
Distinguish Between Personal Secretary And Company Secretary

April 04, 2023

Distinguish Between Personal Secretary And Company Secretary

why a company need secretary? jawab menggunakan bahasa inggris

Daftar Isi

1. why a company need secretary? jawab menggunakan bahasa inggris

because if there is no secretary not help

2. apa perbedaan executive secretary dengan private secretary

Executive secretary adalah manajer yang fungsinya juga sebagai bawahan dalam artian sebagai suatu perwakilan manajer pada suatu bagian organisasi. Contoh: Sekertaris Jendral

Private secretary adalah sekertaris yang khusus ditugaskan sebagai sekertaris saja dan bersifat membantu dan tidak menjadi bawahan

3. Andrew's secretary atau Mr winfield secretary?

Un tadi ya? Klo aku andrew 's secretary, gtau benar ato salahkalo aku jawabnya tadi mr winfield secretary :)

4. Diduga the students hold and election for the leader and secretary?

Diduga para siswa memegang dan memilih pemimpin dan sekretaris?

5. What are mr.anton and the secretary talking about

Apa yg pak anfon dan sekretarisnya bicarain

apa yang bapak anton lakukan dan secreatry berbicara tentang
i don understan the text secreatry

6. What is the difference between distinguish and distinctive?



recognize or treat (someone or something) as different.

"the child is perfectly capable of distinguishing reality from fantasy"

transitive verb. 1 : to perceive a difference in : mentally separate so alike they could not be distinguished. 2a : to mark as separate or different a policy that distinguishes him from other candidates. b : to separate into kinds, classes, or categories distinguish words by their part of speech.



characteristic of one person or thing, and so serving to distinguish it from others.

"juniper berries give gin its distinctive flavor"

Something that is distinctive is easy to recognize because it is different from other things:

-a distinctive smell/taste

-She's got a very distinctive voice.





7. how to distinguish between active and passive voice?help​

[tex]\underline{\mathbb{\pmb{\purple{ANSWER \: ♡}}}}[/tex]

Active voice means that a sentence has a subject that acts upon its verb. Passive voice means that a subject is a recipient of a verb's action.

At the most basic level, the active voice emphasizes the person or agent who performs an action, in short, the “actor.” The passive voice emphasizes the recipient of the action or sometimes the action itself.

8. Percakapan singkat secretary and nurce bahasa inggris


please write all of the task


menyuruh perawat agar sekretaris mncatat semua tugas

9. Headmaster =Secretary =​


headmaster= kepala sekolah

secretary= sekertaris


ini suruh cari artinya kan?

mohon maaf klo slh...

10. 7. What is the text about? A. Requiring a qualified secretary. B. Looking for an exclusive secretary. C. Looking for a qualified admin staff. D. Promoting an Air charter company. E. Offering a job as Executive Secretary

- mana tulisannya-

Tulisan itu mengenai apa?

A. Memerlukan sekretaris yang berkualifikasi.

B. Mencari sekretaris eksklusif.

C. Mencari staf admin yang berkualitas.

D. Mempromosikan perusahaan charter Udara.

11. How can we distinguish between knowledge, belief and opinion?


of to print dien to tertentu

12. 14. be - 1-a - want - secretary - toThe best arrangement is ...a. I secretary want to be a.b. Ito be want a secretary.C.I want to be a secretaryd. I want be a secretary to..​


C. i want to be a secretary

sorry kalo salah


C. l want to be secretary

13. The chairman of the organization did not attend the meeting, and ....A. The secretary didn't eitherB. The secretary did tooC. Neither didn't the secretaryD. Not the secretary did​


Ketua organisasi tidak menghadiri rapat tersebut,

dan ....

J. Sekretarisnya juga tidak

B. Sekretaris itu juga

C. Begitu pula dengan sekretaris

D. Bukan sekretaris yang melakukannya

jawaban nya c.Neither didn't the secretary

14. work on pair.Create a telephone conversation between a customer and- a customer service a hotel- a secretary of a company,or- a customer service of a computer agent,etc.Mohon di bantu​


bekerja berpasangan.Buat percakapan telepon antara pelanggan dan

- layanan pelanggan sebuah hotel

- sekretaris perusahaan, atau

- layanan pelanggan agen komputer, dll.

15. secretary: Good morning united. company, may i help you? mr. browil..........​


Sure, Thank you for help me

16. Riska is my neighbour. She is a secretary. she works at bright company. As a secretary, she has a daily routine

which is assistaning her boss

17. Distinguish between a sales agency and a brach operation


Bahasa Inggris:

Distinguish between a sales agency and a brach operation

Bahasa Indonesia:

Bedakan antara agen penjualan dan operasi brach


Semoga Bermanfaat

18. (+) She is a secretary (-) …………………………….a. She has a secretaryb. She is not a secretaryc. She have a secretaryd. She hasn’t a secretary​

Ansewer :

c. She have a secretary

Explanation :

Sorry if not correct

(+) She is a secretary (-) …………………………….

a. She has a secretary

b. She is not a secretary

c. She have a secretary

d. She hasn’t a secretary


B. She is not a secretary.

Maaf jika salah

19. deskripsikan tentang secretary

bahasa indonesia :Tugas Sekretaris Perusahaan adalah membantu pimpinannya dalam melakukan tugas-tugas harian, baik yang rutin maupun yang khusus. Tugas rutin merupakan tugas sehari-hari yang biasa dikerjakan oleh seorang sekretaris tanpa perlu perintah dari pimpinan. Sedangkan tugas khusus adalah tugas yang diperintahkan oleh pimpinan agar sekretaris dapat menyelesaikan suatu permasalahan dengan menggunakan pengalaman dan ilmunya sebagai seorang sekretaris.

bahasa inggris :Corporate Secretary's duty is to assist leaders in performing daily tasks, both routine and special. Routine tasks are everyday tasks normally done by a secretary without orders from the leadership. While the special task is a task which was ordered by the leadership so that the secretary can solve a problem using the experience and knowledge as a secretary.

semoga bermanfaat

20. the chairman attended the meeting ,and the secretary ....

write the result from that meeting

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