
If I Was A Tree Poem

April 03, 2022

If I Was A Tree Poem

If eat too much, If i have enough time this evening, If i write a poem

Daftar Isi

1. If eat too much, If i have enough time this evening, If i write a poem


If I eat too much,  I will have stomach ache

If I have enough time this evening, I will go to the cinema with you

If I write a poem, I will read it in front of you


Conditional Sentence

if conditional sentence merupakansebuah kalimat pengandaian yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa sesuatu benar-benar terjadi/nyata jika syarat yang lain terpenuhi. Kenapa harus begitu? Karena dalam pola kalimat if conditional sentence terdiri dari 2 klausa, yaitu main clause (kalimat utama) dan yang kedua sub clause (anak kalimat). Jadi kalimat If conditional sentence itu bisa benar-benar terjadi dan mungkin juga tidak akan pernah terjadi. Dan keduanya bisa saling bertukar tempat (dibolak balik). Dalam kata lain jika kalimat utama didepan, maka anak kalimatnya berada pada kalimat kedua (belakang) dan sebaliknya.

Ada tiga jenis kalimat if conditional:

1. If Conditional Tipe 1

If conditional tipe 1 yang juga disebut Future conditional sentence adalah sebuah kalimat pengandaian yang belum terjadi dan kemungkinan besar akan terjadi dimasa mendatang (future) jika syaratnya (anak kalimatnya) terpenuhi.

Rumus/Pola kalimat:

If + S + V1 (simple present), S + will + Verb 1


If I go to Palembang I will meet Sarah  If we have a yacht, we will sail the seven seas If he have more time, he will learn karate If they tell their father, he will be very angry She will spend a year in the USA if it is easier to get a green card If I live on a lonely island, I will run around naked all day

2. If Conditional Tipe 2

If conditional tipe 2 yang juga disebut present conditional sentence adalah sebuah kalimat pengandaian yang digunakan untuk mengandaikan sesuatu yang tidak akan pernah terjadi karena syarat sub clausenya tidak mungkin terpenuhi, dan apa yang diandaikan bertolak belakang dengan kenyataan yang ada.

Rumus/ Pola kalimat:

If + S + V2 (simple past), S + would + Verb 1


If I were you, I would forgive him If we had a yacht, we would sail the seven seas If he had more time, he would learn karate If they told their father, he would be very angry She would spend a year in the USA if it were easier to get a green card If I lived on a lonely island, I would run around naked all day

3. If Conditional Tipe 3

If conditional tipe 3 yang juga disebut past conditional sentence adalah sebuah kalimat pengandaian yang digunakan untuk mengandaikan sesuatu yang tidak akan pernah terjadi karena syarat sub clausenya tidak akan pernah terpenuhi, karena apa yang diandaikan sudah berlalu di masa lampau (masanya sudah terlewati).

Rumus/ Pola kalimat:

If + S + V3 ( past perfect), S + would have + Verb3

Contoh :  

If Mimi had done her homework, she would have not got a punishment. If we had had a yacht, we would have sailed the seven seas If he had had more time, he would have learnt karate If they had told their father, he would have been very angry She would have spent a year in the USA if it had been easier to get a green card If  I had lived on a lonely island, I would have run around naked all day


Materi tentang if conditional :

Materi tentang if conditional :



Kelas : 12

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris  

Bab : 2

Kode : 12.5.2

Kata Kunci : if conditional

2. What is the poem about if I could catch a rainbow

If I could catch a rainbow,
I'd do it, just for you,
And share with you it's beauty,
On days when you feel blue.

If I could, I'd build a mountain,
You could call your very own,
A place to find serenity,
A place to be alone.

If I could take you troubles,
I would toss them in the sea,
But all these things, I'm finding,
Are impossible to me.

I cannot build a mountain,
Or catch a rainbow fair,
But let me be what I do best,
A friend who's always there

I hope this helps

3. I am writing a poem. (Change the sentence into passive !) * 20 poin A poem is written by me. A poem was being written by me. A poem is being written by me. A poem will be written by me.


