
Places Of Worship Worksheet For Class 1

April 25, 2023

Places Of Worship Worksheet For Class 1

mention some of the places worship in the text

Daftar Isi

1. mention some of the places worship in the text

Jawaban: menyebutkan beberapa tempat beribadah dalam text



d. vihara


vihara is a place for pleasure and entertainment

3. a place for worship is called?​

A building constructed or used for this purpose is sometimes called a house of worship. Temples, churches, synagogues and mosques are examples of structures created for worship. A monastery, particularly for Buddhists, may serve both to house those belonging to religious orders and as a place of worship for visitors.

tempat ibadah

maap kl slh

4. 24 public places and the use of that places

1. School = to study
2. Bank = to safe our money
3. Hospital = to care sick people
4. Office = to people work
5. Library = to people reading
6. Restaurant = to people eating
7. Halte = to people waiting bus
8. Airport = to people waiting airplane
9. Harbour = to people waiting ship
10. Market = to people shopping
maaf kak cuma dapet 10
1. mosque : place where we are praying
2. shelter : place where the bus stop
3. school : place where the people eget ducated
4. restaurant : place to eat some foods
5.mall : place to shopping
6.library : place to read the book
7.karaoke : place to sing
8.hall : place to get announcement
9.field : place to do some sports
10.gas station : place to get the fuel

5. sebutkan 20 Contoh 1. Qualities of Places

beautiful place
bad places
hot places
cold places
big places
small places
dirty places
neat places
amazing places
good places
clean places
dark places
bright places
great places
excellent places
comfertable places
disgust places
large places

6. Create a congratulation card for one of your friend in your class ​

Jawaban: - happy birthday my friend, wish you all the best. i hope now you can make a change in the new age ( For Your best friend who will celebrate her/his birthday party)

- congratulation aulia, you win the math competition. i'm proud of you my friend. ( for your friend who win in a Math competition)


7. Apa Maksud Kata Kata Di bawah ini Foot Worship Feet worship Legs to worship Male Girls Gilrs foot worship Male foot worship Coba di translate

Foot Worship : Penjilat telapak kaki
Feet worship : Penjilat kaki
Legs to worship : Penjilat kaki
Male : Lelaki
Girls : Perempuan
Gilrs foot worship : Perempuan penjilat telapak kaki
Male foot worship : Lelaki penjilat telapak kaki

8. mention three names of public places for keeping health

Hospital > rumah sakit
Infirmary > klinik
Community Health Center > puskesmas

semoga membantu :D

9. Engage in such a form of worship apa artinya​


terlibat dalam ibadah semacam itu


Engage in such a form of worship

Terlibat dalam bentuk ibadah seperti itu


Maaf kalo salah:)

10. Make prohibitation or recommendafion for each of the publik places mentioned bellow 1 in a libraray 2 .in a zoo a library
-don't be noisy in this area
- please return the book that was read to the original place

2. in a zoo
- attention! this animal is wild please keep a distance of 5 meters
- please keep the area clean

11. Activity Work in groups of four. Observe your school and decide on ten objects or places in your school. Describe the objects or places and share with the class. ​


Aktivitas Bekerjalah dalam kelompok berempat. Amati sekolah Anda dan putuskan sepuluh objek atau tempat di sekolah Anda. Jelaskan objek atau tempat dan bagikan dengan kelas.

12. a place for worship is called?​


In Indonesia there's 6 religions:

A place for worship:

1. Muslim: Mosque

2. Catholic: Church

3. Christian: Church

4. Buddha: monastery or nunnery

5. Hindu: Temple

6. Konghucu: Pagoda


Semoga Membantu Ya :D

13. Look at the following picture.what kind of tourism places do you think?make a short description of the each picture orally.present to the class!​


Perhatikan gambar berikut.Tempat wisata apa menurutmu?buatlah deskripsi singkat dari setiap gambar secara lisan.presentasikan di depan kelas!

14. A building use for public chiristian worship​


penjelasan:church is an Indonesian language which means an association or institution of Christians

15. a place for worship is called?​



Maaf kalo salah ya

16. the fuction of the bulidingA.a palace of kingdom B.a palace of worshipC.a place of anceient art D. a house of worshiparti dan jawaban

D. a house of worship (tempat rumah ibadah).

#semoga membantu.

17. 1.what is the text about?a.a class meeting in a schoolb.the winner of a class meetingc.the plan of having a class invitation to join a class meeting2.for whom the text is intended?a.the committee of the class meetingb.the juries of the class meetingc.the head teacherd.the students​


2. D. An invitation to join a class meeting

3. D. The Students


2. D. Undangan untuk menghadiri pertemuan kelas

D. Untuk murid-murid

18. sebuah workbook umumnya memiliki......... worksheetA.1 worksheetB.2 worksheetC.3 worksheetD.4 worksheetE.1 workbook

d. 4 worksheet mas broTergantung pada versi Excel yang dipakai
Jika memakai versi 2010 kebawah (misal memakai Excel versi 2007 seperti gambar 1), maka memiliki 3 worksheet (C), jika memakai versi 2013 keatas (gambar 2), maka memiliki 1 worksheet (A) 

Semoga membantu...

19. what are you doing worksheet for kindergarten ?

Obviously listen to my parents, I don't work when I was kindergarten because there's no way for a chick-brat like me would know something called "work" though I do chores well let's assume chores are the "work" you're mentioning about.


Is the answer in the context of a Kindergarten child's work.

20. For the text of the first impression in a class of 12

Untuk teks kesan pertama di kelas 12

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