
A Coil Of Wire Enclosing An Area 100cm2

Juni 22, 2022

A Coil Of Wire Enclosing An Area 100cm2

mr wong cuts a coil of wire into two pieces in the ratio 5:1 the leghth of the coil of wire is 180 long is the shorter piece of wire

Daftar Isi

1. mr wong cuts a coil of wire into two pieces in the ratio 5:1 the leghth of the coil of wire is 180 long is the shorter piece of wire

ratio = 5 : 1
sum ratio = 5+1 = 6
Long = 180 cm
shorter piece = 1/6* 180 cm
                      =180 cm / 6
                      = 30 cm

good luck , follow yeah ,thank

2. John cuts a coil of wire into two pieces in the ratio of 5 : 1. The length of the coil of wire is 180 cm. How long is the long wire? ​

150 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

the length of the long wire is

5/(1+5) x 180 cm = 5/6 x 180 cm

= 150 cm

3. Mr Tan cuts a coil of wire into two pieces in the ratio of 3 : 4. The length of the longer piece of wire is 32 cm. What is the total length of the coil of wire?


the total length = 7/4 x 32 = 56 cm

4. An iron wire is bent into a circle which radius is 21. If the wire is now bent into a rectangle, what is the maximum value of area of it? (Take phi = 22/7)

Cari panjang kawat dulu,

keliling lingkaran : π × d

22/7 × 42 = 132 cm

keliling persegi panjang :

(p + l) × 2

132 : 2 = p + l

66 cm = p + l

Berarti jumlah p + l = 66 cm

kemungkinan paling besar adalah

66:2 = 33

p = 33 + 1 = 34

l = 33 - 1 = 32

Luas = 34 × 32

[tex]1088 \: cm {}^{2} [/tex]



5. A wire made of an unknown substance has a resistance of 125 mω. the wire has a length of 1.8 m and a cross-sectional area of 2.35×10 -5 m2 .what is the resistivity of the substance from which the wire is made? give your answer in scientific notation to one decimal place.




ghhvhhhhh hh

6. The weight of a piece of wire is directly proportional to its length. A piece of wire is 25 cm long and has a weight of 6 grams. What is the weight of another piece of the same wire which is 30 cm long.

step-by-step explanation :

According to the question

25 cm piece of wire has weight of 6 grams

So, 1 cm of wire will has a weight of 0.24 grams

( as 25cm weight = 6grams,

1cm = 6/25 grams = 0.24 grams)

As 1 cm = 0.24 grams so,

30 cm = 0.24 x 30 grams

= 7.2 grams

7. A copper wire of cross-sectional area 2.0 mm2 carries a current of 10a. how many electrons pass through a given cross-section of the wire in one second ?

A copper wire of cross-sectional area 2.0 mm2 carries a current of 10a. how many electrons pass through a given cross-section of the wire in one second?

Sebuah kawat tembaga memiliki area potongan melintang 2.0 mm2 membawa arus 10a. Berapa jumlah elektron yang lewat melalui potongan melintang kabel tersebut dalam satu detik?

Jumlah elektron yang lewat melalui cross-section kabel tersebut adalah 6.25 x 10¹⁹ elektron/detik


Pertanyaan ini sedikit menjebak karena menyebut area potongan melintang yang dapat diabaikan.

Apa itu ampere?

Satu Ampere sama dengan satu Coulomb per detik

(1 A = 1 C).


10A = 10 Coulumb/detik

Apa itu coulomb?

Satu Coulomb (C) sama dengan kira-kira 6.241 x 10¹⁸ muatan dasar,

Atau 1 C = 6.241 x 10¹⁸ x Muatan Dasar

                 (Dimana Muatan Dasar memiliki konstan = 1.6 x 10⁻¹⁹ C)

              = 6.241 x 10¹⁸ x 1.60217662 x 10⁻¹⁹ C


1 C = 6.241 x 10¹⁸ elektron/detik

10 C = (10 C x 6.241 x 10¹⁸elektron/detik) / 1 C

       = 6.241 x 10¹⁸ elektron/detik

Sekarang, muatan dasar selalu memiliki konstan 1.6 x 10⁻¹⁹ C, yang berarti anda akan mendapatkan 6.25 x 10¹⁸ elektron dalam satu Coulomb.

Jadi, jawabannya adalah:

10C x (6.25 x 10¹⁸ elektron/detik)/1 C = 6.25 x 10¹⁸elektron/detik.

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Penjelasan tentang Arus Listrik

Penjelasan tentang Tegangan listrik, Arus listrik, Hambatan listrik

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

8. Please Answer Correctly 1. If a 1.5 m length of resistance wire has a resistance of 1.9 Ω and the wire has a diameter of 0.9 mm, calculate the resistivity of the wire. 2. The length of a piece of wire is 4 m and the resistance is 1.6 Ω. If the electrical resistance of the wire is 8 x 10-7 Ωm, what is the cross-sectional area of the wire? 3. A 2m long piece of wire has a cross-section area of 0.15 mm2. What is the resistance of the wire if its resistivity is 2x10-8 Ωm? 4. A 2m long wire with a cross-sectional area of 1 mm2 has a resistance of 16 Ω. What is the resistance of the wire if the cross-sectional area is 2 mm2? 5. If the resistance of a wire is 16 Ω, the length of the wire is 4 m. What is the resistance of the wire if it is 1 m long? 6. The length of a wire is 1m. If the wire is now cut to 0.5 m, the resistance of the wire becomes .... (same/half times larger / twice larger) 7. If the 1.25 m length of resistance wire has a resistance of 3 Ω and the wire has a diameter of 0.5 m. The resistivity of the wire is...


