
Two Uniform Strings A And B Made Of Steel

Juli 08, 2022

Two Uniform Strings A And B Made Of Steel

A...... is usually made of iron and steel

Daftar Isi

1. A...... is usually made of iron and steel





2. Write two sentences using is made of and are made of!


this table is made of wood.

those chairs are made of plastic.


tolong jawaban tercerdas kak terimakasih


The eraser is made of rubber.

The pencils are made of wood.

3. There are 2 bench seats in a school garden, one made out of wood, and the other made of steel. Why is the bench seat made out of wood much warmer to sit than the one made of steel?


There are 2 bench seats in a school garden,on made out of wood,and the other made of steel. Why is the bench seat made out of wood much warmer to sit than the on made of steel


( Terdapat 2 bangku di taman sekolah, terbuat dari kayu, dan satu lagi dari baja. Mengapa kursi bangku yang terbuat dari kayu jauh lebih hangat untuk diduduki daripada yang terbuat dari baja ? )


A.wood is a poor conductor of heat, which means that when we sit on a bench made of wood, our energy is dificcult to absorb by . Therefore, when we are sitting on a bench made of wood, the energy in our skin does not move ( not absorbed by wood ), so feel that the wood temperature is warm warm only.


( Karena, kayu merupakan penghantar panas yang buruk.itu artinya, ketika kita duduk di sebuah bangku yang terbuat dari kayu, energi dari kita itu sulit diserap oleh kayu. oleh karena itu, ketika kita sedang duduk di bangku yang terbuat dari kayu energi yang ada dikulit kita relatif tidak berpindah ( tidak diserap oleh kayu ), sehingga kita merasa bahwa suhu kayu hangat-hangat saja. )

B. steel is a good conductor of heat, it means that when we are sitting on a bench made of steel or energy is absorbed quickly by steel. Therefore, when we sit on a bench made of steel, as a result, our skin loses some of its energy and skin too, Feel cool. That's why we conclude that steel is cold.




4. In scrapyards, magnetic .......................... of attraction is used to lift heavy objects made of iron or steel.


Get used to

No penjelasan

I am sorry

5. Steel is denser than seawater, so it will sink in the seawater. Explain why a ship which is made of steel can float on seawater​


The air that is inside a ship is much less dense than water. That's what keeps it floating!


Udara yang ada di dalam kapal jauh lebih padat daripada air. Itulah yang membuatnya tetap mengambang!

6. 4.The hull is made ... steel.a.on b. by c. of d. above​


the hull is made ofsteel

a. on = di

b. by = oleh

c. of = dari

d. above = diatas

cari yg tepat

7. steel to molten steel is an example of a​


benda padat / solid object

semoga membantu

8. Write two sentences using is made of and are made oftolong bantu​


is made of = the book is made of paper

are made of = the blankets are made of cotton and cloth

apa bedanya? kalo IS untuk satu benda saja dan ARE untuk 2 / lebih (pake 's' atau 'es' dibelakangnya)

9. can be used • to separatewastes madeof:Iron--------------------and steel fromnon-magneticwastes• to----------------------heavy iron andsteel objects inscrapyards​


dapat digunakan

• untuk memisahkan

limbah dibuat




dan baja dari



• untuk



10. The buildings ... of marble and granite. a. were made b. was made c. have been made d. is made ​

~B. Inggris~


A.Were made.


Kenapa jawabannya A, were?Gegara buildings (pake "s") makanya itu jamak/banyak. Karena di pilihannya ndak ada selain were,maka dari itu jawaban yang tepat adalah A.


11. lamps...of glass and metal. A. are made. B. were madeC. made D. make​


B were made


karena ada tambahan S diakhir kata lamps yang menunjukkan benda lebih dari satu dan sudah terjadi..oleh karena itu menggunakan were

12. the kites ......thin bamboos and paper a. is made by b. are made of c. are made by d. is made of


layang-layang ...... bambu tipis dan kertas

a. dibuat oleh

b. terbuat dari

c. dibuat oleh

d. terbuat dari

13. maths champion page 63-64D.The figure is made up of a quadrant and a semi circle (take π 22/7)E.This figure is made up of a semicircle and two identical quadrants(take π22/7)​


The following the implementation of regional moderator and the bear brand new day Cherry blossom farm and get to play or free.

Maaf kalau salah.

Semoga Membantu!!!

14. three strings A, B, and C, are attached to a circular ring, as shown in Figure 4.35. The strings and the ring all lie on a smooth horizontal surface and are at rest. The tension in string A is 8.0 N. Calculate the tension in strings B and C.



maaf kak kalo salah,, semoga bisa bantu

15. artinya the puppets are made of leather . there are two groups of puppets good characters and bad characters.

wayang terbuat dari kulit, ada dua jenis wayang yaitu yang mempunyai karakter baik dan karakter burukWayang terbuat dari kulit. Ada 2 grup wayang karakter baik dan karakter jahat

16. What is made up of a verb and one or two prepositions or adverbs

Apa yang terdiri dari kata kerja dan satu atau dua preposisi atau kata keterangan

17. the figure is made up of two identical quadrants and a square. find the area of the shaded region.

[tex] \frac{1}{4} [/tex] x 21 + [(21 x 21) - 

18. Tigor : This bag is ........ ! Whose bag is it ? Made : It’s mine. Tigor : ............................... Made : Yes, It’s my new bag. Tigor : .................................. ? What is it made of ? Made : Cloth. And it has a long strap and two pockets. Tigor : ......................... It’s really a cool ......................... Made : Thanks !

T: this bag is super cool! whose bag is it ?
M: it's mine
T: is it really your bag ?
M: yes, it's my new bag.
T: what does 'it' have? what is it made of ?
M: Cloth. and it has a long strap and two pockets
T: amazing.. it's a really cool bag, Made.
M: thanks !

19. Two days ago dodo ( make , made , Makes ) a cup of cake


make cup of cake


pokok nya soal nya di suruh milih yaitu make tapi kalau ada keselahan tolong di balas nanti saya kasih penjelasan

20. 20. A magnet cannot attract the pan because ... *5 pointsthe pan is made of ironthe pan is made of steelthe pan is made of nickelthe pan is made of alumuniumTOLONG PLIZ​


A magnet cannot attract the pan because ...

The pan is made of aluminium


aluminium is non-magnetic material

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