
A Candle Of Diameter D Is Floating On A Liquid

Maret 18, 2022

A Candle Of Diameter D Is Floating On A Liquid

diameter of a cylinder candle is 4 cm while cylindrical height is 21 cm the candle is enflamed and it is burnt 11 cm3 hourly what time is required to fully burnt the candle

Daftar Isi

1. diameter of a cylinder candle is 4 cm while cylindrical height is 21 cm the candle is enflamed and it is burnt 11 cm3 hourly what time is required to fully burnt the candle

▪︎what time is required to fully burnt the candle = 24hours

[tex]\\\green{Diketahui:} [/tex]

•Diameter sebuah lilin silinder 4 cm sedangkan tinggi silinder 21 cm lilin tersebut dinyalakan dan dibakar 11 cm3 setiap jam


•Berapa lama waktu yang diperlukan lilin tersebut untuk terbakar sempurna?



d = 4cm

r = 4÷2 = 2 cm

t = 21 cm

11 cm³ tiap jam.


[tex]\boxed{\begin{array}{l}Vtabung = πr²t\end{array}}[/tex]

= (22÷7)(2²)(21)

= 264cm³


waktu yang diperlukan lilin tersebut untuk terbakar sempurna?

= 264 ÷ 11 × 1 jam

= 24jam

[tex]\\\\\blue{Pelajari~lebih~ lanjut:}[/tex]

MATERI Soal Volume:




[tex]\\\\\blue{Detail~ Jawaban:}[/tex]

[tex]\bullet[/tex]Mapel : Matematika

[tex]\bullet[/tex] Kelas : 6

[tex]\bullet[/tex] Materi : Bab 4 Luas dan Volume

[tex]\bullet[/tex] Kata Kunci : Volume Tabung

[tex]\bullet[/tex]Kode soal : 2

[tex]\bullet[/tex] Kode kategori : 6.2.4

2. wood....on waterA. floatingb. floatc. floatsd. is floated

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Jenjang : SMP-SMA
Kata Kunci : Wood

Wood (Kayu) adalah uncountable noun. Tidak ada bentuk plural dari uncountable noun. Semua uncountable noun selalu menggunakan to be dan verb 1 singular.

maka jawabanya

Wood floats on water

maaf kalau keliru semoga membantu

3. Calculate the KE of the liquid flowing in a pipe 5 cm inner diameter at the rate of 500 kg/min. The density of the liquid is 1.15 g/cm³.​


The kinetic energy (KE) of the liquid flowing in the pipe can be calculated as follows:

First, we need to determine the velocity of the liquid. This can be calculated using the equation:

v = Q / A

where v is the velocity (m/s), Q is the flow rate (m^3/s) and A is the cross-sectional area of the pipe (m^2).

To convert the flow rate from kg/min to m^3/s, we need to multiply the flow rate by the conversion factor of 1/60. Then, we need to convert the density from g/cm³ to kg/m³:

Q = (500 kg/min) * (1/60 s/min) * (1000 g/kg) = 50/6 m^3/s

ρ = 1.15 g/cm³ * (1000 cm³/m³) = 1150 kg/m³

Now, we can find the cross-sectional area of the pipe:

A = (π/4) * d^2

d = 5 cm

A = (π/4) * (5 cm)^2 = 19.63 cm^2

A = (19.63 cm^2) * (0.01 m/cm^2) = 0.1963 m^2

Using the velocity and the cross-sectional area, we can now find the volume flow rate of the liquid:

v = Q / A = 50/6 m^3/s / 0.1963 m^2 = 156.41 m/s

Finally, we can find the kinetic energy of the liquid:

KE = 0.5 * ρ * v^2 * A

KE = 0.5 * (1150 kg/m³) * (156.41 m/s)^2 * (0.1963 m^2) = 174444.44 J/s = 174.44 kJ/s

4. A beam of light has a wavelength of 650 nm in vacuum. (a) what is the speed of this light in a liquid whose index of refrac- tion at this wavelength is 1.47? (b) what is the wavelength of these waves in the liquid?


A beam of light has a wavelength of 650 nm in vacuum. (a) what is the speed of this light in a liquid whose index of refrac- tion at this wavelength is 1.47? (b) what is the wavelength of these waves in the liquid?

5. What is the form ofthe medicine?a. Softgelsb. Liquidc. Capsuled. Tablet​


a. softgels ( gel lunak )

6. "pinux" is in the from of ....material. a. solid b. liquid c. frozen d. hot​


Semoga Membantu

7. The mass of a liquid is 2 kg the liquid is heated from 12°c to 52°c the head needed is 192 kl what is the specific head of the liquid??? Plisss tolong bantu jwb yaaaa

m = 2 kg
∆T = (52-12) °C= 40 °C
Q = 192 kJ = 192000 J

Dit. c = ?

Q = m.c.∆T
c = Q/(m.∆T)
c = 192000/(2.40)
c = 192000/80 = 2400 J/(kg.°C)

8. The expansion of a substance depends on its state. Which statement below shows theexpansion in decreasing order?A. Solid, liquid, gasB. Solid, gas, liquidC. Gas, solid, liquidD. Gas, liquid, solid​

C.gas,solid,liquid Matn

9. If 5 litres of a liquid has a mass of 850 g what is the density of the liquid in g/cm³


0,17 g/cm^3


mass = 850 g

volume = 5 litres = 5.000 cm^3

density = mass/volume

= 850/5.000

= 0,17 g/cm^3

10. A measuring cylinder has a mass of 120 g when empty. When it contains 50 cm3 of a liquid, the total mass of the measuring cylinder and the liquid is 160 g. What is the density of the liquid?

