
In The Given Figure Find Pm

April 25, 2022

In The Given Figure Find Pm

In the figure, find ∠x .

1. In the figure, find ∠x .



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Temukan sudut apa yang jika ditambah 275 akan menjadi 360

Anggap saja sudutnya y
275+y= 360
y= 360- 275
y= 85

Ada sudut lagi yang berpelurus terhadap x, anggap aja y.
Karena y dan z pada dua garis sejajar, maka
y+z= 180
85+z= 180
z= 180-85
z= 95

x+z= 180
x+95= 180
x= 180-95
x= 85

2. find the value of b in the figure

b°+b°+90° = 180°
2b°= 90°
b° = 90°/2 
b° = 45°

Value of b in the figure is 45°

3. find the value of X in the figure below

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

180- (128+24) = 28derajat

4. Find the permeter of the figure

2 x ( 4 + 8 )

= 2 x 12

= 24 cm

semoga benar

2×(8 cm + 4 cm)

2×(16 cm + 8 cm)


maaf kalo salah

5. in the figure below BD=DE find the area of the shaded part​



Solutions that match the question!

Solution :

The area of the large triangle minus the area of the small triangle.

BD = DE = 1/2 BE = 1/2 96 = 48 cm

Area 1

= 1/2 × 72 × 96

= 72 × 48

= 3.456 cm²

Area 2

= 1/2 × 72 × 48

= 72 × 24

= 1.728 cm²


Area of the shaded part :

= Area 1 - Area 2

= 3.456 - 1.728

= 1.728 cm²

[tex]{ \green{ \boxed{ \boxed{ \sf{ {Answer \: by : AdhidMagelang}}}}}}[/tex]

6. Find the perimeter of the figure !​


K set lingkaran = 3,14 × 13 = 40,82 cm

K total = 3 + 5 + 15 + 40,82 = 63,82 cm

7. Find the value of x in the figure below.​


2x + 5x + 3x + 90° = 360°

10x + 90° = 360°

10x = 360° - 90°

10x = 270°

x = 270°/10

x = 27°

8. Find the total amount of rectangles that contain the shaded part in the figure below.​


maaf kalau salah

9. 3. Look at the following figure! in that figure, find the values of a, b, c, d, and e!


a. 180° - 50° = 130°

b. 180° - 95° = 85°

c. 180° - 80° = 100°

d. 180° - 100° = 80°

e. jumlahnya sama dengan c karena berseberangan, yaitu 100°

10. Find the area of the shaded part in the figure belom! Jangan asal ya :)

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

L 1/4 lingkaran (r = 14 cm)

= 1/4 x 22/7 x (14 cm)²

= 154 cm²

11. Find the area of the figure​



persegi panjang

panjang p = 10 m

lebar l = 6 m


alas a = lebar persegi panjang = 6 m

tingg t = 7 cm

luas persegi panjang

= p x l

= 6 m x 10 m

= 60 m²

luas segitiga

= /2 x alas x tinggi

= 1/2 x 6 x 7

= 21 cm²

luas gabungan = 60 m² + 21 m² = 81 m²

12. Find the value of x in the figure below.

X + 12° + (180° - 43°) = 180°
x + 12° + 137° = 180°

x + 149° = 180°

x = 180° - 149°

X = 31°

Maaf klo ada yg salah

13. Find the value of the unknown in each of the following figure

180 = 8a
22,5 = a
2a = 45
3a = 67,5

A = 45
B = 67,5
C = 67,5

14. Find the Unknown angle y in each Figure

semoga bermanfaat Folow kakak ya

15. In the figure, AB // EF. Find the value of b. help pleasee



caranya seperti di foto ya

semoga bermanfaat;))

maaf ga ada kertas. langsung di foto ya.

16. Find the area of the shaded part in the figure below

4. Area = 49.2075 m²
5. Area = 63.25 m²


Number 4

The area of that figure equals to the area of the square minus the area of the semicircle.

The length of each side: s = 9 mRadius of semicircle: r = ½s

A = s² –  ½πr²
⇔ A = s² – ½π(½s)²
⇔ A = s² – ½(¼πs²)
⇔ A = s² – (1/8)πs²
⇔ A = s²[1 – (1/8)π]
⇔ A = 9²[1 – (1/8)×3.14]
⇔ A = 81(1 – 0.3925)
⇔ A = 81(0.6075)
A = 49.2075 m²

Number 5

The area of that figure equals to the sum of the area of the right-angled triangle and the area of the semicircle.

Base of triangle: b = 8 mHeight of triangle: h = 6 mRadius of semicircle: r = (½×10) m = 5 m

A = ½bh + ½πr²
⇔ A = ½(bh + πr²)
⇔ A = ½(8×6 + 3.14×5²)
⇔ A = ½(48 + 3.14×25)
⇔ A = ½(48 + 78.5)
⇔ A = ½(126.5)
A = 63.25 m²


4. Area = 49.2075 m²
5. Area = 63.25 m²

17. In the figure given below, let the lines l1 and l2 be parallel and m is transversal. If ∠F = 65°, find the measure of ∠C. *


4c /*46 gtiah



18. find the total area of the shaded region in the figure​


The total area of the shaded reagion in the figure = 76 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Total area of the shaded region:

[tex] = \frac{(5 + 7 + 6) \times 8}{2} + \frac{(7 + 6) \times 8}{2} - 2 \times \frac{8 \times 6}{2}[/tex]

[tex] = 72 + 52 - 48 = 76 \: {cm}^{2} [/tex]

19. Find the value of x in the figure below.​


Semoga membantu ya dek ^_^

20. in the figure below BD=DE find the area of the shaded part​


1,728 cm²

Explanation with steps:

BD = DE = 1/2 x 96 cm = 48 cm

area of the shaded part​ = area of ABC - area of ADC

area of ABC

= 0.5 x AC x BE

= 0.5 x 72 cm x 96 cm

= 3,456 cm²

area of ADC

= 0.5 x AC x DE

= 0.5 x 72 cm x 48 cm

= 1,728 cm²

so the area of the shaded part is

= 3,456 cm² - 1,728 cm²

= 1,728 cm²

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