
Two Masses M And M/2 Are Joined Together

April 26, 2022

Two Masses M And M/2 Are Joined Together

A body, initial at rest, explodes into two fragments of masses M and 3M having total kinetic energy E. The kinetic energy of the fragment of mass M after the explosion is........ ​

Daftar Isi

1. A body, initial at rest, explodes into two fragments of masses M and 3M having total kinetic energy E. The kinetic energy of the fragment of mass M after the explosion is........ ​

The explosion from rest is categorised as inelastic collision. Kinetic energy of the fragment of mass M after the explosion is 3E.

Penjelasan dan langkah-langkah:


Assume m₁ and m₂ move in opposite direction after the explosion so that v₁ is positive and v₂ is negative. Initial velocity is zero (at rest), final velocity m₁ is v₁ and final velocity of m₂ is -v₂.

Use inelastic collision formula
Inelastic collision formula:
(m₁+m₂)V = m₁v₁ + m₂(-v₂)
(3M+M)(0) = 3Mv₁ + M(-v₂)
3Mv₁ = Mv₂
v₂ = 3v₁        ...................(1)Kinetic energy m₁ from the question
Kinetic energy m₁:
[tex]KE = \frac{1}{2}m_{1} v_{1}^{2}[/tex]
[tex]E = \frac{1}{2}(3M)v_{1}^{2}[/tex]
[tex]E = \frac{3}{2}Mv_{1}^{2}[/tex]    ..................(2)

Kinetic energy m₂:
[tex]KE = \frac{1}{2}m_{2} v_{2}^{2}[/tex]Subtitute (1)
[tex]KE = \frac{1}{2}(M)(3v_{1})^{2}[/tex]
[tex]KE = \frac{9}{2}Mv_{1}^{2}[/tex]
[tex]KE = 3(\frac{3}{2}Mv_{1}^{2})[/tex]Subtitute (2)
[tex]KE = 3E[/tex]

The kinetic energy of the fragment of mass M after the explosion is 3E. ​

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#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

2. 2. The force of gravity between two masses can be compared with the magnetic force between two magnets. a. Describe two ways that these forces are similar. ​


The key difference between gravitational force and magnetic force is that gravitational force acts on all things that have a mass whereas magnetic force acts on things having iron or an electric charge on them. Moreover, gravitational force is usually a weak force while magnetic force is a much stronger force


#maaf kalo salah


1. Attracts objects to a central point.

2. Has a field or surrounding area that is able to attract objects.


1. Attracts objects to a central point.

In a magnetic force, magnets will attract each other with the same magnetism between 2 different poles or will attract objects made of metal. Whereas in the law of earth's gravity, objects above the earth's surface will be relatively attracted to the center of the earth, because of that we can stand with certainty without lacking balance and cause us to fly as if in outer space that does not have earth's gravity or gravity the earth is small, so does its work on other objects such as mountains, seas, water, and other objects.

2. Has a field or surrounding area that is able to attract objects.

For a field or area of attraction, the magnet has a magnetic field or areas of metal or magnetic objects that can be attracted by other magnets and the farther away from the magnet the weaker the attraction will be. Whereas in the gravitational force of the earth, the area or field of objects that can be pulled is around from the center of the earth to the atmosphere. Just like a magnet, the farther away from the center of the earth, the lower the gravitational force. The proof is like us and other natural objects that can be strongly attracted and stand upright on the earth's surface. But it's different when in the atmosphere or above the gravitational force will be weaker, the evidence is like astronauts who fly when they are outside the range of the earth's gravitational force with other objects.

3. the masses to the nearest 0.5kg of two parcels are 1.5kg wnd 2.5kg. calculate the lower and upper bounds of their combined mass

[tex]\textit{Inaccuracy,} \pm 0,5\,\, kg [/tex]
[tex]\textit{Lower Bound,} (1,5-0,5)+(2,5-0,5) = 3\,\,kg [/tex]
[tex]\textit{Upper Bound,} (1,5+0,5)+(2,5+0,5) = 5\,\,kg [/tex]
[tex]\textit{Average,} 1,5+2,5=4\,\,kg [/tex]

4. Which sentence is corect? A.Ihsan and akbar always studies together B.Ihsan and akbar always syudy together C. Ihsan and akbar always studying together D.Ihsan and akbar always are studying together

Jawaban: B. Ihsan and akbar always study together.

Penjelasan:Kalimat tersebut termasuk kalimat Present Tense:

Ihsan and Akbar always study together

=> verb tanpa -es “study” karena Subjek jamak “ihsan and akbar.”

Semoga Membantu

5. We are all friends. ......... Work and study together




artinya: kami/kita

semoga membantu.


