
Europe Me Rashtravad Ka Uday Question Answer

Juni 12, 2022

Europe Me Rashtravad Ka Uday Question Answer

Answer the question based from the text above! • How many species of jasmine come from Europe?

Daftar Isi

1. Answer the question based from the text above! • How many species of jasmine come from Europe?

Jasmines are native to tropical and subtropical regions of Eurasia, Australasia and Oceania, although only one of the 200 species is native to Europe. Their center of diversity is in South Asia and Southeast Asia.

Just one.

2. perbandingan kelereng Adi dan Uday 3:4 jika kelereng Adi 9 berapakah kelereng Uday ?

4/3×9=36:3=12. kayaknya sih gitu caranya.Maaf y kalo salah3:4=9:uday
=36:3=12 kelereng

3. Answer this question carefully! gabungan benua asia dan eropa disebut dengan benua ? A. erosia B. eurasia C. asiana D. europe

Jawabannya :

Gabungan benua asia dan eropa disebut dengan benua Eurasia (B). Karena Eurasia singkatan dari Eropa Asia

Semoga Membantu

4. 1. I will go to Europe on February 10th. Please call me before that day. If you call me afterFebruary 10, I already to Europe.a. will be goingb. will have gone​


b. will have gone



b. will have gone

maaf klo salah

Semoga membantu

5. in 1900 the journey from New York to Europe by ship was about six day Is the statement true?please answer :))))

I think that is true. Because, at the time people used ships to travel long distances.

6. 1. The ball is spherical.Answer:...2. There are four seasons in Europe.Answer:...3. This is a dictionary.Answer:4. The snow falls to the ground.Answer:..5. My father is a farmer.Answer:...Tolong dong kasih tau jawabannya plis ​


yes ,the ball is spherical

yes,there are four seasons on Europe

(gk tau)

yes,the snow falls to the ground



maaf bnget klo salah

7. The dialog uday : Excuse me sir . Mr. ucok : yes uday what i can do for you ? uday : i would like to discuss my proposal about giving aid to poor kids . Mr.ucok : I completely agree , but i wonder how you would get the money uday : Err.... I'll write open letters and deliver them to students parents i hope they won't mind participating in this charity Mr.ucok : i'm sorry i don't think it's a good idea. you should not add more burdens on the parents uday : I see well what do you think if i invite the students to collect unused items and book ? Mr.ucok : sure i like this idea uday : thank you sir I'll fix the proposal and at the same time write the announcement thank you for that support Mr.ucok : you're welcome by the way the students are right by appointing you the osis chairperson uday : thank you for the trust and I'll always do my best The questions 1. What is Uday 2. What is Uday proposal about 3. What Express Showa disagreement 4. In your opinion , why Mr. Ucok Prius of uday

1. OSIS Chairperson (Ketua OSIS)
2. Giving aid to poor person
3. "i'm sorry i don't think it's a good idea"
4. Because Uday have a bright idea about how to collect money



Soal & Jawaban =



Cara =

Mula Mula = 1 Bola.

Diberikan = 1 Bola.

1 - 1 = 0.

Jadi, Miliknya 0 Atau Tidak Ada.

Semoga membantumu ;).

9. Tell me how many countries are in europe?

The more or less about 50 countries

10. european cup adalah...

piala eropa perlombaan yg dilaksanakan oleh eropaMenurut saya Europan Cup adalah pertandingan sepak bola dalam perebutan piala yg di laksanakan di Eropa.
Itu jwbn dri saya.

11. it is december in europe the season is... in europe​

it is December in Europe

the season is Snowyin europe




bulan eropa terdiri dari 4 musin. dimana setiap bulan desember-maret, musim dingin dan salju menyeluruhi benua eropa

12. What do European people do to greet people they meet?di bahasa indonesiaAnswer:​


What do European people do to greet people they meet?

french:kiss the cheek

Spanish:kiss the cheek

Italy:kiss the cheek

Netherlands:kiss the cheek

Brazil: kiss the cheek


Apa yang dilakukan orang Eropa untuk menyapa orang yang mereka temui?

