
All The Tulips In Zoe s Garden Are White

Mei 11, 2023

All The Tulips In Zoe s Garden Are White

the white jasmines are the..... flower in our garden​

Daftar Isi

1. the white jasmines are the..... flower in our garden​




2. the white jasmine are the..........flawer in our garden​


white jasmine flower is the most fragrant flower in our garden


part of=bagian

melati putih adalah bagian dari bunga di kebun kita

3. where is the center of tulip growing? when do tulips bloomtulips can be found in various calours exctare tulips monocots? how many tulipd garden varities are there in the world

1. where is the center of tulip growing?
= tuling can growing in the garden at land

2. when do tulips bloom ?
= tulips bloom when spring season

3. tulips can be found in various calours exct?
= various calour tulips example, blue, red, yellow , pink etc

4. are tulips monocots?
= yes, tulips are a monocots

5. how many tulipd garden varities are there in the world
= tulips garden is many more varities in the word. maybe until a millons varities

Pelajari Lebih lanjut : 
- contoh un tahun lalu 
- : contoh soal un tahun lalu bahasa inggris 
[tex] \: [/tex]
Mapel : Bahasa inggris  
Kelas : 9
Materi : Termasuk dalam materi un
Kata kunci :
Kode Soal : 9
Kode Kategorisasi :9.5(kelas 9, mapel bahasa inggris)

4. They are sitting in the garden? A. What is he doing in the garden? B. What do they doing in the garden? C. What are they doing in the garden? D. Who is sitting in the garden? Present Continuous


C. What are they doing in the garden?

5. TULIPSLolips are among the beautiful flowers in the world, especially when they are bloomingTulips are monocots. They produce one large, bell-shaped bloom at the end each stem. They1.come in most colors but blue, Reds and yellows are common, but they very from white to deep purpleThere are over 4.000 garden vanicates all over the world. And there are about 100 species of wildtulips growing night across Asia to chinaHuge numbers of tulips are now grow in the fields in Holland. Now a days Holland is still thecentre of tulip growing. Tulips are familiar for their blooming. They bloom in spring from bulbsmana yng termasuk general classification dan desciption​

Report text adalah teks yang memberikan informasi umum mengenai suatu hal berdasarkan hasil observasi. Subjek yang biasa digambarkan adalah benda hasil buatan manusia, fenomena sosial, dan gejala alam.


1. General classification: menjelaskan klasifikasi sesuatu yang akan dijelaskan

Tulips are among the beautiful flowers in the world, especially when they are blooming .

Tulip adalah salah satu diantara bunga indah di dunia, khususnya ketika mereka mekar.

2. Description: menjelaskan informasi spesifik mengenai bagian-bagiannya

Tulips are monocotyledons. They produce one large, bell-shaped bloom at the end each stem. They  come in most colors but blue, Reds and yellows are common, but they very from white to deep purple . There are over 4.000 garden varied all over the world. And there are about 100 species of wild  tulips growing night across Asia to china . Huge numbers of tulips are now grow in the fields in Holland. Now a days Holland is still the  center of tulip growing. Tulips are familiar for their blooming. They bloom in spring from bulbs .

Tulip adalah tanaman monokotil. Mereka memproduksi satu yang besar, bentuknya seperti lonceng di ujung setiap batang. Mereka memiliki banyak warna namun biru, merah dan kuning adalah warna umum. tetapi mereka bervariasi dari sangat putih sampai ungu gelap. Ada sekitar 4000 kebun tersebar di dunia. Ada banyak 100 spesies tulip liar tumbuh di sepanjang Asia hingga Cina. Sekarang banyak tanaman tulip tumbuh di Belanda. Sekarang ini Belanda alah pusat tumbuhnya tulip. Tulip dikenal karena mekarnya. Mereka mekar di musim semi.

Pelajari lebih lanjutPengertian report text report text jawaban

Kelas: 11

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Report text

Kode: 11.5.1

Kata kunci: Report text, Generic structures of report text

6. Lindsay grows only roses and tulips in her garden. The ratio of roses to tulips in her garden is 5:6. If there are 242 total flowers in her garden, how many of them are tulips?A. 22B. 40C. 110D. 121E. 132​

Number of tulips=

[tex] \frac{6}{(5 + 6)} \times 242 = \\ \frac{6}{11} \times 242 = \\ 6 \times 22 = 132 \: tulips \: (e)[/tex]

Terima kasih.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Soal dalam bahasa Indonesia :

Lindsay hanya menanam mawar dan tulip di kebunnya. Rasio mawar terhadap tulip di kebunnya adalah 5: 6. Jika ada total 242 bunga di kebunnya, berapa banyak yang tulip?


Mawar : Tulip = 5 : 6

Total bunga = 242 Bunga

• Cari banyak bunga tulip:

= 6 / (5+6) x 242 Bunga

= 6 / 11 x 242 Bunga

= 132 bunga


so many tulips there are 132 flowers

Bunga tulip adalah bunga musim semi paling populer yang pernah ada, dan bunga terpopuler ketiga dunia setelah bunga Mawar dan Seruni.Bunga Tulip mempunyai berbagai macam variasi warna, tinggi, dan bentuk bunga. Beberapa tulip mempunyai bau harum.Istilah Tulip berasal dari serapan bahasa turki "tulbend" yaitu turban atau ikat kepala. Tulip berasal dari keluarga lily, Liliaceae. Bunga Tulip mekar dengan enam kelopak bunga yg besar dan indah.Setiap tahun miliaran bunga tulip dibudidayakan, mayoritas tumbuh dan diekspor dari Belanda. Bunga tulip pertama kali dibudidayakan dan dikawin silang oleh orang turki pada Kekaisaran Ottoman.Bunga tulip di klasifikasikan dari waktu dia mekar. Bunga tulip dibagi menjadi tulip yg berbunga cepat, sedang, lambat pada musim bunga tulip
.- Bunga tulip yang berbunga lebih cepat : mekar pada april dan awal april
- Bunga tulip yang berbunga sedang : mekar pada april dan awal mei
- Bunga tulip yang berbunga lebih lambat : mekar pada mei.

