
A Running Man Has Half The Kinetic Energy

April 15, 2022

A Running Man Has Half The Kinetic Energy

kinetic energy is the energy an object has

Daftar Isi

1. kinetic energy is the energy an object has

has velocity, when the object doesn't have velocity or doesn't move, the kinetic energy is 0

2. Kinetic energy is the energy an object has due to .... Kinetic Energy increases as the .... of an object increases.​


Yang ke dua speed yang pertama saya sudah lupa


Yang kedua speed.

Maaf kalok salah

3. 1. kinetic energy is the energy an object has due to ....... kinetic energy increases as the ...... of an object increases. thanks :)

Yang kedua jawabannya Speed, yang pertama sudah lupa. Soal olimpiade kan?

4. A 125 kg boy and his 90 kg father went jogging. Both are running at a speed of 8.5 m/s. Who has more kinetic energy?​


Kinetic Energy = 1/2 m v²

Boy KE = 1/2 × 125 × 8,5 = 531,25 J

Father KE = 1/2 × 90 × 8,5 = 382,5 J

Boy's kinetic energy more than his father kinetic energy

5. 3. Energi mekanik merupakan hasil dari...a. Perkalian antara energy kinetic dan energypotensialb. Pembagian antara energy kinetic dan energypotensialC. Pengurangan energy kinetic dan energypotensiald. Penjumlahan energy kinetic dan energypotensiale. Semua jawaban salah​


D. penjumlahan energi kinetik dan energipotensial

6. A ball travelling at 25 m/s and has a kinetic energy of 50 J. Calculate the mass of the ball !​

velocity (v) = 25 m/s

KE = 50 J

mass (m) = ....?

KE = ½ × m × v²

50 = ½ × m × 25²

50 = ½ × m × 625

312.5m = 50

m = 50/312.5

m = 4/25

7. A boy that has mass 40kg runs at speed 5m/s. The kinetic energy of a boy is

◾ Materi : Usaha dan Energi
◾ Sub materi : Energi
◾ Mapel : Fisika
◾ Kelas : VIII SMP (KTSP)
◾ Keyword : Energi Kinetik


Diketahui :
m = 40 kg
V = 5 m/s

Ditanya :
Ek = ?

Penyelesaian :
Energi kinetik merupakan energi yang dimiliki oleh suatu benda karena kecepatannya.

Gunakan rumus energi kinetik :
[tex]\boxed{ Ek = 1/2mV^{2}} [/tex]

Ek = 1/2mV²
Ek = 1/2 x 40 x 5²
Ek = 20 x 25
Ek = 500 Joule

-> Jadi, energi kinetik dari anak tersebut adalah 500 J

semoga membantu
# sharing is caring #

Rumus : Ek = 1/2. m.v2

Ek =
[tex] \frac{1}{2} .40. {5}^{2} \\ = 20.25 \\ = 500 \: m {s}^{ - 2} [/tex]

8. Bantu kak buru buru"A car move 1 tons, has a kinetic energy 800 KJ. Calculate the velocity of the car​"

The Velocity of the car when moving at around 40m/s.


Kinetic Energy


m = 1 TonsKinetic Energy (Ke) = 800 kJ

• Convers Tons to kg

m = 1 tons

m = 1 × 1.000

m = 1.000 kg

• Convers kJ to J

Ke = 800 kJ

Ke = 800 × 1.000

Ke = 800.000 J

• Find The Velocity

Ke = ½m.v²

v² = Ke/(½m)

v² = 800.000/(½ × 1.000)

v² = 800.000/500

v² = 1.600

v = √1.600

v = √40²

v = 40 m/s

So, The Car move with Velocity around at 40m/s


Class: 8

Subject: Physics

Code: 8.6.2

Keyword: Kinetic energy, Velocity.

Hope it helps.

Kinetik Energy


mass = 1 ton = 1.000 kg Ek = kinetic energy = 800 kJ = 800.000 J


v = velocity ?


Ek = ½ × m × v²

800.000 = ½ × 1.000 × v²

800.000 = 500 × v²

v² = 800.000/500

v² = 1.600

v = 40 m/s ✔

9. Arus air yang kuat dapat memutar turbin karena memiliki…a. energy kineticb. energy potensial dan energi kineticc. energy potensiald. energy surya​


a. energy kinetic


maaf kalo salah

10. A car has a mass 950 kg and it is stop at the park ground.calculate the potential energy and kinetic energy! Thx (Mass doang yg diketahui)

Kinetic Energy

Ek = 1/2mv² = 1/2x 950 x 0

Ek = 0

Potensial Energy

Ep = mgh = 950x10x0

Ep = 0

11. an object have the kinetic energy 6000 J. if the speed now become 1/4 of the original speed find the new kinetic energy​


(¼)² x 6000


Ek1/Ek2 = ½ m(v1)²/½m(v2)²

12. A tennis ball is travelling at 50 m/s and has a kinetic energy of 75 J. Calculate the mass of the tennis ball.​

velocity = V = 50 m/s

kinetic energy = Ek = 75 Joule

mass = m = .... ?

