
You Start Dying Slowly English Workshop

Mei 13, 2023

You Start Dying Slowly English Workshop

your brother wants to go to the english course, unfortunately the motorbike is in the workshop. you offer you brothe to use"ojek".​

Daftar Isi

1. your brother wants to go to the english course, unfortunately the motorbike is in the workshop. you offer you brothe to use"ojek".​


Ini artinya


kakak lelaki mu ingin pergi ke tempat les bahasa inggris nya,, sayangnya sepeda motor nya sedang ada di bengkel. kamu menawarkan kakak lelaki mu untuk menggunakan "ojek"


kakakmu ingin pergi ke kursus bahasa Inggris, sayangnya sepeda motor ada di bengkel. Anda menawarkan Anda kaldu untuk menggunakan "ojek".


bisa ngartiin doang. maaf kalo salah, semoga Membantu:)

2. the flowers are dying would you please ....?​


the flowers are dying would you please take it ?



the flowers are dying can you please water the flower


I know it sounds wierd but its true :) please water the flower in Indonesian is tolong sirami bunga

3. Aitor: How’s your English? Cech: Not bad. It ... (improve) slowly.

Aitor: How’s your English?
Cech: Not bad. It is improving slowly.

4. would you speak slowly, mom ? in indonesian​


will you speak slowly, ma'am?

answer: akankah kamu berbicara perlahan, bu?




5. the english class start at 10.20a.m.

pelajaran bahasa inggris dimulai jam 10.20 pagi

Kelas inggris akan dimulai jam 10.20.
Maaf kalau salah❤

6. Can you repeat that ..., please? I am a ... student you know. * 5 poin A.slowly -slowly B.slow - slowly C.slowly - slow D.selow - selow E.slow - slow


c. slowly - slow


moga membantu




Slowly itu artinya perlahan

7. arti the smile that you gave me even when you felt like dying adalah?​


senyuman yang kau berikan padaku bahkan saat kau merasa ingin mati


apakah bener

8. Physical education class will start atand finish atEnglish class will start atand finish at​


Saya bis membantu anda dengan menerjemahkan :-)

Kelas pendidikan jasmani akan dimulai pada dan selesai pada kelas bahasa Inggris akan dimulai pada dan selesai pada


maaf aku tidak bisa menjawab. Tapi aku bisa menerjemahkan maafkan ke cacatan aku ya :-)

Jangan lupa untuk berterimakasih:-)

semangat belajar ya!!!

9. You (start) to write since last year.(+) You start to write since last year(-) You did not start since last year(?) Did you start since last year?answer:​

Simple past tense

(+) You started to write since last year

(-) You did not start to write since last year

(?) Did you start to write since last year?


Kalimat di atas menggunakan tenses Simple Past Tense.

10. Speak slowly to Ana and Petra because they doesn't speak english very well.


okay and wht??.........

11. i (must/ have to) start studying English at 8.25.a.m​


i (have to) start syudying english at 8.25 a.m

maaf kalau salah, semoga membantu^^


Have to


I have to start studying English at 8.25 a.m.

Semoga bermanfaat ya...

12. How to start reading an english novel?

how to start reading english novel is to love english language first before you read it.How to start reading an English novel is you have to learn about English. If there's a word that you don't know ask to your parents or search at Google translate

13. Write sentences based on the following words: a. English b. Design Workshop c. Produce d. Assemble e. Maintenance

A. English is an important language to be learn as it became as the strongest language spoken within many countries.

B. Not only the major of such Design only able to be as designers, but opening a workshop related to it can also works where it simply can be called as Design Workshop.

C. We can produce literally anything if its related to something we desire about.

D. The assemble point of our meeting will be at the A tower second floor.

E. The escalator near the basement in under maintenance.

14. A: your mastery in english agreeable. when ..... learning english?B: several years agoa. did you beginb. were you startingc. do you startd. have you begune. are you starting

The answer is A. Did you begin

15. Teacher : ....., please ! Let’s start our English lesson now Students : ......​

Teacher : Attention, please

Let's start our english lesson now

Student : Yes Sir

16. 1............(you/start) you exams?


17. Maria and Lenny can speak English . . . . .a. fluentlyb. slowlyc. carefullyd. calmly​




karena arti fluently adalah dengan lancar



a. fluently

18. Imagine you are an entrepreneur, you just start your business. How would you promote or advertise your product? Explain it in English.​


Hey, want to try something different? Try this? Cheesy mushroom meatball. We use high quality ingredients and we guarantee it 100% organic. Try it now!!!


Pilih jawaban saya sebagai jawaban tercerdas ya :) terima kasih

19. If you don't speak slowly, we won't understand what you say. (unless)​


Unless you don't speak slowly, we will understang what you say.


Unless you speak slowly we will not understand what you said.


Unless artinya sampai, arti kalimat sebelumnya jika kamu tidak berbicara lebih pelan. Kami tidak akan mengerti apa yang kamu katakan. Kenapa kata dont(tidak) dihilangkan? Kalau tidak akan jadi sampai kamu TIDAK berbicara lebih pelan.

20. when did you start your english course ? how many years did you study english before ? what are you doing right now ? what lesson are you studying this week ? at what time is your class over ? how much time do you spend on your homework? how often do you write lettersbin english ? how did you get to campus today ?

Ini sebenarnya tergantung pengalaman anda.
1. I start english course, when my school want to doing national exam.
2. 3 years.
3. Doing some homework.
4. Much, like english, math, physich.
5. maybe 9 o'clock.
6. maybe 2 hours.
7. i write lettersbin english with my friend.
8. i go to campus with my parent.

itu jawaban saya dari pengalaman saya, jika kamu mau ambil saja.
1. i start my english course 4 years ago
2. i study english 9 years ago
3. now i type something
4. in this week i study very much: science, art, math, etc
5. usually my class over at 3 pm
6. i spent time for homework approximately 1 hour
7. i write letter in english everyday
8. i go to campus with my father

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