
Study The Following Graph And Analyse In Short

Agustus 15, 2022

Study The Following Graph And Analyse In Short

In pairs analyse the previous texts and fill in the following table. one has been done for you

Daftar Isi

1. In pairs analyse the previous texts and fill in the following table. one has been done for you


semoga membantu eeewww :D

2. analyse the use of although, event tough and though used in the following sentences . see the example​





3. study to the following sentences and fill in the blanks

soalnya manaaaaaaaaaaaa ?belajar mengikuti kalimat dan memenuhi formulir ..klo ngga slh jwbnnya sih kya gtu

4. analyse the pattern of the simple present and past tense used in the letter above by completing the following tables.see the example


Analisislah pola simple present dan past tense yang digunakan pada surat di atas dengan melengkapi tabel berikut


ini bahasa Indonesia nya soalnyapa

5. listening to the following short message and fill in the blanks space with the correct answerTolong kak​


1. Honey

2. Keep

3. The mall

4. Meet

5. Don't be

6. Please

7. Due to

8. Students

9. Writing

10. Submitted

6. Choose a graph from below, and write a description using the information in the graph. ​*tolong deadline hari ini:))​


Maaf kalo salah


In the beginning of 2010, during january to August, the salmon catches were higher than the trout catches. but at September, the trout catches overtook the salmon catches

7. Read the text below, and then fill in the following table to analyse the text!°Mohon bantuannya ya kakak" brainly;)°Pliss yang gak bisa jangan jawab yaa thanks before:)​


Definition: Family

itu aja kak yang paham

8. write the right expressions in the following short dialogues​


A: can i borrow your eraser ?

B: sure, here it is

A: can i have some paper clips, please?

B: yes you may

A: can me, could something ask you a favour?

B: sure.

A: could you lend me the computer for a moment ?

B: im have but the computer is down

A: can i use your cell phone?

B: sure. here it is

maaf kalo salah ya kak, saya tak terlalu bisa


1. (can) (i)

2. (may) (i) (please)

3. (excuse) (i)

4. (can't) (because)

5. (here) (it's)

Afwan klo ada kesalahan, semoga terbantu

9. Analyse the following or sentences below by completing the following columns

Salution greeting: Dear my lovely girl Illona,
The Body of letter: i wish we can soon possibly end our long distance relationship, i miss you so much, that i can bare this miss long enough just to meet you my love, i wish when i come back to paris, we can spent our time just by two of us walking aroud paris, have some good coffee, and some good night
Closing: Sincerely, your flappy bird of love
Signature: Affandi

10. in pairs, study the following situation and then write down your suggestions on the cases.

number one: a twelve year compulsory education program will be performed according to the expectation of both government and parents IF government also provide facilities for the disadvantaged parents. disadvantaged parents will be given choices to send their children to government school where fee is not HIGH compared to private school or if the parents insist to send their children to private school, the school itself may offer installment for the disadvantaged parents. the plan needed to be supported by all parties

number two: the school will call the parents of the trouble children in order to find good solution. parents and teachers need to sit together. for the trouble children will be given consultation 

number three: government can start thinking to build their own boarding school where students can pay less money rather than if they go to boarding school provided by the privates. all can be done if government think way out to this solution. yes it is true if the boarding school offer quality because of the more money paid by the parents. equal quality for both boarding schools. the circumstances and requirement needed to be applied for parents if they want to send their children to government boarding school.


11. write the right expression in the following short dialogues​


tulis ekspresi yang benar


maaf kalau salah jadi kan jawaban yg tercedas ya thanks ☺️

12. Jawaban listen ti the following short speech about the causes of tsunamis,and then fill in the blank spaces

dengar percakapan singkat di bawah ini tentang penyebab tsunami dan isi bagian yang kosong

13. Write the right expressions in the following short dialog.​


1. Can I come in?

2. Yes

3. Can I wait for you in this room?

4. Ok,

5. A = Can I borrow your pen?

B = sure, but


Maaf klo salah, klo bnr tlg jadikan yg terbaik ya

14. Change the following sentence into active and passive voice 1. We study English in the distance 2. We do not study English in the distance 3. Do we study English in the distance?


1. We study English in the distance

2. We do not study English in the distance

3. Do we study English in the distance?


1. English is studied by us in the distance

2. English is not studied by us in the distance

3. Is english studied by us in the distance?

semoga membantuu


1. Can't change into massive voice (karena ada kata in)

Semuanya gak bisa diubah, tapi kalau activenya sama dengan soalnya.

Thank you

15. 18. Analyse the following sentences by completing the table ​

2. Subject: Margaret Hilda Thatcher

Was/Were: Was described

Verb 3: As the greatest leader of the world in the 1990s

3. Subject: She

Was/Were: Was the only

Verb 3: Woman prime minister the UK had ever had

4. Subject: She

Was/Were: Was appointed

Verb 3: The Secretary of State for Education and Science

5. Subject: She

Was/Were: Was elected

Verb 3: Prime minister in 1979

Maaf kalau salah ya.

16. Study the following label text and answer the questions


1. detail information about the product

2. for oral suspension

3. the amount of the product we allowed to take

4. read the label and follow the direction

maaf kalau ada salah, saya juga manusia

17. Analyse the following expressions of recommendations and offers to their functions. put them in the right rows.


Analisis ekspresi rekomendasi dan penawaran berikut untuk fungsinya. menempatkan mereka di baris yang tepat.


maaf kalau salah

18. Write the right expression in the following short dialogs

gambarnya mana.....kalo gk ada gambarnya gimana mau lihat dialogny

19. Analyse the following expressions of recommendations and offers according to their functions. Put them in the right rows.teman-teman minta tolong ya ....​


1. are you busy ? I need your recommendation

2. I think everyone should be involved In the effort to aradicate corruption

3. why don't we build a pond to harvest rainwater during the rainy season

4. I know what you mean

5. what about banning mobile phones in our school

6. do you need someone to accompany you ?

7. no, thank you

mf klo slh

20. read the following short instruction and choose the right answer​

where is the text?

I will wait and answer your questions.

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