We artinya kita jadi katanya We are all friends.WE work and study together

6. Rina and dewi are......(make)the cake together​


Rina and dewi are.....MAKING .(make)the cake together

7. What are saturday and sunday together cailed?


workweek & weekend

8. Ali and Eri erl are student ............. joined my study club​


Ali and Eri erl are student they joined my study club.

Ali dan Eri erl adalah murid mereka bergabung dengan klub belajar saya


Maaf kalo salah:)

9. apa arti dari farah and putri are close friends you are always together

farah dan putri adalah teman dekat mereka berdua selalu bersama-samaFarah dan Putri adalah teman dekat, mereka selalu bersama sama

10. Desti and haris (are/am/is)........together




she he it. menggunakan is

you we they menggunakan are

subjek pada text tersebut adalah Desti dan Haris ( They) maka menggunakan are




Desti and haris = they

11. negative sentences thomas and sebastian are always together

thomas and sebastian are not always together

thomas and sebastian are not always together

12. mr. franky and his family are ... dinner together


Mr. franky and his family are having dinner together.


13. erlin and mitha are close friends. ...... are always together

jawabannya mereka TheyThey

Semoga membantu

14. Rina and dewi are......(make)the cake together​


Rina and Dewi are makingthe cake together.



Rina dan Dewi sedang membuat kue bersama.

Kalimat tersebut menggunakan Present Continuous Tense, dengan rumus umum:

[+] S + to be (is/am/are) + V.1 + -ing + ...

[-] S + to be (is/am/are) + not + V.1 + -ing + ...

[?] To be (Is/Am/Are) + S + V.1 + -ing + ...

Apabila jawabannya iya, maka: Yes, S + to be (is/am/are).Apabila jawabannya tidak, maka: No, S + to be (is/am/are) + not.


To be "is" dipakai untuk subjek: He, She, It, *nama seseorang*.To be "are" dipakai untuk subjek: I, You, We, They, atau subjek yang bersifat jamak (birds, Tom and Sara, etc).

Semoga membantu!


Rina and dewi are friend (make)the cake together

15. make a series of SMS text between you and your friend. pretend that you two are planning to do something together

Emi : " Desap how if today we have plann to study together? "
Desap ; " Maybe I can "
Emi : " How if at 3 pm later in your home.?"
Desap :" Sure. Okay its not problem."
Emi :" oke"
Desap : " i will wait you ok to come here!"
Emi ;" okay!"A : Hi, B!
B : Hi! what happen?
A : hmmm.. I make a plaaning for our holiday.
B : What is it?
A : We are going to go to the zoo, aren't you?
B : I think, we shall go to the beach, we can swim, we can ride a banana boat, and many more.
A : Ok, but, I will buy a sun cream and a swim suit.
B : Ok, Don't forget to buy the food!
A : Ok, bye..
B : Bye..

16. 2. The force of gravity between two masses can be compared with the magnetic force between two magnets. a. Describe two ways that these forces are similar. 1. 2. b. Describe one way that these forces are different.​


Hence the new force between the magnetic poles if the distance between them gets doubled and their pole strength also gets doubled remains unchanged i.e., the force between them is F .


#maaf kalo salah

17. Two objects attract each other gravitationally with a force 2.50 × 10-10 N. When they are 0.25 m apart their total mass is 4.0 kg find their individual masses



[tex]m_1+m_2 = 4\\m_1 = 4-m_2\\\\Fr^2 = Gm_1m_2\\2,5\cdot10^{-10}\cdot (0,25)^2 = 6,67\cdot 10^{-11} (4-m_2)m_2\\0,234 = (4-m_2)m_2\\0,234 = 4m_2-m_2^2\\m_2^2-4m_2+0,234 = 0\\m_2_{(1)} = 0,05\ \text{kg} \ \ \ \ m_2_{(2)} = 3,9 \ \text{kg}\\\\[/tex]

[tex]\text{Ada dua kemungkinan massanya setelah difaktorkan dengan rumus abc}\\\text{karena massa objek 2 bergantung dengan massa massa objek 1, maka }\\\text{objek 1 juga memiliki 2 kemungkinan massa :}\\\\m_1 = 4-m_2_{(1)}\\m_1 = 4-0,05 = 3,95 \ \text{kg}\\\\m_1 = 4-m_2_{(2)}\\m_1 = 4 - 3,9 = 0,1 \ \text{kg}[/tex]

18. Jimmy and I are classmates. . . . . study together and play together too.


Jimmy and I are classmates. WE study together and play together too.




Semoga membantu tetap semangat

Jangan lupa jadikan Jawabanku yang terbaik tolong pliss dan juga difollow

19. Jimmy and I are classmates. . . . . study together and play together too.​




we study together and play together too

20. arti dari Jack and his friends are playing together​


Jack dan teman-temannya sedang bermain bersama


Jack dan Teman dia lagi Bermain bersama

Jack itu nama Tokoh..

Trimakasih maaf klo salah

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