
If The Room Had Been Brighter

April 13, 2023

If The Room Had Been Brighter

.... before the participant came A. Had the room been brighter B.had the room brighter C.had btighter D.has the room been brighter E.has been brighter

Daftar Isi

1. .... before the participant came A. Had the room been brighter B.had the room brighter C.had btighter D.has the room been brighter E.has been brighter


Had the room been brighter before the participant came.

Arti dari kalimat di atas adalah "ruangan telah lebih terang sebelum partisipan datang".


Cara menjawab soal ini adalah dengan melihat kalimat "before the participant came". Kalimat berbentuk past tense, sehingga kalimat sebelumnya juga harus berbentuk past (lampau)

Pada opsi jawaban, pilihan A, B, dan C berbentuk past perpect tense. Sedangkan pilihan D dan E berbentuk present perfect tense. Sehingga pilihan D dan E kurang tepat

Sekarang perhatikan kata "brighter" pada pilihan jawaban. Kata "brighter" termasuk adjective atau kata sifat. Sehingga, untuk membentuk kata kerja harus diikuti dengan "been".

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah had the room been brighter (A)

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai past perfect tense pada


2. If we had left the house earlier, they……………….(not, be) so late getting to the ship.would not have been would have been would not had been would had been




sorry klo salah

3. If we had left the house earlier, they……………….(not, be) so late getting to the ship.would not have been would have been would not had been would had been



sorry kalo salah

4. If the weather had been nice yesterday, we (go) _____________________________ to the zoo. *




semoga membantu..,maaf klo salah

5. if the weather had been nice yesterday, i (go) to the park

if the weather had been nice yesterday, i went to the parki went to the park
maaf klo salah

6. after the reward had been distributed ,the participants.......,out of the rooma.wentb.have gonec.were goingd.goe.going​

jawaban C. Were going

Maafkan jika salah

C Were Goinggggg

Smga Membantuuy

7. If the weather had been better, we... (To come) by biken


If the weather had been better, we... (To come) by bike.


Jika cuacanya sudah membaik, kita...akan datang memakai sepeda.


If the weather had been better, we wouldhavetocameby bike.

Type of sentences: Conditional sentences 3.

+)Subject+had+verb3+object+adverb/adjective/noun, Subject+would+have+verb3+object+adverb/adjective/noun.


8. . if the weather had been nice yesterday, we (go) to the zoo.


If the weather had been nice yesterday, we would have gone to the zoo.


Kalimat di atas menggunakan conditional sentence type 3. Hal ini dapat diketahui dari penggunaan "had been nice" dan "if".

Formula conditional sentence type 3, yaitu

If + subject + had + verb 3, subject + would have + verb 3.

9. terjemahkan kedalam b.indonesia: the lamp in the dining room is brighter than the lamp in the room​

Lampu yang ada di ruang makan lebih terang daripada lampu yang ada di kamar


lampu di ruang makan lebih terang dari lampu di ruang


maaf kalau salah

10. If Rinda……………….(send) me letter, I would have replied it a. Would have send b. Would had sent c. Would have sent d. Had sent e. Have sent 2. Lintang ……………….(be) at home if she had not had a concert ticket a. Had been b. Have been c. Would have been d. Would had been e. Would have 3. If the audience had not blown the firework in the race time, the competition …………(continue) a. Would had continued b. Would continued c. Would been continued d. Would have been continued e. Would have continued 4. Windasari ………………(not been) at the school if she had been in other city a. Would not been b. Would not have been c. Would not had been d. Would have been e. Would had been 5. Imron would have gone to the Jogjakarta if he …………………….(not have) schedule a. Had not had b. Had not have c. Not had had d. Not had have e. Have not had


d. had sent


11. My nephew was sick since he … outside in bad weather all day. has been playing had been playing His skin became darker because he … something under the scorching sun without sunscreen. had been doing has been doing When you … the room, we … the matter of our wages for 10 minutes. entered, had been discussing had been entering, discussed By the time I asked, my home assistant … had been getting rid toxic household items of had been getting rid of toxic household items The senior engineer ... the project for a year before he resigned. had been being managed had been managing


1. Had been playing

2. has been doing

3. entered, had been discussing

4. had been getting rid of toxic household items

5. had been managing

12. complicated the following sentences 11.If I had given you a help last night,.12. If I had entered a different Senior high Schod13. If the Internet had never been invented, 14. It I had been born in the prehistone age is.15.If I had known you earlier​



11.If I had given you a help last night, you would have come to school on time.

