
The Minute Hand Of A Watch Is 1 5 Cm Long

April 23, 2022

The Minute Hand Of A Watch Is 1 5 Cm Long

A minute hand of a'clock is 16 in long. find the distance traveled by the tip of the minute hand in one hour circumference: ___________

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1. A minute hand of a'clock is 16 in long. find the distance traveled by the tip of the minute hand in one hour circumference: ___________


100.5 inch

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

The radius is 16 inch.

The distance traveled by the tip of the minute hand in one hour is the circumference of the circle = 2× π × 16 = 100.5 inch.


2. The minute hand of a clock is 12 cm long. (a) How far does the tip of the minute hand travel in 25 minutes? (b) How long will it take the tip to move 24 cm?pake cara ya​


(a) Dalam 1 putaran penuh jam, jarum menit akan bergerak mengelilingi lingkaran dengan jari-jari 12 cm. Keliling lingkaran tersebut dapat dihitung dengan rumus C = 2πr, di mana r adalah jari-jari lingkaran dan π adalah konstanta pi (sekitar 3.14). Maka, keliling lingkaran tersebut adalah:

C = 2πr = 2π(12 cm) ≈ 75.4 cm

Jadi, dalam 1 putaran penuh jam, ujung jarum menit akan bergerak sejauh 75.4 cm. Dalam 25 menit, jarum menit akan bergerak sejauh 25/60 kali putaran penuh jam, atau sekitar 31.4% dari keliling lingkaran. Jadi, jarak yang ditempuh oleh ujung jarum menit dalam 25 menit adalah sekitar:

31.4% x 75.4 cm ≈ 23.7 cm

Jadi, ujung jarum menit akan bergerak sejauh sekitar 23.7 cm dalam 25 menit.

(b) Jarak total yang harus ditempuh oleh ujung jarum menit agar bergerak sejauh 24 cm adalah 24 cm. Dalam 1 putaran penuh jam, ujung jarum menit akan bergerak sejauh 75.4 cm. Oleh karena itu, ujung jarum menit harus berputar sebanyak 24/75.4 putaran penuh jam. Maka waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk bergerak sejauh 24 cm adalah:

(24/75.4) x 60 menit ≈ 19 menit

Jadi, waktu yang dibutuhkan oleh ujung jarum menit untuk bergerak sejauh 24 cm adalah sekitar 19 menit.

3. [tex]\huge{\underline{\frak{\pink{\;Question:\;}}}}[/tex]⠀⠀The minute hand of a circular clock is 15 cm long. How far does the tip of the minute hand move in 1 hour.[tex]\sf{take \: \pi = 3.14}[/tex]Note:- Need full Explanation in English - kindly don't Spam ​


The minute hand of a circular clock is 15 cm long.


How far does the tip of the minute hand move in 1 hour.


[tex]{ \underline{ \frak{As \: we \: know \: that}}}[/tex]

In 1 hour, minute hand completes one round means makes a circle.


➵ The length of the hand of the clock is 15cm long! so, let's consider the radius of the clock as 15cm


[tex] \longrightarrow \tt \: circumference = 2\pi \: r[/tex]


π stands for 3.14R stands for the radius!


[tex] \longrightarrow \tt \: circumference = 2\pi \: r \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \\ \\ \\ \longrightarrow \tt \: circumference = 2 \times 3.14 \times 15 \\ \\ \\ \longrightarrow \tt \: circumference = {\boxed{ \tt94.2cm }} \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: [/tex]

Henceforth ittravels94.2cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


The minute hand of clock is 15cm


How far distance will be covered in 1 hour


Circumference of Circle = 2πr

= 2 × 3.14 × 15

= 6.28 × 15

= 94.2cm

Hence, 94.2cm is the answer of required Question!

