
Speech On Shiv Jayanti In Marathi

Agustus 16, 2022

Speech On Shiv Jayanti In Marathi

best speech in importance on education​

Daftar Isi

1. best speech in importance on education​


Good morning to the honorable teacher, my respected teacher and my dear friends I want to give a speech on the importance of education to all of you on this great occasion. Education is very important for all of us. Our parents teach us many things at home and then send to school after 3 years of age.

2. QuizShiv dan Anandhi sedang berbulan madu di pegunungan himalaya, Shiv melihat barometer menunjukkan 35 cmHg. Ketinggian Shiv dan Anandhi saat itu adalah ... dari permukaan air laut​


h = (Pu - Ph) × 100 m

h = (76 - 35) × 100 m

h = 41 × 100 m

h = 4100 m


4.100 meter



Tekanan udara dapat diukur dengan menggunakan barometer yang diciptakan oleh Toricelli pada tahun 1643 dari air raksa.

Pada prinsipnya ketika kita berada di puncak gunung jumlah partikel udara lebih kecil dibandingkan berada pada pantai atau laut lepas.

Rumus Tekanan Udara

Ph = (Pu - h/100) cmHg

h = (Pu - Ph) × 100


Ph = tekanan pada ketinggian

Pu = tekanan pada permukaan air laut

h = tinggi suatu tempat

Penyelesaian Soal


Pu = 76 cmHg

• Ph = 35 cmHg


h = …?


h = ( Pu - Ph ) × 100 m

= ( 76 - 35 ) × 100 m

= 41 × 100

= 4.100 m

Jadi ketinggian Shiv dan Anandhi saat itu

adalah 4.100m dari permukaan air laut.

#semoga membantu

#semangat belajar

3. in -your- the- best -speech -on -congratulation -contest- performance


Congratulation your the best in perfomance on contest speech
(Sorry if i'm wrong)

4. Delapa KallUUUUpantai jayanti yang berada di cianjur selatan sangatlah indah.Kalimat di atas harus diperbaiki menjadi ....A. Pantai jayanti yang berada di cianjur selatan sangatlah indah.B. Pantai Jayanti yang berada di Cianjur Selatan sangatlah indah.C. Pantai Jayanti yang berada di cianjur selatan sangatlah indah.D. Pantai jayanti yang berada di cianjur Selatan sangatlah indah.​


B. Pantai Jayanti yang berada di Cianjur Selatan sangatlah indah.

maaf kalo salah ^_^

5. congratulations on your succes in engglish speech olympiad 2019​


selamat atas keberhasilan Anda dalam olimpiade pidato bahasa inggris 2019

6. 5 minutes speech on separation​

Jawaban: maksudnya 5 menit pidato perpisahan y



artinya 5 menit berbicara tentang perpisahan

7. A Speech on ' MY FAMILY TRADITIONS '​


Family Food Traditions Eating brings people closer together everyday, and for everyone, there are important memories that have been created because of food. Whether it’s a formal dinner, or an informal picnic, there will always be special bonds between people because food was involved. We need to have traditions with food because they form and strengthen the bonds between us. There are holidays in every culture where the food is the focal point. For example, the most important tradition involving


Tradisi Makanan Keluarga Makan membuat orang lebih dekat setiap hari, dan bagi semua orang, ada kenangan penting yang tercipta karena makanan. Baik itu makan malam formal, atau piknik informal, akan selalu ada ikatan khusus antara orang-orang karena makanan terlibat. Kita perlu memiliki tradisi dengan makanan karena mereka membentuk dan memperkuat ikatan di antara kita. Ada hari libur di setiap budaya di mana makanan adalah titik fokusnya. Misalnya, tradisi terpenting yang melibatkan




8. jayanti menabung sebesar rp pada sebuah bank yang memberikan bunga 5 % per tahun.setelah diambil,uang jayanti menjadi rp 8.300.000.00 maka tentukan lama jayanti menabung​

besar bunga
= 8300.000 - 8000.000
= 300.000

Bunga Pertahun
= 5/100 x 8000.000 = 400.000

lama menabung
= 300.000 : 400.000/12
= 300.000 x 12/400.000
= 9 bulan


Aritmetika Sosial


B = Rp8.300.000 - Rp8.000.000 = Rp300.000

B = n/12 × p/100 × M awal

300.000 = n/12 × 5/100 × 8.000.000

300.000 = n/12 × 5 × 80.000

300.000 = n/12 × 400.000

300.000 × 12 = n × 400.000

3.600.000 = 400.000n

n = 3.600.000 / 400.000

n = 9 bulan

Tandai sebagai jawaban tercerdas ya jika berkenan! thanks:)[tex]~[/tex]

9. direct speech on snow white​


cari saja yang ada tanda kutipnya atau quotation mark ya ("")


Direct speech atau quoted speech merupakan sebuah kutipan langsung dari ucapan seseorang yang ditandai dengan quotation mark (")


Direct Speech

She says, "She is ill."

