
As Your Wish Meaning In Kannada

September 03, 2022

As Your Wish Meaning In Kannada

"Arti i wish all the best in pursuing your ambition" The underlined word is closest in meaning to

Daftar Isi

1. "Arti i wish all the best in pursuing your ambition" The underlined word is closest in meaning to

Saya mendoakan yang terbaik bagi anda dalam meraih mimpi (apa yg di cita citakan)

2. " I wish you will be able to ACHIEVE your ambition as...." what is the similar meaning of achieve?

accomplish, acquire,attain,fulfill,reach,settle

semoga membantu yaaACHIVE = Meraih = REACH

3. Year-joys-and-on-this-wish-happiness-new-garden-a-in-in-bloom-life-your-followers-as


Wish joys and happiness on this New Year bloom in your life as flowers in a garden


maap jika salah hyung

4. What is the meaning of wish in Indonesia language


wish...dalam bahasa indonesia berarti harapan/berharap


Apa arti dari keinginan dalam bahasa Indonesia

5. which word in the text is closest in meaning to "wish"?

text nya yang mana? gada text nya mana bisa tau

6. "We wish you all the best in pursuing your dream..."The word "pursuing" is closest in meaning to..... A.findingB. makingC. looking forD. pushing​


C.looking for


artinya mencari

semoga membantu

7. hope and wish meaning??

hope itu harapan yg bisa diwujudkan & sangat mungkin terjadi

Wish adalah harapan yg sulit diwujudkan bahkan bisa dibilang mustahilwish => keinginan, hasrat. ex : she has a wish to live alone (dia punya keinginan untuk hidup sendiri). sinonim kata wish : desire (nafsu, keinginan), want (kebutuhan, kekurangan), urge (keinginan, dorongan), intention (maksud, tujuan).
hope => harapan, kesempatan. ex : i have little hope, if any (saya masih berharap, tetapi tidak terlalu yakin). sinonim : believe (percaya, kepercayaan), confidence (rahasia, kepercayaan, percaya), expectation (harapan), dream (cita2, impian).
jadi, dapat di simpulkan wish harapan yang berupa keinginan krn nafsu/hasrat, sedangkan hope harapan yang di lakukan untuk suatu kepercayaan. maaf kalau salah

8. make your dream/wish about indonesia in english


My expectations....

I hope that in the future, Indonesia can become one of the developed and large countries and can utilize its potential optimally and wisely, namely with a society that is intellectually and morally qualified so that no one is corrupt and cares about the environment. And people who are aware of how important it is to manage the potential that exists in Indonesia, if all are determined to create a better Indonesia, then nothing is impossible.

Slowly but surely Indonesia will be able to truly support the truth that will eliminate corruption and all irresponsible people who will damage Indonesia.

If all can unite in realizing the ideals of the nation, it will create a unified, sovereign, just and prosperous country like the ideals of the Indonesian nation as stated in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution. So that the hope to make Indonesia a developed country can be realized.

I hope for improvement in the education sector.

Hopefully Indonesia will be better in the future and hope that in the future it will be better, there will be no more corruption, the people will be prosperous, there will be no human rights cases, and the people can apply "time is money".



jika kamu ingin meraih cita-cita

remember when mom said:

"Jan tidur bae gobl**,lu gede mau jadi apaan

yang lain pada zoom lu malah tidur,

tuh liat si dika tiap tahun 10 besar Mulu

lah kamu......... bla bla bla......... dst"

9. apa jawaban dari susun kata iniyear-joys-and-on-this-wish-happines-new-garden-a-in-in-bloom-life-your-flowers-as ???​

Wish joys and happiness on this New Year bloom in your life as flowers in a garden


maap jika salah

10. what is your wish if you got 7 wishanswer in english ok​


i want a very good place to live

i want a supercar

i want a happy family

i want a girlfriend hehe

i want a new phone

i want a shoes

i want a t shirt

11. Proverbs1. Blood is thicker than watermeaning=2.dont count your chicken before they hatchmeaning=3.dont put all your eggs in one basketmeaning=4.every cloud has a silver liningmeaning=5.when in rome,do as the roman domeaning=​