Mass of cylinder (empty) = 120 gram

Mass of cylinder (with liquid) = 160 gram

Volume of liquid = 50 cm³

Density of the liquid (ρ) = ?


Find the mass of liquid

With liquid - Empty

= 160 gram - 120 gram

= 40 gram

So, the mass of the liquid is 40 gram

Find the density of the liquid

[tex]\rho=\frac{mass}{Volume} \\\rho=\frac{40\ gr}{50\ cm^3} \\\rho=\frac{40}{50}\ gr/cm^3 \\\rho=\frac{4}{5}\ gr/cm^3 \\\boxed{\rho = 0,8\ gr/cm^3}\\or\\\boxed{\rho = 800\ gr/cm^3}\\[/tex]

Hope it helps :)

11. What is the process of boiling? a. When a solid changes into a liquid b. When a liquid changes into a gas c. When a liquid changes into a solid d. When a gas changes into a liquid


b. When a liquid changes into a gas


maaf kalau salah


What is the process of boiling?

a. When a solid changes into a liquid

b. When a liquid changes into a gas

c. When a liquid changes into a solid

d. When a gas changes into a liquid


Bagaimana proses perebusan?

a. Saat zat padat berubah menjadi cair

b. Saat cairan berubah menjadi gas

c. Saat cairan berubah menjadi padat

d. Saat gas berubah menjadi cairan


B. When a liquid changes into a gas

B. Saat Cairan berubah menjadi Gas

12. the shape of candle is adalah​


like a tube,round, and long


bentuk lilinya ialah


13. 7. What King of drug is ita. liquidb. Tabletc. CapsuleD. Drop​


C. Capsule


Maaf deh kalo salah :(

14. The synonym of the word " liquid " is..... A. Gas B. Solid C. Fluid D. Powder

C. Fluid.................C. Fluid
artinya zat cair

15. 10. What kind of medicine Full Citrus is? a. Liquid b. Tablet c. Capsule d. Cream​




16. If water is cooled in a refrigerator, the state or matter of the water changers from ... a. Liquid to solid b. Solid to liquid c. Liquid to gas d. Gas to liquid

a. liquid to solid (cair jadi padat)jawabannya "a"
(cair jadi padat)
'maaf kalok salah'

17. process of heating a liquid until it turns into gas is called​



semoga membantu...jadikan jawaban tercerdas yahhh...jangan lupa follow




maaf kalu salah

semoga membantu^_^

18. 4. The form of the medicine is ....a. liquidb. capsuleC. tabletd. powder​


b. capsule


maaf kali kalo salah,semoga membantu



4. Bentuk obatnya adalah ....


b. kapsul

c. tablet

d. bedak


Semoga membantu

19. the shape of candle is​




Semoga membantu

20. 3. Which of the following does not affect the pressure of a liquid in a closed container?A. Area of liquid surfaceB. Strength of the gravitational fieldC. Density of the liquidD. Depth of the liquidjgn ngasal ya​

Pertanyaan yangtelahditerjemahkan:

Dari pernyataan berikut, manakah yang tidak memengaruhi tekanan hidrostatis dalam wadah tertutup ?

A. Luas permukaan cairan

B. Kekuatan medan gravitasi

C. Massa jenis zat cair

D. Kedalaman zat cair

Jawaban :A. Area of liquid surface

Pendahuluan :

Hi ! Kali ini kita akan membahas mengenai tekananhidrostatis. Tekanan hidrostatis masih dalam dimensi yang sama dengan dimensi tekanan pada zat padat. Hanya saja, tekanan hidrostatis ini dimiliki oleh zat cair. Tekanan hidrostatis yaitu tekanan yang diakibatkan oleh komponen dari zat cair itu sendiri. Tekanan hidrostatis ini disimbolkan dengan "[tex] P_h [/tex]" dan memiliki satuan N/m² atau Pa.

Pembahasan :

Tekanan hidrostatis dipengaruhi oleh massa jenis zat cair ([tex] \rho [/tex]), percepatan gravitasi (g), dan kedalaman zat cair itu sendiri (h). Pengaruh antar unsurnya terhadap nilai tekanan hidrostatis yaitu :

Massa jenis zat cair([tex] \bold{\rho [/tex]}), yaitu tingkat kerapatan zat cair. Semakin tinggi nilai massa jenis zat cair, zat cair akan semakin rapat. Di dasar suatu wadah, maka tekanan yang dirasakan akan semakin besar.Percepatangravitasi(g), yaitu tingkat interaksi setiap benda ke pusat interaksi massa. Percepatan gravitasi jika Anda di Bumi akan selalu sama antara dengan rerata paling stabil 9,81 m/s² atau sering dibulatkan menjadi 10 m/s². Semakin tinggi nilai percepatan gravitasi, maka tekanan hidrostatis akan semakin besar.Kedalaman(h), yaitu kedalaman cairan yang diukur dari bagian atas permukaan zat cair hingga ke dasar bagian wadah. Tekanan hidrostatis tertinggi jelas dirasakan pada bagian dasar wadah karena itu adalah titik terdalamnya. Semakin dalam suatu wadah, maka tekanan pada dasar wadah semakin besar pula.

Dari pilihan pada soal, hanya luaspermukaancairan lah yang tidak termasuk unsur penyusun tekanan hidrostatis.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut :Contoh penerapan tekanan hidrostatis dalam kehidupan soal mengenai penghitungan tekanan hidrostatis tekanan hidrostatis benda pada kedalaman tertentu Jawaban :

Kelas : 8

Mata Pelajaran : Fisika

Materi : Bab 3 – Fluida / Tekanan

Kata Kunci : Tekanan; tekanan hidrostatis; unsur penyusun dan bukan penyusun tekanan hidrostatis

Kode Kategorisasi : 8.6.3

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