You say, " I drink a cup of coffee every morning."

She said, "I take yoga class once a week."

Siska said, "We are watching a movie."

Jonny said, "My sister have finished her class."

10. classify based on part of speech in the table.1- 10​


parts of speech


 .noun                             verb                           adjective

 -everything                           -                              good

 -                                      know                              right

  - dream                               -                                 -              


-                                           -makes                         worth

-  darkness                           -pushing                

-angels                                   - believe                           -    

-anything                                  -help                              -

-                                           -fail

-reality                                  -help

semoga membantu

11. from thr underlined sentence we know that.....a.nadya congratulates riska in winning the speech contestb.riska congratulates nadya in winning the speech contestc.riska congratulates nadya on the celebration d.riska congratulates herself​


b. Riska congratulates Nadya in winning the speech contest

12. make a speech on "health"


hello, my name is __, I will explain what is meant by and what is the importance of health for our bodies, health is very important for us, because if we want to do something our body must be in a healthy and fit state, if our bodies are not healthy, activities that are We want to do it even more difficult and the longer it is over, maintaining health can be done by always washing hands, not eating carelessly, environmental cleanliness also affects our health, for example, if our environment is dirty, there will be lots of mosquitoes, and it could be that the mosquito is a dengue fever mosquito, the point is to always keep your body healthy. so many speeches from me, thank you for the time, i will say goodbye ..


i hope this helps you ^-^

13. Make in correct indirect speech Form!a.Direct SpeechTantri said. "Gilang is at the library now".Indirect Speechb.Direct SpeechThey asked Rudi. "Are you a new student in our class?"Indirect Speechc. Direct SpeechLaura said to Desy, "keep your money in your bag!"Indirect Speech d.Direct SpeechIndirect Speech: Teacher said to his studenst. Don't make noise in this class!e. Direct SpeechInderct SpeechWhen do you come back?​



14. 23. speech - your - winner - English - contest - on-congratulation - the - in sambungkan kata kata berikut​


congratulation in the winner on your English speech contest

15. Tolong disusun supaya menjadi kalimat yang padu ya. In - your - the - best - speech - on - congratulation - contest - performance

congratulation on your best performance contest in the speech.

Maaf kalo salah hehe, tapi urutannya kayaknya begitu sih pas aku buka kamus.

Congratulation in your performance on contest the best speech

Maaf kalo salah

16. Success - congratulation - as-the-first-on-your-in-the-contest- speech - winner.Bantu diurutkan!​


Congratulations on your success as the first winner in the speech contest!


Sorry if there are any possible mistakes. Overall, I think my answer is correct, hope it helps !

17. 23. speech - your - winner - English - contest - on-congratulation - the - in​


Kalimat acak :

23. speech - your - winner - English - contest - on-congratulation - the - in

Kalimat yang telah diperbaiki :

23. Congratulation - on - your - winner - in - the - English - speech - contenst

Thanks yaa :)


adalah congratulation on your Speech English In The Contest


*Congratulation on your Speech English In The Contest* Memiliki Arti:

( Selamat atas Pidato Bahasa Inggris Anda Dalam Kontes )

Maaf jika Ada Kesalahan Dalam Penyusunan Kata katanya :')

18. congratulation on your succes in winning the speech contest this year

Selamat atas keberhasilan mu menjadi pemenang lomba pidato tahun ini

19. best speech on importance on education​


Good morning to the honorable teacher, my respected teacher and my dear friends I want to give a speech on the importance of education to all of you on this great occasion. Education is very important for all of us. Our parents teach us many things at home and then send to school after 3 years of age.

20. The cat ON the table.. On merupakan apa dalam part off speech

The cat on the table

On merupakan preposition atau kata depan

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