
Consider This Data Collected From A Survey Of A Colony

Agustus 25, 2022

Consider This Data Collected From A Survey Of A Colony

2. Consider the following sentence: “Everybody expected Carl to write a novel”. Give the structure (in the form of a tree diagram) of the passive counterpart of this sentence (you may leave out the by everybody phrase from this passive).

Daftar Isi

1. 2. Consider the following sentence: “Everybody expected Carl to write a novel”. Give the structure (in the form of a tree diagram) of the passive counterpart of this sentence (you may leave out the by everybody phrase from this passive).

sorry lack of explanation so it hasn't been considered a problem. sorry can not be answered


2. consider this sequence 3,6,12,24,48,find in the term of. ,the formula of the nth term of this sequence​


the formula was 3.2^n

while n is respective number from 0 to unlimited. but its a round number, not partial one

3. There are a total of 1280 ants in an ant colony. The antcolony grows at a steady rate of 5% of the originalnumber of ants per day. How many ants are there in thecolony after 10 days?​ (math)

2560 ants

Maaf kalau salah

4. refer to the exhibit. consider the ip address configuration shown from pc1. what is a description of the default gateway address?

Consider the ip address configuration shown from pc1. what is a description of the default gateway address is It is the IP address of the Router1 interface that connects the PC1 LAN to Router1.


Maksud dari jawaban tersebut adalah Gateway default digunakan untuk merutekan paket yang ditujukan untuk jaringan jarak jauh. Alamat IP gateway default adalah alamat perangkat Layer 3 pertama (antarmuka router) yang terhubung ke jaringan yang sama. Gateway default bertindak sebagai titik akses atau router IP yang digunakan komputer jaringan untuk mengirim informasi ke komputer di jaringan lain atau Internet. Secara default, ini berarti  gateway ini akan digunakan secara default kecuali  aplikasi menentukan gateway lain. Dari segi pengertian, gateway secara umum dapat dikatakan membantu menghubungkan  jaringan komputer yang satu dengan jaringan komputer yang lain dengan protokol yang lain.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi tentang penjelasan tentang gateway default:


5. Somebody has collected this garbage into passive voice


This garbage has been collected by somebody


Somebody has collected this garbage

Structure Kalimatnya:Subject => Somebody Has/have => hasVerb-3 => collected Object => This garbage

Berdasarkan Structure di atas:Kalimat bentuk aktif karena Subjek melakukan aksi Kalimat aktif tersebut memiliki pola Present Perfect yaitu Has+V3Maka kalimat Passive nya adalah object diberi aksi oleh subject

Berikut Rumus yg digunakan:

Active Voice-Present Perfect

(+) S + has/have + V3 + O

=> Somebody has collected this garbage

Passive Voice-Present Perfect

(+) O + has/have + been + V3 + By S

=> This garbage has been collected by somebody

=== Semoga Membantu ===

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Passive Voice:

DETAIL JAWABAN Mapel: Bahasa Inggris Materi: Passive Voice Level: SHS Kode Soal: 5Kode Kategorisasi: 11.5

Kata Kunci: Active Voice, Has, Verb-3Passive Voice, Has, Been, Verb-3


6. 4. Firman said, "I have collected all of the partsa. Firman said that he had collected all of the partsb. Firman said that had collected all of the partsc. Firman said that he collected all of the partsd. Firman said that he collect all of the parts​




yeah like that

what ever :)


A. Firman said that he had collected all of the parts :)

7. A survey indicates that the vast majority of college students own their own personal computers. what information would you want to know before you accepted the results of this survey?


Were the questions clear, accurate, unbiased, and valid?

What sampling design was used?

What was the sample size?

What questions were asked?

Who funded the survey?

What was the population from which the sample was selected?

8. Please really, this assignment will be collected on a piece of paper.. So it really needs to be collected, thank you very much.. Later I will give 5 stars


1. Hendri Was Sleeping

2. I was cooking

3. We were talking

4. Was repairing

5. She was buying

6. The dog was barking

7. Mike and Rocky were playing

8. Mrs. Gold was running

9. I was writing

10. Ridho was feeding


Itu Past - Continuous, menggunakan Was + V-ing untuk (i, he, she, it, nama orang, dan lain lain) dan menggunakan Were+V-ing untuk (You, They, We)

9. consider the following data 5,8,7,9,7,6,7,9,k+2,k of the average of the data is 7,6 then the value k is... a.7 b.8 c.9 d.10