[tex]ek = \frac{1}{2} \times m\times {v}^{2} [/tex]

[tex]75 = \frac{1}{2} \times m \times {50}^{2} [/tex]

[tex]75 = \frac{1}{2} \times m \times 2500[/tex]

[tex]75 = 1250 \times m[/tex]

[tex]m = \frac{75}{1250} = 0.06 \: kg[/tex]

13. As a pendulum swings from its highest to lowest position, what happens to its kinetic and potential energy? A. Both the potential energy and kinetic energy decrease B. The kinetic energy decreases while the potential energy increases C. The potential energy decreases while the kinetic energy increases D. Both the potential energy and kinetic energy increase

Saat pendulum berayun dari posisi tertinggi ke terendah, apa yang terjadi dengan energi kinetik dan potensial?

A. Baik energi potensial maupun energi kinetik menurun
B. Energi kinetik menurun sedangkan energi potensial meningkat
C. Energi potensial menurun sedangkan energi kinetik meningkat
D. Baik energi potensial maupun energi kinetik meningkat

14. buah mangga yang sedang bergerak jauh dari dahannya makin lama makin mendekati permukaan tanah. Dalam peristiwa tersebut...a. energy kinetic dan potensialnya berkurangb. energy kinetic berkurang tetapi energy potensialnya bertambahc. energy kinetic dan energy potensialnya bertambahd. energy kinetic bertambah dan energy potensialnya berkurang​


Buahmanggayang bergerakjatuhdan makinlamamakinmendekatibumi , memiliki energypotensial gravitasi . Energypotensial adalah energyyang terdapat pada benda karena kedudukannya/ketinggian dari permukaan tanah





15. suppose a car has 1000 Joules of kinetic energy. what will be its kinetic energy if the velocity is doubled? What if the velocity is tripled?

Semoga jawaban ini dapat membantu. ☺

16. Bantu kak buru buru "A car move 1 tons, has a kinetic energy 800 KJ. Calculate the velocity of the car​"​


Kecepatannya adalah 40 m/s


Diketahui :

m = ton = 1000 kg

Ek = 800 kJ = 800000 J

Ditanyakan :

v ... ?

jawab :

Ek = 1/2 mv^2

800000 = 1/2 1000 v^2

v^2 = 800000/500

v^2 = 1600

v = 40 m/s

17. Kinetic energy is the energy possessed by a moving object KE = 1/2^2m = mass (kg) v = velocity (m/s) KE = Kinetic energy (J) Solve the numerical problem about the kinetic energy by using the formula above.​


1/2 pangkat 2 =1/4ke


gitu gee ya

18. baby carriage is sitting at the top of a hill that is 21 m high. The carriage with the baby has a mass of 1.5 kg. (a.) Does the carriage has potential energy or kinetic energy


kereta bayi duduk di puncak bukit setinggi 21 m. Gerbong dengan bayi itu memiliki massa 1,5 kg. (a.) Apakah kereta memiliki energi potensial atau energi kinetik


ini aku gk tau ini terjemah bhs indo apa bkn jd ya gt dh



19. What is the difference between kinetic energy and potential energy? a. kinetic energy is stored energy that has the capacity to do work, and potential energy is the energy of motion b. kinetic energy is energy that an object possesses as a result of its location, and potential is the same as heat energy c. kinetic energy can be converted into various forms of energy, whereas potential energy can only be transformed into heat energy d. kinetic energy is energy of a moving object, whereas potential energy is energy possessed by matter as a result of its location or structure e. kinetic energy can be created or destroyed, while potential energy can be created and destroyed




energi kinetik adalah energi yang dimiliki oleh benda yang bergerak,sedangkan energi potensial adalah energi yang tersimpan oleh benda berdasarkan letaknya/posisinya

20. An object has a kinetic energy of 49 J and a mass of 2 kg, how fast is the object moving?

Energi Kinetik


Ek = energi kinetik = 49 J m = massa = 2 kg


v = kecepatan ?


Ek = ½ × m × v²

49 = ½ × 2 × v²

49 = 1 × v²

v² = 49/1

v² = 49

v = 7 m/s ✔

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