Active: I am writing a poem

Passive: A poem is written by me.

Semoga membantu:)


Passive : A poem is written by me


maaf kalau salah..

4. what is the theme of the poem if i were an angel​


graceful dazzling face

5. I seldom to know about someone who make poem and read poem. As I know just Indonesian who read poem. But I wanna challange you, guysPlease make a poem about teacherhave fun :)

Teacher ....
You are so kind
you teach us ...
until we understand

You never be angry...
with our attitude....
you always be patient with us
You are my hero
on school..

Thank you very much for your kindness :)Teacher ..
You've been guide me ..
You've been educate me ..
You are the lights of my future ..
You are my dream ladder ..
You've been inculated me ..
Thank you, my teacher..

6. 10.Select the best message found at the coda!A. Poem is usually made by God.B. God merely creates trees not others.C. A tree is a part of human's life.D. Asa poem, a tree is easily created by everyoneE. Human beings cannot create a tree.​


E. Human beings cannot create a tree

edit: maaf tadi aku salah, aku baca lagi. ternyata aku kurang teliti.. Sorry bangett

Jadi jawabannya E ya..


E. Human beings cannot create a tree

7. in poem When I was One and Twenty What is the theme of the poem ?

it's about a guy which turn twenty one and heard a wise man told him some life advises, such as: "dont give your heart away"
but the guy ignored it and when he's twenty two, he realizes the things that the wise man said was true.

8. 3)if you were a tree,what tree would you like to be ?

A strong and nice color tree
I would like to become a Sakura Tree. Because it's beautiful and pink. 

9. tolong tuliskan tree diagram syntax dari kalimat" Fatimah write a poem and Ali reads a magazine"​


Fatimahh membaca puisi Dan Ali membaca majalah

10. What if I cut down a tree that has been damaged and I plant it again? ​

Yes, if it is damaged, it must be cut down, otherwise it can be dangerous

11. if you were a tree, what tree would you like to be?

sakura tree, because it will look beautifull in the spring..

thxPalm tree , why u ask ? Because it's big and everyone loves it

12. He because i was behind the tree


he didnt see me because i was behind the tree

13. A tree was planted in 1915 and was chopped down in 2015. For how long was the tree standing pake cara nya ya

Kita terjemahkan dulu.
Sebuah pohon di tanam pada tahun 1915 dan di tebang tahun 2015

Ditanya :
Berapa lama pohon itu tertanam?

Berarti kita mencari selisih tahunnya.

Lama = 2015 - 1915 = 100 tahun

Jadi, pohon tersebut telah tertanam selama 100 tahun.

semoga bermanfaat :)

14. If you are to create a poem about your life, what type of poem are you going to write? Why?Pls help I really need this now.​


it's about my life, I want to inspired other people.... your welcome

15. there was a .....of birds on the tree

little maaf kalau salahThere was a LOT of birds on the tree

16. 1.He writes a poem quicklya. poem was written by him quicklyb. poem has been written by him quicklyc. poem is written by him quickly d. poem had been written by him quicklytolong kak ​


1.He writes a poem quickly

a. poem was written by him quickly

b. poem has been written by him quickly

c. poem is written by him quickly

d. poem had been written by him quickly

jawabannya : C.poem is written by him quickly





[tex]answer \: by \div yanti \: yoo62[/tex]

17. The poem was. Paul​

the poem was written by Paul.

mf klo slah:)

18. Bacalah ini cepat!!1. If tree grow a tree and a tree with the tree in the tree with the tree go the tree​


hah? wkwk maksudnya terjemahannya kah?

jika pohon tumbuh menjadi pohon dan pohon dengan pohon di pohon dengan pohon pergi ke pohon

19. 3. sania : can you read a poem, lia?lia : of course, i can. i like reading poem.sania says "can you read a poem" to lia in order to*​



Making sure that Lia can read a poem or not

20. i am writing a poem for Arsya​

Saya sedang menulis puisi untuk arsya

Karena ada Verb+ing jadi kegiatan itu sedang dilakukan atau sedang berlangsung

termasuk Present Continuous Tense

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