
He Said Bravo You Have Done Well

Maret 18, 2022

He Said Bravo You Have Done Well

respond to someone said well done (selain thank you)​

Daftar Isi

1. respond to someone said well done (selain thank you)​


i really appreciate it!


how do yodu


ai dupak you

2. . You were the runner up, but I think you have done the test very well. Well done! ..................... *4. You were the runner up, but I think you have done the test very well. Well done! ..................... *​


oruuf vc fvysdu rS y yc


vydtg yg hi yg u

3. . You were the runner up, but I think you have done the test very well. Well done! ..................... *​



4. Good job ! well done to you.

pekerjaan yang baik! baik dilakukan untuk Anda.Pekerjaan (kerja) yg baikk !! Baik dilakukan untuk kamu

5. Good job! Well done to you

Kerja bagus! Kamu bekerja dengan baik

6. 1.tony said to me: " she always sings so loudyA. tony said to me that she always sings so loudlyb. tony tould me that she was singing so loudlyc. tony tells me that she sings so loudlyd. tony told me that she always sang so loudly2. he said, i have done my home assignmenthe said thatA. he had done his home assingmentb.he have done his home assingmentc. he have did his home assignmentd. he had did his home assignment

1. a.. karena klo direct itu pake to maka inditect jg pake to.
2. C maaf jika salah...jdikan yg trbaik dan ikuti

7. Arti dari well done !you did it


Kerja bagus! Kau benar melakukannya

8. Direct from He asked me where I lived is...a. He said, "where do you live ?" b. He said, "where did you live ?" c. He said, "where do me live ?"d. He said, "where done you live ? e.He said, "where did you live ?"​


B) He said, "where did you live?"


Kika kamu jawab yang lain akan salah

Itu y jawabannya dan jadikan jawaban yang terbaik ok

9. well done, congratulation for you

Sempurna, selamat buatmu

askmeenglish (tanya gue Inggris!) selesai, selamat untukmu

10. 25. Theyit very well.a. Have doneb. Has donec. Have dod. Has does​


The answer is A. Have done



A. Have done


They Have done it very well.

[tex]\blue {{\boxed{ \pink {\tt belajarbersamabrainly} }}}[/tex]

11. How many photos have you got?he said ubah ke indirect

He asked how manu photos I had gotten

12. Exercise a:Complete the sentence in Reported Speech!1. "I was very tired" she saidShe said2. "I will get myself a drink", she saysShe said3. "Why have not you phoned me?", he askedHe asked4. He said, "don't go too far"He said"Have you been shooping?" he askedHe asked ...5​


1. she said that she was very tired.

2. she said that she will get herself a drink.

3. he asked if I haven't phoned him.

4. he said to not go too far.

5. he asked if I have been shopping.

13. Have you ever said complimenting?who ia he/she? Why did you do that?


Yes, I have. She's my friend. Because she got good grades.

14. make dialogues based on the following situations! your friend achieved or gained what he/she had done well before, but you don't although you had done as well as he/she did

Jules : "Hey Anna what's wrong? You look sad." Anna : "I'm just upset because I already worked hard like you did but I didn't get a good score." Jules : "It's okay, you can't give up already!" Anna : "Your right! I can get a better score on the next test." Jules : "All you need to do now is study hard and don't give up!" Anna : "Thanks for the suggestion Jules! My spirit is back on again."

15. you have done some mistakes to your friend he or she is angry with you

Jika di artikan

Kamu telah melakukan beberapa kesalahan kepada temanmu, dia (lk) atau dia (pr) marah kepada mu.

Tapi jika di minta apa yang harus kamu lakukan setelah membuat teman marah karena kesalahan mu, maka

You should say apologize to your friends and promise that you will not do it anymore.

16. change the sentences into indirect form! 1. I said: this man is a real nincompoop 2. she said to me: you are singing very melodiously. 3. you said: i killed a rat rather wickedly. 4. he said: i have done amazingly well today. 5. we said: we were watching a truly absorbing movie. 6.she said: i may badly need some medical help soon. said to me: you can do this ridiculously easy task 8. i said: i shall certainly take care of all eventualities 9. he said: i will teach him a lesson to remember me by. 10. they said: we have put up an extraordinary performance indeed.

indirect speech :1. I said that man was a real nincompoop.
2. She told me that I was singing very melodiously.
3. You said that  you had killed a rat rather wickedly.
4. He said that he had done amazingly well that day.
5. We said that we had been watching a truly absorbing movie.
6. She said that he might badly need some medical help soon.
7. You told me that I could do that ridiculously easy task.
8. I said that I should certainly take care of all eventualities.
9. He said that he would teach him a lesson to remember him by.
10. They said that they had put up an extraordinary performance indeed.

17. Good job!well done to you.

what are you asking about?

18. Ubah ke reported speech 1. She said, " I make a cake" --> 2. He said, " I was nervous" --> 3. He said, " I worked hard" --> 4. He said, " I was working so hard" --> 5. He said, " I have done" -->


She said that she want to make a cake

He said that he was nervous

He said that he worked hard

He said that he was working hard

He said that he have done

19. your English homework for 30 minutes ? Have you did Has you done You have done Have you done​


Have you done your English homework for 30 minutes?


has your english homework for 30 minutes

20. The writer of the text said,"well done!". what is the same meaning of the "well done!" expression?​


the writer say Well done to indicate that he/she are pleased that someone has done something good.

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