12. If I had entered a different Senior high School, I would have never known you.

13. If the Internet had never been invented, we would have never gotten any news this fast.

14. If I had been born in the prehistoric age, I would have lived side by side with dinosaurs.

15.If I had known you earlier​, I would have become a successful businessman.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk kalimat Conditionals tipe 3 (kalimat pengandaian / bersyarat) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Terjemahan jawaban:

11. Jika aku telah memberimu bantuan tadi malam, kamu akan datang ke sekolah tepat waktu.

12. Jika aku memasuki SMA yang berbeda, aku tidak akan pernah mengenal dirimu.

13. Jika Internet tidak pernah ditemukan, kita tidak akan pernah mendapatkan berita secepat ini.

14. Jika aku lahir di zaman prasejarah, aku akan hidup berdampingan dengan dinosaurus.

15.Jika aku mengenal dirimu lebih awal, aku akan menjadi pengusaha yang sukses.

Kalimat pengandaian tipe 3

Fakta: Menyatakan kondisi yang tidak mungkin terwujud di masa lampau.

If+ subject + had + V3/past perfect Tense + subject + would have + V3/past perfect Tense


if+ subject + had been + adjective/noun + subject + would have been + adjective/noun

Semoga membantu ya.

13. 1).Eva to do meeting,the room... A).Had been put B).Had put C).Had been cleaner and prepared D).Bad cleaner and prepared 2).He told that he...all the files on the directory A).Had removed B).Had been removed C).Had been droped D).Had droped 3).The student...her disposable launch box ini the garbage cantik by the time the bel range A).Had removed B).Had been removed C).Had been droped D).Had droped

Jawaban: 1. C

2. B

3. D

Maaf kalo salah


14. The room has been cleaned by Rafi just now. *a. Rafi is cleaning the room just now.b. Rafi had cleaned the room just now.c. Rafi has been cleaned the room just now.d. Rafi has cleaned the room just now.​


a rafi


semoga membantu

15. 7. the room has been cleaned by frieda just now. a. frieda has been cleaned the room just now. b. frieda had cleaned the room just now. c. frieda has cleaned the room just now. d. frieda is cleaning the room just now.


c. frieda has cleaned the room just now.

16. We …………………………………(go) to the zoo, if the weather had been nice yesterday.





We …………………………………(go) to the zoo, if the weather had been nice yesterday.

Dari kalimat di atas, yaitu "if the weather (HAD BEEN), kita bisa ketahui bahwa ini termasuk conditional sentence type 3. Jadi untuk melengkapi kalimat nya adalah sbb :

=> We (would have gone) to the zoo, if the weather had been nice yesterday.

17. 1. the beggars( not eat) if the food had been expired​

Jawaban:doesn't eat

Penjelasan:ini merupakan fact

18. Complete the sentence1. The house would have been completely demolished.2. The swimming would have been more enjoyable if. 3. We would not have been late if.4. The business would have prospered if. 5. We would have won our freedom sooner if.1. If Luisa had eaten less,2. If Joanne had watered the plants,3. If Shiela had gone home early,4. If cooler heads had not intervened,5. If conditions had not been​






maaf kalau salah

19. I .... gone to the beach if it had been raining.


I would not have gone to the beach if it had been raining.


Saya tidak akan pergi ke pantai jika hari itu hujan. Jawaban dicetak tebal dan menggunakan bentuk Conditional Sentence Type 3.

Kalimat pengandaian tipe 3

If+ subject + had + V3/past perfect Tense + subject + would + not + have + V3/past perfect Tense


if+ subject + had been + adjective/noun + subject + would have been + adjective/noun

Contoh :

If I had read that book, I would have understood the theory well. Fakta: / didn’t have that book. Therefore, I didn’t understand the theory well.

Semoga membantu ya.

20. (You, knock) the door before you entered the room? A. Do you knock B. Does you knock C. Had you been knock D. Had you knocked E. Had you been knocking

E. Had you been knockinge.had you been knocking

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