Two Coherent Sources Of Different Intensities Send Waves Which Interfere
April 13, 2022
some artist have different sources of for ..... their
1. some artist have different sources of for ..... their
inspiration (inspirasi)
aim or interests.
semoga membantu :)
2. There are two types of light sources, they are
1. Available light
2. Artificial light
3. Mix light
semoga membantu
There are two types of light sources, they are..
Ada dua jenis sumber cahaya yaitu
available light, artificial lightpenjelasan:
•Available Light. Cahaya yang biasanya berasal dari cahaya matahari.•Artificial Light. Cahaya yang dengan sengaja dibuat dan kamu dapat mengatur besar kecil dan arah cahayanya sesuai dengan kebutuhanmaaf klo slh
semoga membantu
kloslhrespont y
3. some aritist have different sources ....
beberapa seniman memiliki sumber yang berbeda.
maaf kalau salah :)
4. Find two similar products. Fordifferent brands. After that, observethe label, then, which is healthier?exerclesexcamyie noodies from twoGive reason !
artinya Temukan dua produk serupa. Untuk
merek yang berbeda. Setelah itu, amati
labelnya, lalu, mana yang lebih sehat?
excamyie noodies dari dua
Beri alasan!
5. Which human activity would interfere most directly with the production of oxygen in the environment?
Loggjng forest in the wild and common vehicle , maybe.burning forestsmokeair pollution caused by the factory
6. Which accounts should be confirmed with outside sources ?
legal account
outstabding account
trusted account
7. which kind of basket would you send to friend who has a broken leg
maaf ya,jawab aja sendiri
8. Some artists have different sources of . . . . for their work. it can be natural scenery, traditional dances, people's activities, etc.
Inspiration yang artinya inspirasiMapel : Bahasa Inggris
Jenjang : SMP
Kata Kunci : Natural scenery, traditional dances, people's activities
Dari kata kunci tersebut, dapat disimpulkan kalau itu semua bisa dijadikan inspirasi. Jadi, some artist have different sources of inspiration for their work
maaf kalau keliru semoga membantu
9. A substance made up of atoms of two or more different elements joined by chemical bonds
In chemistry, a compound is a substance made up of two or more different chemical elements combined in a fixed ratio. When the elements come together, they react with each other and form chemical bonds that are difficult to break. These bonds form as a result of sharing or exchanging electrons between atoms.
A chemical compound is a chemical substance composed of many identical molecules (or molecular entities) containing atoms from more than one chemical element held together by chemical bonds. A molecule consisting of atoms of only one element is therefore not a compound. A compound can be transformed into a different substance by a chemical reaction, which may involve interactions with other substances. In this process, bonds between atoms may be broken and/or new bonds formed.
There are four major types of compounds, distinguished by how the constituent atoms are bonded together. Molecular compounds are held together by covalent bonds; ionic compounds are held together by ionic bonds; intermetallic compounds are held together by metallic bonds; coordination complexes are held together by coordinate covalent bonds. Non-stoichiometric compounds form a disputed marginal case.
A chemical formula specifies the number of atoms of each element in a compound molecule, using the standard chemical symbols with numerical subscripts. Many chemical compounds have a unique CAS number identifier assigned by the Chemical Abstracts Service. Globally, more than 350,000 chemical compounds (including mixtures of chemicals) have been registered for production and use.
10. Write down two sentences bringing out clearly the two different meanings of The chicken is ready to eat.?
Tuliskan dua kalimat yang menjelaskan dengan jelas dua arti berbeda dari Ayam siap makan.?
bantu mengartikan
11. Which of the following words is the antonym of "different"
same, similar,
mana pilihan gandanya(diverge )atau (differ)
12. Which of the folowing word has a different vomel (bunyi yang berbeda)
maaf, tapi soalnya mana atau mau dibikinin katanya??
nanti ku edit kalau udh ada infonya ya:)
13. Which of the following is not a con with wind energy? A. Interfere with radio and television receptionB. Use of a lot of landsC. Suns Rays
jawabanya adalah c semoga membantu
14. some artists has different sources of inspiration for their work a. has b. sources c. of d. their work choose word that is not correct?
a. has
yg benar hrsnya have..krn some artists kt gantinya they..Some artist has diffrent sources or inspiration for their work Has
Semoga membantu
15. the speed of wave is 3600cm/s and the frequency is 3hz , which of the following waves is the right one
kecepatan gelombang 3600cm / s dan frekuensi 3Hz, yang gelombang berikut adalah yang benar
16. Pengertian intensities dalam musik
intensitas nada atau dinamik ialah keras lembutnya bunyi suatu nada, hal ini tergantung pada lebarnya getaran bunyi serta sifatnya relatif.
17. what is the different of maybe (one word) and may be (two word) ????
Maybe merupakan adverb/kata keterangan dalam bahasa Inggris, yang bisa diletakkan di awal, tengah, maupun akhir kalimat.
Contoh : Maybe we can meet him next week.
May merupakan modal auxilary. Jika diikuti oleh verb, maka verb tsb harus dalam bentuk pertama (v. 1). Contoh : You may go now.
Tetapi jika diikuti oleh noun atau adjective, dibutuhkan kata be sehingga menjadi 'may be'.
May be harus diletakkan di tengah kalimat, tidak boleh di awal atau di akhir.
Contoh : He maybe in trouble.
Semoga membantu. Tetap semangat belajar!✔
18. Mention three sources of proteins
fish, egg, cheese, milk, meat without fat
make my answer the smartest, thnks
jadikan jawabanku tercerdas, tks
19. 3. The quotient of two numbers with the different signs is.
hasil bagi dua bilangan yang berbeda tandanya adalah
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
itu jawabanya maap kalau salah
20. Write two different terms which you are very sure in life!
the term effort will not betray the results
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