4. the edge of cubical tank is 5 cm long. find the volume of the tank​


the tank is cubic and the edge are 5cm, so 5³ = 125 cm³

5. when the long hand is on the nine and the short hand is almost On The Ten. the time is​




jarum panjang diangkat 9 dan jarum pendek hampir di angka sepuluh

jadi jawabannya jam 9.45




nyontek nyontek nyontek nyontek

6. Strow A is 9 cm long. Straw B is 5 cm long. The ratio of the length of straw A to the lenght of straw B is .... * 14 : 9 5 : 9 9 : 5 9 : 14​


Ratio :

Strow : Straw

9 : 5






Jawaban nya 9:5

Dj bon bon remix

7. Find the distance traveller by the tip of the second hand of a clock in 4.5 minutes if the hand is 6 cm long. (π = 3.14), ( Please help and get 15 Points )

= 27/360*(2*3.14.6)
= 2.826 cm

8. the hour hand points one and the minute hand points twelve.which one is it

Answer: is it one o'clockThe hour hand points one (jarum jam menunjukkan angka satu) and the minute hand points twelve (dan jarum pendek menunjukkan angka 12). it is one o'clock.

9. The long hand is at twelve.The short hand is at five. It is


The long hand is at twelve.The short hand is at five. It is


Tangan yang panjang di dua belas. Tangan pendek di lima. ini


D.five o'clock


Jam lima sore



10. The ratio of the area of a square of side 15 cm to that of a rectangle, with the length of 24 cm long, is 5 : 4. What is the breadth of the rectangle?​

Short Answer:

Breadth of the rectangle = 7,5 cm

Step by step Explanations:

Area of square : Area of rectangle = 5 : 4

(Side²) : (length x breadth) = 5 : 4

[tex]\frac{15CM^{2} }{24CMXBreadth}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{5}{4}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{225CM^{2} }{24CMXBreadth}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{5}{4}[/tex]

225 cm² x 4 = 24 cm x breadth x 5

900 cm² = 180 cm x breadth

breadth = 900 cm² : 180 cm

breadth = 7,5 cm

11. 5. When the long hand is on the six and the short hand is between the five and six.what time is it?​


half past five


I hope this helps

12. 5. The volume of water tub in bathroom is 500 liters. The flow rate of the water tap is 25cm³/minute. How long that the water tub will be full of water?​

Materi : Bangun Ruang dan Volume

Volume = 500 L = 500 dm³

Debit = 25 cm³/menit



= 500.000 cm³/ 25 cm³ × 1 menit

= 20.000 × 1 menit

= 20.000 menit

= 333 jam 20 menit

= 13 hari 21 jam 20 menit

Semoga bisa membantu

[tex] \boxed{ \colorbox{navy}{ \sf{ \color{lightblue}{ Answer\:by\: BLUEBRAXGEOMETRY}}}} [/tex]

13. The long hand is at six the short hand at is one what time is it?


half past twelve


maaf ya klo slh :)

14. the short hand is between twelve and one,the long hand is at is​


indonesianya : pukul 12.30

inggrisnya : 12.30 p.m.

15. John cuts a coil of wire into two pieces in the ratio of 5 : 1. The length of the coil of wire is 180 cm. How long is the long wire? ​

150 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

the length of the long wire is

5/(1+5) x 180 cm = 5/6 x 180 cm

= 150 cm

16. when the long hand is on the twelve and the short hand is on the one.what time is it?​


it's one o'clock. 1.00.


itu saja.mungkin ?

Jawaban:01.00/mungkin bisa juga 13.00


maaf klo membingungkan, senang bisa membantu, maaf klo salah

17. the long hand is at eleven. the short hand is at ten. what time is it ?

it is 10 : 55 o' 11.10 o'clock..........

18. The ratio of the area of a square of side 15 cm to that of a rectangle, with the length of 24 cm long, is 5 : 4. What is the breadth of the rectangle?


Perbandingan luas persegi panjang sisi 15 cm dengan persegi panjang, dengan panjang 24 cm, adalah 5: 4. Berapa lebar persegi panjang?


19. If the minute hand of a clock is 7 cm. Find the total area of the 2 similar clocks.tolong bantu ya ​


308 cm²

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

r=7 cm


 =22/7 × 7²

 =22 × 7

 =154 cm²

154 × 2=308 cm²

20. 1The ratio of the area of a square of side 15 cm to that of a rectangle, with the length of 24 cmlong, is 5:4. What is the breadth of the rectangle?​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

area of square 5

------------------------ = -----

area of rectangle 4

S² 5

------- = ----

l x b 4

15 x 15 5

----------- = ---

24 x b 4

180 = 24x b

b = 7,5 cm

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