letter in the alphabet is Zthe letter after A is Bthe letter before D is Cthe letter between B and D is Cthe letters before and after E are D and F.

semoga membantu yaa

8. Read the following passage. Write the correct articles (a, an, the ) in the blank Spaces.​


1. an

2. the

3. a

4. a

5. a

6. an

7. the

8. the

9. the

10. the

9. read the text and answer the question!this text for questions 1 and 51. what is the tipe of the text?2. what does the passage tell us about?3. what are butterflies and how does they live? 4. what are the function of butterflies? 5. how many parts of butterfly body?​


1.Descriptive teks (Teks deskripsi)

2.The passage tells us about Butterfly

3.Butterflies are an insect that live anywhere from 2 days to as long as 11 months.


5.There are 3 parts: The head, Thorax,Abdomen.

10. TASK 4Answer the questions based on the text!Jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini berdasarkan teks di atas!1. Who is writer of the passage?Answer : ........…..............2. Where is the writer?Answer : She is in the .................3. Mention 3 thigs in Hana's classroom!Answer : They ............., .............., and ...................4. What is the shape of the whiteboard?Answer : It is .....................5. Is the clock rectangle?andAnswer : ........................Tolong dijawab ya :-) Dapat 5 Poin​


1. Hana

2. She is in the Classroom

3. They are clock , tables , and whiteboard

4. Rectangle

5. No, The clock is circle


Maaf Kalau Salah ◡̈

11. read the passage. underline the verbs in past tense in this passage​


think for yourself first

sorry i'm kidding



12. task 2 answer the following questions briefly based on the text above what is the passage about​


13. 2. Read the following passage and complete the table with the underlined words from the passage.rosewood spider-like hour



How you like me and see you

14. Reading and writing,read the following passage and fill on the gaps with the correct format of verb given!

My name {is}, and this {is} my family, She {is} a housewife, and she {is} 35 years old, She [gets] up, and {prepares} preakfast, she {cleans} our house, and {feeds} our dog, she {cooks} well, she {listens}, she [meets}, {makes}, {is}, {love},

utk father, is, is ,is, works, makes, takes, leaves.

15. we know from the passage that​


our brain


karena otak sumber informasi bagi kita sendiri

16. 1.The primary purpose of the passage is to...Answer 2.The auther's tone in the passage is best described as...Answer 3.According to the passage fleas are resistant to sprays and chemicals because they...Answer 4.Fleas are difficult to squish because they have...Answer 5.According to the pasage which of the following statements is true...Answer 6.According to the passage fleas are able to jump...Answer 7.Based on informasi in the passage the reader can understand that...Answer 8.The author mentions the washintong monument in order to...Answer 9.It can be inferred that fleas will emerge from eggs as adults...Answer 10.Using the informasition in the passage as a guide it can be concluded that...Answer


1 D, 2 C, 3 A, 4 A, 5 A, 6 B, 7 A, 8 B, 9 C, 10 D


Answers and Explanations

1) D

In paragraph 1, we learn that “fleas are ideally equipped to do what they do, making them very difficult to defeat.” In paragraph 2 the

author explains why fleas are hard to squish and why they resist so many sprays designed to kill them. In paragraphs 3-6, the

author explains what makes fleas so difficult to get rid of, both in terms of their physical characteristics and the way they reproduce.

In the last paragraph, the author calls fleas “intimidating opponents” and suggests that preventing an infestation is easier that getting

rid of an infestation. From this we can understand that the primary purpose of the passage is to explain why a flea infestation is hard

to get rid of. Therefore (D) is correct. The passage does provide information about the physical characteristics of fleas, but it also

educates readers about the life cycle and reproduction process of a flea. Furthermore, these details all support the author’s main

point, which is that a flea infestation is very hard to get rid of. Because it is too narrow in scope, (A) is incorrect. In paragraph 1, the

author briefly compares a flea to “a shark in the water or a wolf in the woods.” Later the author says that fleas “are some of the best

jumpers in the natural world.” However, the author does not expand on these comments; rather, the author describes in detail why a

flea infestation is hard to get rid of. Because the comparisons are only minor details in the passage, (B) is incorrect. The passage

does not contain any information about the problems that can result from a flea infestation, so (C) is incorrect.

2) C

The author presents facts about the characteristics of fleas without expressing any emotions or opinions in the passage. Since the

author’s main purpose is to present information, we can conclude that the tone is informative. Therefore (C) is correct. Concerned

means worried or anxious. The author does not express any anxiety about fleas, so (A) is incorrect. Passionate means caused by

strong feelings. Since the author does not express emotions in the passage, (B) is incorrect. Opinionated means certain of one’s

opinions or stubborn. The author is presenting facts, not opinions, so (D) is incorrect.

3) A

In paragraph 2, we learn that “a flea has a very hard exoskeleton, which means the body is covered by a tough, tile-like plate called

a sclerite.” From this we can understand that, on a flea, a sclerite forms the exoskeleton. Later in paragraph 2, the author says that

“the exoskeletons of fleas are also waterproof and shock resistant, and therefore fleas are highly resistant to the sprays and

chemicals used to kill them.” Since we know that the exoskeleton on a flea is called a sclerite, we can infer that the sclerite is

waterproof, which makes fleas resistant to sprays and chemicals. Therefore (A) is correct. The other answer choices are all

characteristics of fleas mentioned in the passage, but none of them make fleas resistant to chemicals. Therefore (B), (C), and (D)

are incorrect.

4) A

In paragraph 2, we learn that “a flea has a very hard exoskeleton, which means the body is covered by a tough, tile-like plate called

a sclerite. Because of these plates, fleas are almost impossible to squish.” From this we can understand that the sclerite makes a

flea difficult to squish. This supports option (I). In paragraph 3, we learn that fleas do have spines attached to the sclerite, but these

spines make a flea difficult to pull off, not difficult to squish. This eliminates option (II). In paragraph 5, we learn that fleas have a

protein in their joints called resilin, “which helps catapult fleas into the air as they jump.” From this we can understand that resilin

helps fleas jump, but it does not make them difficult to squish. This eliminates option (III). Therefore (A) is correct.

5) A

In paragraph 3, we learn that fleas have little spines that normally lie flat, but “if anything (like fingers or a self-grooming pet) tries to

17. Read the following passage and try to understand it

pertanyaannya yg mana?
1 john's brother is not going to take his state examination this year.

18. The author of the passage impiles that the rulers of egypt

jawaban :

artinya : penulis bagian ini menyiratkan bahwa penguasa mesir .......


19. Answer the following questions briefly based on the text above. 1 what is the passage about?

where is the text ???

20. answer the questions based on the passage above! where was he born​


c mhkoosposia0a0a9aa

halo apa kabar semuanya

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