
An Engine Pumps Water Continuously Through A Hose

Mei 02, 2022

An Engine Pumps Water Continuously Through A Hose

15. It is an ... transportation, it canmove fastA. LandB. WaterC. AirD. Engine​

Daftar Isi

1. 15. It is an ... transportation, it canmove fastA. LandB. WaterC. AirD. Engine​


C. Air

karena artinya ini adalah transportasi udara, itu dapat bergerak cepat


Semoga Membantu


C. Air

Air artinya Udara

2. The heart pumps the blood to the whole parts of the body through the blood vessel


The right ventricle pumps the oxygen-poor blood to the lungs through the pulmonary valve. The left atrium receives oxygen-rich blood from the lungs and pumps it to the left ventricle through the mitral valve. The left ventricle pumps the oxygen-rich blood through the aortic valve out to the rest of the body.



tanya sama google oke maaf saya nggak bisa bantu

3. The heart pumps the blood to the whole parts of the body through the blood vessel.


Jantung memompa darah ke seluruh bagian tubuh melalui pembuluh darah.


Artinya: Jantung memompa darah ke seluruh bagian tubuh melalui pembuluh darah.

Semoga Membantu :)

4. what does water carry through blood

apa air membawa melalui darah. apa yang air bawa melalui darah

5. A person who maintains or controls an engine or machine....


Semoga bermanfaat.

6. When an object moves through water and the water passes over the surface of the object it causes friction, we call it as . . . a. air resistance b. water resistance c. force d. friction


a. air resistance


semoga membantu

7. Water is flowing through a tap at 28 litre/min. What is the total volume of the water flowed after 3 min?


84 liter (84 litres)

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

28 x 3 = 84


volume = debit x waktu

             = 28 x 3

             = 84 liter

8. an important organ in our body it our body

Heart is an important organ in our body it pumps blood to our body

9. fish take in water... the water flows in through the mouth,over the gills and out through the sides of the head A. rarely b. usually c. commonly d. frequently

Fish take in water commonly the water flows in through the mouth,over the gills and out through the sides of the head

10. What is the last step to operate a Washing machine A. Add your drity clothes B.Drain the dirty water using the hose C.Refill the drum with fresh water D.Hang then up to dry

Jawaban: B

Penjelasan: because after washing the clothes you have to dry the clothes using the washing machine

11. this house..... a beautiful and neat hose​


rumah ini adalah rumah yang indah dan rapi

semoga membantu yah

Jawaban: rumah ini adalah rumah kita


Sorry maaf klu salah

12. Sound cannot travel througha) waterb) metalc) aird) empty space​


a) water

maaf klo salah, Goodluck:)







pliss mana ceritanya dulu itu disitu dijelaskan kalo nurut dari cerita


disitu diartikan bahwa

9.Apa topik teksnya?

A. Bagaimana sistem air panas sesaat bekerja C. Bagaimana pemanas air penyimpanan bekerja

B. Sistem air panas populer di negara D. Penggunaan sistem air panas

10. Manakah dari pernyataan berikut yang salah berdasarkan bagian di atas?

A Sistem air panas sesaat lebih murah daripada pemanas air penyimpanan

B Pemanas air penyimpanan memanaskan dan menyimpan air dalam tangki berinsulasi

C. Sistem aliran terus menerus memanaskan air secara terus menerus di dalam tangki

D. Sistem air panas gas adalah solusi terbaik di daerah berawan

41. Berdasarkan teks tersebut, yang terjadi jika keran air panas ditekan

A. Air tumpah keluar dari keran C. Air terus menerus memanaskan air

B. Bumer mulai memanaskan air D. Penukar panas memanaskan air

42. "Jenis kedua adalah yang paling populer di negara ini, karena lebih terjangkau." (par 3)

Kata yang digarisbawahi mirip dengan ...

A. Murah B Mahal C. Berlebihan D. Melebih-lebihkan

14. 4. What does water carry through blood​


Apa air membawa melalui darah

Itu kan jawabn nya Thx ak Arva kelas 5SD

15. disposing of co2 and water vapor is through...

through evaporation or transpiration

16. There......a cat stay in may hose


there isa cat stay in my house


kata kunci : a cat (seekor kucing)

to be yang tepat untuk subjek tunggal adalah is

semoga membantuu

17. tolong buatin kalimat past tense dari kata ini voltmeter,electronic,water,mechanic,engine,wireless ???

- Last night i used my new wireless earphone
- Digital voltmeters are designed to monitor AC voltage
- I used to work in an electronics store
- I poured water into the bucket
- Tom wanted to be a mechanic
- The engine died

18. The following text is for question 1-5 These days, increasing number of households use gas hot water systems, which mostly burn LPG (liquefied petroleum gas). It is a good solution if you live in an area with limited sunlight for a solar hot water system. There are two main types of hot water systems. The first is storage water heaters, which heat and store water in an insulated tank for use when it is needed. The second is instantaneous systems (or continuous flow systems), which only heat water when it's needed and don't use a storage tank. The second type is the most popular in the country, as it is more affordable. In instantaneous systems, the water is heated by a gas burner as it flows through a coiled pipe called a heat exchanger. The gas burner starts when a hot water tap is turned on. It only heats the amournt of water that is required instead of continuously heating a full tank.1. What is the topic of the text?A. How instantaneous hot water systems workB. Popular hot water systems in the countryC. The use of insulated tanks to heat waterD. How storage water heaters workE. The use of hot water systems2. Which of the following statements is incorrect based on the passage above?A. Instantaneous hot water systems are cheaper than storage water heatersB. Storage water heaters heat and store water in an insulated tankC. Gas hot water systems are the best solution in cloudy areasD. The use of gas hot water systems are the best solution in cloudly areas. E. Continuously flow systems heat water continuously in a tank3. Based on the text, what happens when the hot water tap is pressed?A. Water spills out of the tapB. The burner starts heating waterC. Water flows into an insulated tankD. The heat exchanger heats the waterE. Water is continuously heated the water4. "The second type is the most popular in the country, as it is more _affordable_." (paragraph 3) The underlined word is similiar to...A. CheapB.ExcessiveC. ExpensiveD. Exaggerate​E. Extravagant5. “ ... Which heat and stroke water _in_ a insulated tank for use when it is needed.” (paragraph 2) The underlined word refers to....A. instantaneous hot water systemB. Storage water heaterC. insulated tankD. Heated waterE. Cold water​


1. B

2. D

3. D

4. A

5. B Storage water heater

19. What can you expect if you put a light through tea, milk, and flour water?​

Maybe, it Will become a milk tea

becouse, the tea milk and hot water is just like a thing

20. A system of its arrangement of water uses irrigation through water channel properly is called

what your problem can i help you?

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