
Write Reaction Showing Conversion Of Benzonitrile Into Benzoic Acid

Mei 02, 2022

Write Reaction Showing Conversion Of Benzonitrile Into Benzoic Acid

Write a balanced chemical equation describing the reaction of zinc and hydrochloric acid !

1. Write a balanced chemical equation describing the reaction of zinc and hydrochloric acid !

Answer :


Metal Metal =Zn(s) Hydrochloric acid solution =HCl(aq) Zinc Chloride =ZnCl2(aq) Hydrogen Gas =H2 (g)

Zn(s)+HCl (aq) -->ZnCl2(aq)+H2 (g)

EquateZn(s) +2HCl(aq)-->ZnCL2 (aq) +H2 (g)

2. Color reaction of ascorbic acid with sodium hydroxide stability ?


Tanya ama gurunya saya bukan suhu



maaf yah..................

3. the reaction of potassium and silver with dilute acid​


reaksi kalium dan perak dengan asam encer

4. When acid is mixed with sodium carbonate, is it an example of endothermic or exothermic reaction?


Energy is conserved in chemical reactions, so the total amount of energy in the universe at the end of a reaction is the same as it was before the reaction.

When a chemical reaction happens, energy is transferred to or from the surroundings. When energy is transferred to the surroundings, this is called an exothermic reaction, and the temperature of the surroundings increases. Examples of exothermic reactions include:

combustion reactions

many oxidation reactions

most neutralisation reactions

Everyday uses of exothermic reactions include self-heating cans and hand warmers.

When energy is taken in from the surroundings, this is called an endothermic reaction and the temperature of the surroundings decreases. Examples of endothermic reactions include:

thermal decomposition reactions

the reaction of citric acid and sodium hydrogencarbonate

Everyday uses of endothermic reactions include instant ice packs which can be used to treat sports injuries.

The slideshow describes an exothermic reaction between dilute sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid and an endothermic reaction between sodium carbonate and ethanoic acid

5. Write down 5 expression of showing care!

are you oke?
do you need help?
what happen?
how are you?
Are you alright?
Do you feel well?
What's happening with you?
Are you fine?
You're OK, aren't you?

6. Write down four expressions of:a. showing attentionb. showing admiration​


A.Showing attention

7. Write on exprssion of showing agreement​



Yes, i agree on what you said. That Will be a successfull plan

8. write down five expressions of showing hesitation​


Tuliskan lima ekspresi menunjukkan keraguan


maaf jika salah,saya cumak mengartikan ny saya!

9. write down 5 expression of showing care

What a pity of you! (Kasihan sekali kamu!)

I sympathize with your condition. (Aku peduli dengan keadaanmu)

It would be OK soon. (Itu akan segera membaik)

Don't worry, I'm here for you. (Jangan khawatir, aku disini untukmu)

It is going to be alright. (Itu akan baik-baik saja)

I'm extremely sorry to hear that. (Aku sangat berduka mendengarnya)

I was deeply sorry to hear you sick. (Aku sangat berduka mendengarmu sakit)

Please accept my condolences. (Turut berbela sungkawa)

I know how it feels. (Saya tahu bagaimana rasanya)

I am sorry to hear that (Turut berduka cita)

10. Please write 5 expressions of showing attention *​


Please write 5 expressions of showing attention:

→ 1. What happen?

2. What is the matter?

3. What it is?

4. What happening?

5. What make you screanm like that?


Tolong tulis 5 ekspresi menunjukkan perhatian1.

→ 1. Apa yang terjadi?

2. Ada apa?

3. Apa itu?

4. Apa yang terjadi?

5. Apa yang membuatmu berteriak seperti itu?


semoga bermanfaat:)#jadikan jawaban yang terbaik#semangat belajar dirumah#belajar bersama brainlylike dan follow saya ya:)

11. 1. Write the complete equation (use molecularformula) for the reactions of potassium with:a. Hydrochloric acidb. Sulfuric acidc. Nitric acidD. Name the salts that are produced ineach equation.2. What is the gas produced in the reaction ofmetal with acid? How can it be tested??​



1. Please write the complete equation (using molecular formula) for the reactions of potassium with:

a. Hydrochloric acid

b. Sulfuric acid

c. Nitric acid

2. Please name the salts produced as the result of each equation!

3. What is the name of the gas produced through the reaction of metal with acid? How could that particular gas be tested?