X₂  = Xmerge - X₁
x₂= ( 7,6 x 10 ) - ( 5 + 8 + 7 + 9 + 7 + 6 + 7 + 9 )
2k + 2 = ( 76 ) - ( 58 )
2k + 2 = 18 
2k       = 18 - 2
2k       =  16

k = 16/2
k = 8
k = 8
k + 2 = 8 + 2
         = 10

10. berdasarkan sifatnya, data diatas adalah data....A. Kualitatif B. KuantitatifC. WawancaraD. Survey ​



Data tersebut termasuk ke dalam jenis data kualitatif.Sebab, tidak memuat kuantitas (berkenaan dengan angka).

Berbeda halnya dengan data kuantitatif, yakni data yang berpegang pada kuantitas atau identik dengan angka.


Jawaban yang tepat adalah A.Kualitatif

11. Data were collected on the fiber diameter and the fleece weight of wool taken from a sample of 20 sheep. the data are shown in the following graphs. graph 1 is a scatterplot of fleece weight versus fiber diameter with the respective least-squares regression line shown. graph 2 is the associated plot of the residuals versus the predicted values.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Pengambilan data diameter serat dan berat bulu domba diambil dari sampel sebanyak 20 ekor domba. data tersebut disajikan dalam grafik berikut. grafik 1 adalah sebaran berat bulu domba versus diameter serat dengan masing-masing garis regresi kuadrat terkecil ditampilkan. grafik 2 adalah plot terkait dari residu versus nilai yang diprediksi

12. help me, this assignment will be collected tomorrow​


k = 9x10⁹ Nm²/C²

E = E1 + E2

E = k q1q2/r + kq1q3/r

E = kq1(q2/r + q3/r)

E = 9x10⁹ x 2x10⁻⁶ (-4/6 + 3/5)x10⁻⁶/10⁻²

E = 0,12 J

*maaf klo tdk benar

*biasakan cari jawaban lain utk dibandingkan


13. "The assignments have been collected by teacher"What is the active form of this sentence?a.Teacher is collected the assignments.b.Teacher have collected the assignments.c.Teacher has collected the assignments.d.Teacher has collecting the assignments.e.Teacher is collecting the assignments.​


c. teacher has collected the assignments

14. 3. 1........... a lot of photographs of famous football players. a. has collectedb. have collected 4. 1....... never .......... a jet ski. Have you? a. have - ridden b. has - ridden5. ........ you ever ..... Leonel Messi?a. has - metb. have - met​


1. b

2. a

3. b


untuk subjek I, We, They, You menggunakan have

untuk subjek He, She, It menggunakan has

jadikan jawaban terbaik ya makasii

15. How much money was collected at this timer


arti :

berapa banyak uang yang didapat di jam segini?

jawaban /answer :

jawaban terletak pada dialog yang tertera di buku tsb.

kesimpulan singkat :

(pertanyaan)how much money was collected at this time?

(answer/jawaban)tergantung pada dialog / teks yang tersedia.

Keterangan lebih lanjut :

Mapel :Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : 6

Bagian :Profesi, dan Pembacaan Uang.

Kata Kunci :profesi, penyebutan uang, waktu.

16. menggali informasi dari hasil survey adalah langkah awal yang harus dilakukan saat akan.... a. mencari data b. mengumpulkan data c. melakukan survey d. memulai survey

b. mengumpulkan data..langkah awal adalah mencari data jika sudah dicari baru dikumpulkan lalu melakukan surver dan memulainya
:) semoga membantu

17. Consider the reaction for the commercial preparation of ammonia ; synthesis of ammonia (NH3) from the reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen. a) How many moles of hydrogen are needed to prepare 312 moles of ammonia? b) How many grams of hydrogen is this?



soriy ttayqyquq

18. Mhon dibantu terjemahkan teks ini guys! : However, Indonesian ignored all kinds of threats from the colony. This reaction then led the battle of 10 November to be occured.

Namun, Indonesia mengabaikan berbagai macam ancaman dari koloni (penjajah). Hal inilah yang menyebabkan terjadinya peperangan 10 November.

19. Lidia : Yes, she does. Novels ... (18) by her. Anovel is always bought in a collectedb.was collectedc.are collectedd.were collected​

Jawaban: collected


maaf kalau salah

20. from the survey we know that music….(help) people to get rid of bad mood




From the survey, we know that music is….(helps) people to get rid of bad moods

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