Prancis:mencium pipi

Spanyol:mencium pipi

Italia:mencium pipi

Belanda:mencium pipi

Brazil:mencium pipi


maaf kalo salah

semoga membantu


13. Mention Countries In Europe!(Must Complete)• Western Europe,• Northern Europe, • Eastern Europe,• Southern Europe,​



Spain ( Spanyol )France ( Perancis )PortugalMonaco ( Monako )Ireland ( Irlandia )Luxembourg ( Luksemburg )United Kingdom ( Inggris )Netherland ( Belanda )Belgium ( Belgia )Andorra


SwediaDenmarkNorway ( Norwegia )Finland ( Finlandia )EstoniaLatviaLithuania


ArmeniaAzerbaijanBelarusiaBulgariaGeorgiaHungary ( Hungaria )MoldovaPoland ( Polandia )Republik Ceko ( Czech Republic )Romania ( Rumania )Russia ( Rusia )SlovakiaUkraine ( Ukraina )


AlbaniaBosnia & HerzegovinaItaly ( Italia )KosovoCroatia ( Kroasia )Macedonia ( Makedonia )MaltaMontenegroSan MarinoSerbiaCyprus ( Siprus )SloveniaTurkey ( Turki )Vatican City ( Vatikan )Greece ( Yunani )PortugalSpain ( Spanyol )Andorra

14. I'm buying a....... A. New cheap european car B. European cheap new car C. Cheap new european car D. Cheap new european car Berikan alasan nya

A karena grammar nya lebih meyakinkanjawabannya adalah A karena urutan untuk memberikan keterangan pada sebuah benda adalah kondisi, harga, asal, baru bendanya. lagipula ada quantifier yaitu a yg bisa dilekatkan dengan kata berbunyi konsonan.
jadi jawabannya A. new cheap European car.

15. Uday berlari 100m dengan hitungan 0,0128 sedangkan adi berlari 100m dengan hitungan 0,64 cepetan mana?​


cepetan uday

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf kalau salah

16. Mulai tahun 1999, masyarakat eropa hanya mengenal satu mata uang yang disebut … * a. european currency unit b. european current unit c. european money unit d. european cash unit


Mulai tahun 1999, Masyarakat Eropa hanya mengenal satu mata uang yang disebut European Currency Unit (ECU).


jawaban nya a ya

17. i hate... food , a. europe b. euro c. european

c. i hate european foodi hate... food
i think the correct answer is C.european
"i love Indonesian food."
in that words, we use "an" behind the word.
hope this help :D

18. 1 are- in the season-what-europe-?answer2 the-boom-Flower-during-everywhere- spring ?answer3 can-seer - the-we-at-star-night?answer4 dry-the-in-season-is-hot-weather?answer5 in-season-cloudy-the-is-sky rainy ?answer​


1. What are the season in Europe?

2. The flower bloom everywhere during spring

3. Can we see the star at night

4. in season dry the weather is hot

5. in season rainy the sky is cloudy



1. apa musim di eropa?

2. bunga mekar di mana-mana selama musim semi

3. bisakah kita melihat bintang di malam hari

4. di musim kemarau cuacanya panas

5. di musim hujan langit berawan

maaf jika salah



19. Apa tujuan dibentuknya European Atomic Community dan European Economic Community?


Tujuan pembetukan European Economic Community adalah terciptanya pencapaian costum unions, import quotas,dan berbagai hambatan perdagangan lainnya antar sesama negara anggota.

Tujuan pembetukan European Atomic Community adalah Menciptakan pasar khusus untuk tenaga nuklir di eropa dan mengembangkan energi nuklir dan mendistribusikannya ke negara-negara anggotanya.

semoga membantu ^ω^


~ Sej

Tujuan dibentuknya European Atomic Community dan European Economic Community:

Meningkatkan tarif yang tinggi dan membatasi secara ketat barang-barang masuk yang bukan dari negara-negara anggota.Menghapuskan bea masuk dan pembatasan impor-ekspor antara negara-negara anggota.Memberikan bantuan dana kepada negara-negara yang masih rendah pendapatan ekonominya.

Semoga bermanfaat .

20. PAk uday berancana melakukan perjalanan 5 jam menggunakan sebuah mobil dengan kecepatan rata rata 48 km/jam.Ternyata setelah 3 jam perjalanan pak uday istirahat selama 30 menit.Agar sampai tujuan sesuai rencana,maka kecepatan rata rata mobil tersebut adalah

Jarak= 48*5=240km
jarak yg ditempuh selama 3 jam= 48*3=144km
sisa jarak= 240-144= 96km
waktu yang tersisa=1,5 jam
kecepatan yang harus digunakan dalam 1,5 jam terakhir=96/1,5=64 km/jam
kecepatan rata2= 240/4,5=53,3km/jam

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