1. Molecular formula is a formula giving the number of atoms of each of the elements present in one molecule of a specific compound.

a. Hydochloric acid: HCL

b. Sulfuric acid: H₂SO₄

c. Nitric acid: HNO3

2. The salts produced as the result of each equation

a. Hydrochloric acid produces chloric salts.

b. Sulfuric acid produces sulfate salts.

c. Nitric acid produces nitric salts

3. The name of the gas produced through the reaaction of metal with acid is hydrogen gas.

The hydrogen gas ignites in air. If hydrogen gas presents in a test tube, if a lighted splint held near the test tube, its mouth ignites with a squeaky pop.

Bahasa Indonesia


1. Tolong tuliskan persamaan lengkapnya (menggunakan rumus molekul) untuk reaksi kalium dengan:

a. Asam hidroklorik

b. Asam sulfat

c. Asam sendawa

2. Tolong sebutkan garam yang dihasilkan sebagai hasil dari setiap reaksi kimia tersebut!

3. Apa nama gas yang dihasilkan melalui reaksi logam dengan asam? Bagaimana gas tersebut dapat diuji?


1. Rumus molekul adalah rumus yang memberikan jumlah atom dari setiap unsur yang ada dalam satu molekul senyawa tertentu.

Sebuah. Asam klorida: HCL

b. Asam sulfat: H₂SO₄

c. Asam nitrat: HNO3

2. Nama-nama garam yang dihasilkan sebagai hasil dari reaksi-reaksi kimia tersebut:

a. Asam klorida menghasilkan garam klorat.

b. Asam sulfat menghasilkan garam sulfat.

c. Asam nitrat menghasilkan garam nitrat

3. Nama gas yang dihasilkan melalui reaksi logam dengan asam adalah gas hidrogen.

Gas hidrogen menyala di udara. Jika gas hidrogen hadir di dalam tabung reaksi, jika bidai menyala di dekat tabung reaksi, mulutnya menyala dengan bunyi melengking.

12. write the expression of showing appreciationplease...

Thank you
I am indebted to you
I appreciate you
You are an inspiration
I am grateful
You are a blessing
You are a true friend
You’re great
This is great
You light up my life
Sincere thanks
You’re the best
You make me happy
You've been very helpful

hope it helps >

13. Write down 3 examples of showing understanding


I know what you mean. (Aku tahu apa yang kamu maksud).I see what you mean. (Aku mengerti apa yang kamu maksud).I’m with you. (Aku mengerti).

14. write down 3 expression of showing appreciation​


1. Thankyou for helping me!

2. I appreciate your gratitude.

3. You are very kind, thanks!



1. Wow! You are so good at math!

1. Wow! You are so good at math!2. You are so handsome!

1. Wow! You are so good at math!2. You are so handsome!3. Your bracelet is beautiful!

1. Wow! You are so good at math!2. You are so handsome!3. Your bracelet is beautiful!4. What a great mark!

1. Wow! You are so good at math!2. You are so handsome!3. Your bracelet is beautiful!4. What a great mark!5. You are so good at the presentation!


tuliskan 3 ungkapan penghargaan

15. write example of showing attention

Attention please
I wanna say somrthingX:Good morning,may i have your attention?
Y:Sure,what you want?
X:can i sit here?
Y:No problem

16. write down 5 expression of showing care

1. I'm with you
2. I'm sorry to hear that
3. I know how it feels
4. That's too bad
5. What a pity you!

17. Write five expression of showing understanding

1. you must study hard
2. you must pray everyday
3. you must respect with your parents and your teacher d
4. you must go to school
5. do not rating drug

18. Write 5 expressions of showing attention​


Smile, cry, sad, happy, angry

19. please write 5 respons of showing understanding?​


• I understand what you are saying. (Aku paham dengan apa yang kamu katakan).

• I know what you mean. (Aku tahu apa yang kamu maksud).

• I see what you are saying. (Aku mengerti apa yang kamu ucapkan).

• I see what you mean. (Aku mengerti apa yang kamu maksud).

• I know what you are talking about. (Saya tahu apa yang kamu bicarakan).

• I know. (Aku tahu).

• I’m with you. (Aku mengerti).

• I hear you. (Aku mengerti)

• I hear what you are saying. (Aku paham apa yang kamu katakan).

• I see. (Aku paham).

20. 1. Write 2 examples of showing understanding2. Write 2 examples of understanding !​


1. I understand

I know it now

I see

2. Do you understand?

Do you get it

do you see

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