
Show That In A First Order Reaction

Mei 17, 2023

Show That In A First Order Reaction

Why is concentration vs reaction rate linear for first order reaction ?

Daftar Isi

1. Why is concentration vs reaction rate linear for first order reaction ?

The reason why on order 1 reaction the concentration and reaction rate is linear for first order reaction, That's because experiments have shown that the rate of a reaction is directly proportional to the concentration.


Reaksi primer adalah reaksi yang laju reaksinya sebanding dengan konsentrasi reaktannya. Dengan kata lain, menggandakan konsentrasi menggandakan laju reaksi. Reaksi primer dapat memiliki satu atau dua reaktan, seperti dalam kasus reaksi dekomposisi. Reaksi primer dapat didefinisikan sebagai reaksi kimia di mana laju reaksi bergantung secara linier pada konsentrasi hanya satu reaktan. Dengan kata lain, reaksi primer adalah reaksi kimia yang lajunya berubah berdasarkan perubahan konsentrasi hanya satu reaktan. Jadi orde reaksinya adalah 1.

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2. 28. Which does NOT change with time for a first-order reaction? (A) the amount of reactant that disappears in each half- life (B) the concentration of the reactant (C) the length of each half-life (D) the rate of the reaction

Pada reaksi order pertama yang tidak mengalami perubahan adalah :

C. The length of each half-life


Reaksi orde pertama adalah reaksi dalam orde menetap, laju reaksi berbanding lurus dengan konsentrasi salah satu reaktan. Reaksi orde pertama sering memiliki bentuk umum A → produk. Tingkat diferensial untuk reaksi orde pertama adalah sebagai berikut:


Jika konsentrasi A digandakan, laju reaksi menjadi dua kali lipat, jika konsentrasi A dinaikkan dengan faktor 10, laju reaksi meningkat dengan faktor 10, dan seterusnya. Karena satuan laju reaksi selalu mol per liter per detik, satuan konstanta laju orde pertama adalah detik timbal balik (s−1). Hukum laju terintegrasi untuk reaksi orde pertama dapat ditulis dalam dua cara yang berbeda: satu menggunakan eksponen dan satu menggunakan logaritma. Ingat bahwa hukum laju terintegrasi memberikan hubungan antara konsentrasi reaktan dan waktu.

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3. chemical reaction that happen in burning?

Reaksi pemutusan ikatan kimia

4. in order/so thatmakasih ​


1 so that

2 in order

3 so that

4 so that

5 in order


maaf kalau salah

5. Melani practices Badminton every day … prepare the competition * A. In B. So that C. In order that D. In order to jangan ngasal

D. In order to that

maaf kalo salah

smoga membantu


D. In order to


Itu yg bener

6. Perbedaan in order dan so that


in order supaya In order to make it yummy, we have to stir it well. Supaya membuatnya jadi enak, kita harus mengaduknya dengan benar. - We have to workout in order to be healthy. Kita harus berolahraga supaya menjadi sehat. so that supaya nantinya / jadi nantinya - You have to come so that you can meet him. Kamu harus datang supaya nantinya kamu bisa bertemu dia semoga membantu:)

7. Oke buat slot home arti for in order to make a Dokter B in order that in order to make a mother day in order to heaven to lesson​

Jawaban :

Artinya :

Oke buat slot arti rumah untuk di buat menjadi Dokter B agar bisa bikin hari ibu supaya masuk surga pelajaran

Semoga membantu

ini ada soalnya yg lebih jelas kah

8. Complete the dialogue with the best answer!A. ForB. In order toC. So thatD. In order that​


jawaban kyk nya

yg c ya so that

9. 1.they study hard...... Pass the examination in this year. A. In order to B. In order that C. For D. So that​

A. In order to , because there is verb stated so we must match it with to

10. Contoh kalimat in order that


The doctor operated in order that he might save his patien's life


1. We will provide you with the right guidance and advice in order that you get the best outcome for your situation.

(Kami akan memberimu bimbingan dan saran yang tepat agar kamu mendapatkan hasil terbaik untuk situasimu.)

2. In order that you are able to complete assignments, learn to manage your time effectively.

(Agar kamu dapat menyelesaikan tugas-tugas, belajar mengatur waktumu dengan efektif.)