8. their are .... the flower in the garden

mungkin maksudmu they are , jawabannya watering =menyiram

9. I love gardening.i have a small Garden in my backyard in the garden there Some flowers. There are daffodils, Cambodian flowers,orchids,red roses and white oldest daughter,Annisa,ia crazy about red roses.she always helps me watering the flowers in the afternoon I love all the flowers in my many flowers in garden and mention

Jawaban :

5 (five), that are daffodils, Cambodian flowers, orchids, red roses and white lilies.

Penjelasan :

Di dalam paragraf dikatakan

There are daffodils, Cambodian flowers, orchids, red roses and white lilies.

Ada daffodil, bunga Kamboja, anggrek, mawar merah dan bunga lili putih

Jadi totalnya terdapat 5 bunga di kebun, dan sebutkan yaitu daffodils, Cambodian flowers, orchids, red roses and white lilies.

#Terimakasi sudah bertanya di brainly, semoga membantu!

#Semangat Hyung:'

10. The children are planting trees in the garden now. *a. Trees are being planting by the children in the garden now.b. Trees are planted by the children in the garden now.c. Trees are being planted by the children in the garden now.d. Trees has planted by the children in the garden now.​


C maaf kalau salah :(((


11. tulipstulips are among the beautiful flowers in the world, especially when they are blooming Tulips are monocots. They produce one large, bell-shaped bloom at the end each stem. They come in most colors but blue. Reds and yellows are common, but they very from white to deep purple There are over 4.000 garden varieates all over the world. And there are about 100 species of wild tulips, growing right across Asia to china Huge numbers of tulips are now grow in the fields in Holland. Now a days Holland is still the centre of tulip growing Tulips are familiar for their blooming. They bloom in spring from bulbs.1.what is the text about​


the text is about the flower tulip.

description text of the growth of tulips

maap kalo sala yaa

12. the dogs_____destroyed all the flowers in our garden​

Jawaban:The dogs have destroyed all the flowers in our garden​


Yaa....aku ngga pinter menjelaskan kaka,maaf jika ada kesalahan dan selamat belajar!

13. Are the butterflies in the garden?



[tex]\boxed{\boxed{\bold{JAWAB : \: }}} [/tex]


[tex]\blu{\boxed{\star \: \tt SOAL :\: \: \star}}[/tex]

Are the butterflies in the garden?


[tex]\boxed{\boxed{\bold{ ✯ARTINYA✯ : \: }}} [/tex]

apakah kupu-kupu ada di taman?


[tex]\red{\boxed{\star \: \tt JAWABAN = \: \: \star}}[/tex]

yes, a butterfly is in the park


[tex]\boxed{\boxed{\bold{ ✯ARTINYA✯ : \: }}} [/tex]

iya,kupu kupu ada di taman


[tex]\red{\boxed{\star \: \tt •SEMOGA \: MEMBANTU• \: \star}}[/tex]

14. bahasa Indonesianya they all are white in colour​


semuanya berwarna putih


maaf kalo salah


Semua Nya berwarna Putih


Jadikan yang terbaik ya kak

15. The..........are in the garden

The FLOWERS are in the garden

Kalo diartikan di bahasa indonesia artinya : Bunganya ada di taman atau kebun

Itu flower nya pake S karena ada banyak bunga , kalau enggak pake S itu artinya bunganya cuma ada satu




16. The ............... are in the garden​




sekarang kita cari artinya :

Bunganya ada di taman

maaf kalau salah

17. ...are in the garden.(the flowers)

Jadikan Jawaban Terbaik Ya......

18. 1. Where is the centre of tulip growing?a. Asiab. Tiongkok.c. Hollandd. Indonesia2. Where are the tulips blooma. In summerb. In winterc. In springd. Fall3. What colour do the tulips have in varied?a. Blueb. Redc. Red and Yellowd. White and deep purple4. Are tulips mono cots?a Yes, they areb. No, they are notc. Yes, it ared. No, it is not5. How much tulip garden varieties are there in the world?a. 1.000b. 2.000c. 3.000d. 4.000

1. C. Holland
2. C. In spring
3. D. White and deep purple
4. A. Yes, they are
5. D. 4000

jadikan jawaban terbaik yahh ^_^1.c holland
2.c in, spring
3.d.white and deep purple
4.a. yes, they are
5. d. 4000
jadikan jawaban tercerdas

19. There are 36 roses ,20 orchinds 30 carnations , 72 violets and 22 tulips in garden .find the percentage of the roses flowers? Pakai cara

Total flowers in the garden
= 36 + 20 + 30 + 72 + 22
= 180 

% roses
= 36/180 × 100%
= 20%flowers

20. ....are in the garden(the flowers)​


The flowers are in the garden

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