Tolong Jawab Dengan Benar

1. Jika kawat hambatan sepanjang 1,5 m memiliki hambatan 1,9 dan kawat memiliki diameter 0,9 mm, hitunglah hambatan kawat tersebut.

2. Panjang seutas kawat adalah 4 m dan hambatannya 1,6 . Jika hambatan listrik kawat adalah 8 x 10-7 m, berapa luas penampang kawat tersebut?

3. Sepotong kawat sepanjang 2m memiliki luas penampang 0,15 mm2. Berapakah hambatan kawat jika resistivitasnya 2x10-8 m?

4. Sebuah kawat sepanjang 2m dengan luas penampang 1 mm2 memiliki hambatan 16 . Berapakah hambatan kawat jika luas penampangnya 2 mm2?

5. Jika hambatan sebuah kawat adalah 16 , panjang kawat tersebut adalah 4 m. Berapakah hambatan kawat jika panjangnya 1 m?

6. Panjang seutas kawat adalah 1m. Jika kawat sekarang dipotong menjadi 0,5 m, hambatan kawat

menjadi .... (sama/setengah kali lebih besar / dua kali lebih besar)

7. Jika panjang kawat hambatan 1,25 m memiliki hambatan 3 dan kawat memiliki diameter 0,5 m. Resistivitas kawat tersebut adalah...


ini arti nya doang yaヾ(^-^)ノjawaban nya sendiri aja takut nya salah klo aku yg Jawabಥ‿ಥ makasih

9. a piece of wire of length 13.8 is bent to form a square find the area of the square formed​

Jawab: 11.9025

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

side =  [tex]\frac{13.8}{4}[/tex] = 3.45

area = side x side = 3.45 x 3.45 = 11.9025

10. A step-up tranformer has a coil trun ratio of 1 : 100. An alternating supply of 20 V us connected across the primary coil. What is secondary voltage

Np / Ns = Vp / Vd
1 / 100 = 20 / Vs
Vs = 2000 V ← ans

11. ahmad made a pyramid of wire with a square base with a side length of 8 cm and an upright edges of 10 cm.the length of wire needed is


ahmad membuat sebuah piramida dari kawat dengan alas persegi dengan panjang sisi 8 cm dan rusuk tegak 10 cm. panjang kawat yang dibutuhkan adalah

12. 4. A student is provided with a 3.0 m long wire with a current of 0.15 A flowing through it. What is the strength of the magnetic field at the centre of the wire if the wire is bent into a circular coil of one turn ?

Jawaban sudah saya tulis, jadikan brainliest ya.

13. Agung has a 5 meter long wire (kawat). the wire is used to make a cube frame with a length of 35 cm. the rest of wire is

[tex]the \: length \: of \: a \: cube \: frame \\ 12 \: edges \times side \: length \\ 12 \times 35 \: cm \\ 420 \: cm \\ \\ the \: rest \: of \: wire \\ 500 \: cm - 420 \: cm \\ 80 \: cm[/tex]

14. A wire 1 m long carries a current of 10 A. If the wire is placed in a 0.01 T magnetic field whose direction is at an angle of 60° to the direction of the current, the magnetic force experienced by the wire is...​tolong jawab yaa makasihh



F = B x i x l x Sin θ

F = 0,01 x 10 x 1 x Sin 60°

F = 0,1 x 0,5[tex]\sqrt{3}[/tex]

F = 0,05[tex]\sqrt{3}[/tex] N

15. A wire is bent into a rectangle. The ratio of the length of the rectangle to its breadth is 7 : 5. If the total length of the wire is 240 cm, find the area of the rectangle formed by the wire. a. 1,750 square centimetres b. 2,250 square centimetres c. 3,500 square centimetres d. 4,250 square centimetres



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf kalo slaah jadiin jawban tercedas

16. Mynah had a piece of wire, k cm long. She cut off 7 cm of it and bent the remaining wire into an equilateral triangle. Each side of the equilateral triangle measured 13 cm. How long was the piece of wire?


long piece the wire

= 7 + (13×3)

= 7 + 39 = 46 cm

K = 46

17. what is an area of a square?


Ketahui rumus untuk mencari luas persegi (Luas=sisi^2).

Karena semua persegi memiliki panjang sisi yang sama, Anda hanya perlu mengalikan panjang sisi persegi dengan dirinya sendiri. Jika panjang sisi sebuah persegi adalah 3 cm, maka Anda hanya perlu mengkuadratkan 3 cm untuk mencari luas persegi.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga bermanfaat

18. A transformer has 50 turns on its primary coil and 100 turns on its secondary coil. An a.c. voltage of 25.0 V is connected across the primary coil. What is the voltage across the secondary coil?​

A transformer has 50 turns on its primary coil and 100 turns on its secondary coil. An a.c. voltage of 25.0 V is connected across the primary coil. What is the voltage across the secondary coil?


Known :

Np = 50 turns

Ns = 100 turns

Vp = 25,0 V

Asked :

The voltage across the secondary coil ?

Solution :

Vp/Vs = Np/Ns

25,0/Vs = 50/100

1/Vs = 2/100

2 . Vs = 100

Vs = 50,0 V ✅

19. arti dari aloop of wire between the poles of a magnet

English : A loop of wire between the poles of a magnet.

Bahasa : Lingkaran kawat di antara kutub magnet.



arti dari aloop of wire between the poles of a magnet



arti dari "aloop of wire between the poles of a magnet" adalah = lingkaran kawat di antara kutub magnet

terima kasih semoga membantu maaf klo salah:3



20. a 2A current running through an infinitely long wire (up). 10 cm from the wire, there is a rectangular coil with a current 5A running counterclockwise. if the sides of the squares are 5 cm, what is the total force actin on the squares and to which direction?

jawabannya ada di foto ya..
semoga membantu :)

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