11. ..... earn more money, I look for a part time job as a waitress in a restaurant. ?So thatIn order toIn order thatFor​


in order to earn more money, i look fore a part time job as a waitress in a restaurant.

semoga membantu^^

12. buatlah contoh penggunaan:so that, in order to, in order that, for. masing masing 2 kalimat​


She didn't replied my texts so that I tried to call herMia tells me the best route so that I will arrive on timeHe learns English everyday so that he can speak English fluentlyThey practice football every afternoon after school so that they can win the next competition. We will provide you with the right guidance and advice in order that you get the best outcome for your situation.In order that you are able to complete assignments, learn to manage your time effectively.I have been here to meet you for 2 hourswe have studied english for 3 years


Sebelum membuat contoh kalimat dengan menggunakan so that dan in order to, penting untuk mengetahui makna, pemakaian, dan struktur kalimat masing-masingnya. Baik so that maupun in order to sama-sama merupakan clause of purpose, digunakan dalam kalimat untuk menunjukkan adanya tujuan atau sesuatu yang dimaksudkan pada klausa kedua dalam suatu kalimat.

so that so that digunakan dalam kalimat sebagai awal clause of purpose. so that ini diikuti dengan subjek, modal auxiliary, lalu predikat yang berupa verb dalam bentuk simple. Jika diterjemahkan secara bebas, so that bisa diartikan sebagai "supaya", "agar", atau "sehingga".


So that

1. So that is why we must not cheat on our test and exam.

2. We have to wear a mask whenever we are going to a public place so that people won't get infected on whatever disease we have.

In order to

1. In order to minimize the case of covid-19 everyone has to self quarantine at home.

2. Student must not cheat in test and exam in order to insure them that they are actually learning.

In order that

1. I must learn for the exam tommorow in order that I can pass the class.

2. I must wake up early I'm order that I won't miss the bus.


1. I need to buy a turkey for the Thanksgiving dinner tonight.

2. My mom has to buy diaper for my little baby brother.

13. 1. You have to register ... participate in the fo-rum. .a. in order not tob. in order toc. so thatd. to2. I will go to university ... continue my studies.a. tob. so thatc. in order tod. in order not3. Ships carry life boats ... the crew can escapewhen the ship sinks.a. in order toC. so thatb. so tood. in order that4. She wants to get a good education ... she canhelp her familya. in order thatb. so thatC. in order tod. suppose​


1. b

2. a

3. c

4. b

Semoga membantu :)

14. Explain / Make A Sentence By Using : In Order To, So That, To, In Order Not To

In order to pass you exam, you should study
You should study so that you pass your exam
You need to study to pass your exam
You should not smoking in order not to increase your chance of having cancer

15. A so that b in order to c in order not to d so that not


A agar b agar c agar tidak d.agar tidak



16. . 4. I buy a pen.........write a letter.a. In order thatb. So thatc. In order tod. For​


I buy pen for write a letter


D. For

17. It is the conjunction to show a purpose, except...a. in order tob. althoughc. tod. so that​


B. Although


Although = Walaupun




although artinya meskipun

18. buatlah percakapan bhs inggris menggunakan kalimat in order to, in order that, so that​

A : in order to the weather's gonna had a storm, maybe we should stop this journey and start finding stop point.

B : ur right. In order that if we still continue, we'll gonna get dat zap by many clouds.

A : Hahaha, so thats mean u're gonna be electricity man.

B :Not funny didnt laugh, dude.


19. kamila studies really hard .... pass the national olympiad? a. in order to b. for c. so that d. in order that​


Kamila studies really hard in order to (A) pass the national olympiad.

semoga membantu

20. 4 Make a short paragraph using adverbial clauses of purpose (that, so that, such …. that, in order that, in order to)

I ask my children to come home earlier in order that all of our family can have dinner together today. I have a plan to dinner with my little family on weekend. In the morning, i wake up early so that i can prepare our children's breakfast as fast as i can. But, before that, i went to the market to buy something to make some food. I bought food such as an apple, orange, and tomato. I bought them because i want to make salad. I went to market by foot in order to make my self feel fresh.


Adverbial clause of purpose digunakan saat kita ingin menambahkan keterangan adverb yang menceritakan tujuan. So that, lest, in the hope that adalah kata penghubung yang banyak digunakan dalam adverb clause jenis ini. Adapun contoh paragraf yang menggunakan adverbial clause of purpose yaitu

I ask my children to come home earlier in order that all of our family can have dinner together today. I have a plan to dinner with my little family on weekend. In the morning, i wake up early so that i can prepare our children's breakfast as fast as i can. But, before that, i went to the market to buy something to make some food. I bought food such as an apple, orange, and tomato. I bought them because i want to make salad. I went to market by foot in order to make my self feel fresh.

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