
My First Experience On Stage Essay

September 28, 2022

My First Experience On Stage Essay

my first experience to ride motorcycle

Daftar Isi

1. my first experience to ride motorcycle

that is your experience , why do you ask me or them about it ? You feel it , not me

2. I have very funny experience on my first day at school...change into negative dan interrogative

I don’t have funny experience on my first day at school (negative)

Do you have funny experience on your first day school? (Interrogative)

3. terjemahan dari my first experience to ride motorcycle

pengalaman pertama saya menaiki motorpengalaman pertama saya naik sepeda motor
semoga membantu
jadikan jawaban terbaik ya.. terima kasih

4. soal:1. When did the experience happen?2. where did they go?3. what did they do first on the first day?​

Jawaban Task 4 Last holiday They went camping on a mountain in to Guci, Tegal.on the first day, they set up the tent on the spot near waterfall.


1. When did the experience happen? (kapan pengalamannya itu terjadi?)

✔ Last holiday

Keterangan:Berdasarkan kalimat pertama di awal kalimat "Last holiday, my friends and I went camping on the mountain." Yang artinya "Liburan yang lalu, saya dan teman-teman pergi berkemah di gunung."

Jadi, kejadiannya terjadi saat liburan lalu.

2. where did they go? (kemana mereka pergi?)

✔ They went camping on a mountain in to Guci, Tegal.

Keterangan: Berdasarkan kalimat dalam paragraf pertama "We went camping on a mountain in to Guci, Tegal."Yang artinya "Kami pergi berkemah di gunung di Guci, Tegal."

Jadi, mereka pergi kemahnya ke tegal.

3. what did they do first on the first day? (apa yang dilakukan mereka dihari pertama?)

✔ on the first day, they set up the tent on the spot near waterfall.

Keterangan: Berdasarkan dalam paragraf ketiga "on the first day, first we set up the tent on the spot near waterfall."Yang artinya "Di hari pertama, pertama kami mendirikan tenda di dekat air terjun"

Jadi, hari pertama mereka mendirikan tenda.


Verb-1 ➡ Verb-2 ➡ Verb-3

Sit ➡ Sat ➡ Sat (duduk)Set ➡ Set ➡ Set (memasang/mendirikan)

Jadi untuk nomor 3

we set up the tent = kami memasang/mendirikan tenda karena biasanya dihari pertama berkemah adalah mendirikan tenda dulu. ✔

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Soal selanjutnya, No. 4-5:

Detail Jawaban

Kelas: 8

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Reading

Kode: 8.5

5. cach①. Terjemahan teksmy first. Experienceto Ride Motorcycletrjmahkan ​


Pengalaman Pertama Saya Naik Motor


Itu Jawaban Nya Ya

pengalaman pertama saya untuk mengendarai sepeda motor


6. I...My essay on your desk two days ago


I putessay on your desk two days ago


I am about my essay on your desk two days ago.




7. I...could get a first seat on my flight​


Saya .... bisa mendapatkan kursi pertama dalam penerbangan saya

•Semoga membantu•


saya mendapatkan kursi paling depan di penerbanganku

8. I...could get a first seat on my flight​


I wish I could get a first seat on my flight


seharusnya sdh benar ya, karena tata kalimatnya sdh pas. semoga membantu dan semangat ya belajarnya..

9. make a short essay about your unforgettable experience on holiday. use so....that and such that in your essay. tolong bantu jawab ya bsk mau di kumpul

At 2017, I had a vacation with my family , to Bali in Christmas Holiday. It was such a fun and pleasure to have a trip with my family. I depart in the airport , and I have a very , very rough trip. I was sitting next to the window , but I really hate the rough trip. It was a storm , I have no idea why it's not cancelled for safety reasons. I arrived at 12 PM. I landed on Ngurah Rai International Airport , Denpasar. I have a such rough flight and I need to recover from my illness. I traveled around the city , have a walk at the streets , and finally at afternoon, I checked in at the hotel. I forget what is the hotel name , but the important thing is I can rest. I think I have a headache that time. I took a bath and slept nicely. I woke up , get ready and have a ride to the beach. It's so beautiful for the sunrise. But I don't know how it can be so beautiful. After beach , I had a walk to the nearest mall, and there is so many stores that attracted me. I really don't want to do anything bad. If I do, my mom would explode. After that , I had a lunch , another exhausting walk, and then I went back to the hotel, I slept and have another day same as yesterday's. Then , I get ready for my way back to my house. Then finally, what I always asked for , a nice , smooth take off and landing , is true! YAY! Then , I came back to my home sweet home. That's my story.

10. I also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed. please see my resume for additional information on my experience. translatenya


Saya juga memiliki pengalaman dalam belajar dan unggul dalam teknologi baru sesuai kebutuhan. silakan lihat resume saya untuk informasi tambahan tentang pengalaman saya.

11. my sister... born on January the first in 2000​

My sister was born on January 1st, 2000.

Please accept my apologies if I am wrong!

12. Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini! 1. I....studying on my room 2.The dancers..... dancing on the stage


1. on my room

2.The dancers..are... dancing on the stage


1. I am studying in my room

2. The dancers are dancing on the stage

13. The first stage in the accounting process is the recording stage. ini yang verb dan subjek yang mana ?


The first four steps in the accounting cycle are (1) identify and analyze transactions, (2) record transactions to a journal, (3) post journal information to a ledger, and (4) prepare an unadjusted trial balance.


Maaf klo salh

14. what is the first stage of wood chipping

eat the wood

kappa           asa

15. The-mother-is-my-a-song-singing-on-stage-beautifully


My mother is singing a song on the stage beautifully

16. the first stage of a sound recording is

1.tahap pertama dr rekaman suara...bernyanyi

17. My mose....... Experience as a was travelling to london on my own

hidup saya pengalaman sebagai awas berpergian ke london sendiri

18. please see my resume for additional on my experience. tentukan subjek, predikat dan keterangannya

silahkan melihat resume saya untuk tambahan pengalaman saya

19. A : When did you sing on the stage?B : …AWhen I was in the kindergarten.BMy father taught me singing on the stage.CYes, I sang on the stage.DBecause I always practiced singing on the stage.Tlg jawab ya kak​


A : When did you sing on the stage?

(Kapan kamu menyanyi di atas panggung)

B : …

(a) When I was in the kindergarten. (ketika aku masih TK)


Jawabannya A

20. what is the first stage of wood chipping

prepare the wood to be cut
. Maaf kalo salah

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