1 darah lebih lengket dibanding air

2 jangan menghitung ayammu sebelum menetas

3 jangan menaruh semua telur mu dalam satu keranjang

4 setiap awan memiliki garis perak


maaf nomer 5 tidak tau

12. the word "wish" in "Wish you a very happy birthday" is closest in meaning to …a. hope b. accompany c. wantd. expect

Wish you a very happy birthday
A. Hope

13. We hope your achievement ..." (paragraph 3)The underlined word is closest in meaning to....A LikeB. WishC. ThinkD. Propose​


We hope your achievement ..." (paragraph 3)

The underlined word is closest in meaning to....

A Like

B. Wish

C. Think

D. Propose

Answer : B. Wish


Kalimat ini menyatakan bahwa 'Kami mengharapkan prestasi anda' yang berarti kalimat ini bermaksud Wish yang artinya mengharapkan atau sebuah keinginan.

Thanks yaa :)

*Choose this answer to be the Brainlest Answer (^‿^✿)

14. make your short dream/wish about indonesia, in english


I hope can be rich.So I can explore every corner of Indonesia.

Indonesianisabeautifulcountrywithmanyofdiversity.Somyhope/wishisexploreevery corner of Indonesia


Siapa yang cita-cita nya pengen jadi kaya?

maap broken enggres xD

I hope the COVID 19 pandemic in Indonesia would be gone soon. I wish for the better economic growth of our country. I hope the government and authorities can do their job well to make our country greater.

15. What is the meaning of As If It Your Last?

seolah kau yang terakhir

16. wish you luck What word is similar in meaning to look?​


look: see, view, notice, sigh, spot, observe, perceive, discern, behold, regard, sat eyes, spy,note,makeout,clapeye,


hanya itu yg saya tau, semoga Membantu JADIIN JAWABAN TERBAIK yah:)

17. As a student, how do you utilize song to increase your English? What is the function of song in your life? How far is the meaning of a song influence your life? Write riddles and meaning as much as you can! Write down your favorite English song! tolong dijawab ya ​


1. I can learn new vocabulary from the lyric of the song.

2. Song gives me a peaceful mind

3. Some of the song that I have heard give me new insight to see the world. For example, heal the world by michael jackson

4. expensive objects that men's welfare. Shows something but no direction. Golf, f1 cars, and men love to wear it. jawaban dari riddle ini adalah jam

5. untuk no 5 ini tulis lagu favorite mu yang menggunakan bahasa inggris.


untuk jawaban no 3 saya mencoba menggambarkan bahwa beberapa lagu telah memberikan saya sudut pandang baru akan cara memandang dunia sebenarnya, mengajarkan saya bagaimana seharusnya memaknai hidup dan mengisi hidup ini.

18. Year-joys-and-on-this-wish-happiness-new-garden-a-in-in-bloom-life-your-followers-as Tolong susun menjadi kalimat

"Wish joys and happiness on this New Year bloom in your life as flowers in a garden"

Ucapan ini umum diungkapkan saat perayaan tahun baru orang.

19. we wish you all the best in pursuing your​


We wish you all the best in pursuing your dreams.



Kamu doakan yang terbaik untuk kalian semua dalam mengejar mimpi/cita-cita kalian.

Semoga bermanfaat.



We wish you all the best in pursuing your DREAMS.


Jawaban dalam huruf kapital dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Nouns (kata benda) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

kata Dreams artinya Impian / cita cita dan merupakan kata benda yg bisa dihitung itulah sebabnya menggunakan Possessive Adjective (kata sifat kepemilikan) yaitu "your" menjadi your dreams.

Semoga membantu ya.

20. arti I wish I were in your position​




semoga membantu

have a nice day!


Wish: mengharapkan

Were in your position: berada di posisimu​


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