
Land Of The Pharaohs Class 6

April 12, 2022

Land Of The Pharaohs Class 6

The border of land of land and waters is called?

Daftar Isi

1. The border of land of land and waters is called?

The border of land and water is called a beach
the border of land and water is beach

2. the land of raflesia adalah

raflesia bunga raflesia kah? kalau iya, jawaban nya adalah bengkulu. hehehehe

3. the land area of the Regency of Wakatobi

artinya luas wilayah kabupaten wakatobi

maaf ya kalo salahArea tanah kabupaten Wakatobi

Moga membantu,

4. When does Mr. Fahri plough the land? *At the beginning of the rainy seasonAt the end of the rainy seasonAt the beginning of landAt the end of noon​

Jawaban: At the beginning of land


Semoga membantu

5. Madam Noriah has a trapezium-shaped piece of Land .She divided her Land into three congruent sections as shown in the diagram.Calculate a) the perimeter of the Land in m b) the area in m2 of each section of the land



semoga like yaplissssssss

6. who helped the king Pharaohs the egypt not to Starv?​


nabi musa AS lah yg membantu mereka untuk tidak pergi ke staf

7. . Tommy was one ____________________ A. of the happy childs of his class B. of the happiest child in the class C. child who was the happiest of all the class D. of the happiest children in the class


karena child in the class yang paling masuk akal daripada kalimat lain

8. The land area of the regency of wakatobi

Tanah dari Kabupaten wakatobi

9. Mr.wardiman owns a large area of land. one-quarterof the land is used for duck coops, two-fifthsof the land is used for chickencoops, and the rest of the land is used for cowcoops. if the area of land used for cow coops is 1,330 m2, what is the total of mr. wardiman’s land area? (inm2)


= 3,800m²

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

i hope this will help you ^^

10. 1. Tommy was one … a. of the happy childs of his class b. of the happiest child in the class c. child who was the happiest of all the class d. of the happiest children in the class


1. B

Sudah Selesai Yaa

11. The village______is made of land and stones.the landToma​


the village here is made of land and stones the land

the village (here)
is made of land and stones.
the land

12. the simplest type of land plant?

It's Moss, the simplest terrestrial plant :>

13. mention kinds of the land transportation

motorcycle,bike,car,trainbus, taxi, pedicab, motorcycle, bicycle, car, train

14. Mrs. Tan has a plot of land. She plants flowers on of the land.2of the flowers are sunflowers. What fraction of the land isplanted with sunflowers?​


Nyonya Tan memiliki sebidang tanah. Dia menanam bunga di atas tanah.


dari bunganya adalah bunga matahari. Berapa bagian dari tanah itu

ditanami bunga matahari?

15. Benua yang dapat julukan The Land Of The Sunrice adalah?

benua afrika kalau tidak salah
smoga membantu☺setau saya asia. karena jepang yang dijuluki negara matahari terbit atau the land of the sunrise berada di asia tepatnya asia timur

16. The land area of the regency of wakatobi

Luas wilayah Kabupaten Wakatobi

17. The large area of the land is called....


The large area of the land is called "continent".The answer is continent

18. 15 what is the perimeter of the plot of land​


15 apa primeter dari sebidang tanah?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


19. apa yg dimaksud the land of rafflesia

taman dari rafflesiaBengkulu terkenal dengan sebutan The Land of Rafflesia. Bunga Padma atau bahasa latinnya Rafflesia Arnoldi merupkan bunga terbesar di dunia yang memiliki masa mekar lima sampai tujuh hari.

semoga membantu:)

20. benua yang mendapat julukan sebagai the land of of the sun rise

jawabannya adalah BENUA ASIAbenua asia adalah benua yg mendapat julukan sebagai benua land of of sun rise

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