
A Company Wishes To Provide Cab Service

April 07, 2023

A Company Wishes To Provide Cab Service

1.A place to moor ship= H.....2.a place to provide medicines for public purchase= P....3.A place to provide daily needs with self service= S....

Daftar Isi

1. 1.A place to moor ship= H.....2.a place to provide medicines for public purchase= P....3.A place to provide daily needs with self service= S....

1. harbour
2. pharmacy
3. supermarket
"The world isn't perfect. But it's here for us, doing the best it can. And that's what makes it so damn beautiful." ~Roy Mustang

2. Artinya service company

service company = perusahaan jasa

3. my company....internet service

my company has internet service
Perusahaaan ku mempunyai layanan internet
My company "has" internet service
- Perusahaanku mempunyai layanan internet
My company "is" internet service
- Perusahaanku adalah layanan internet

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat

4. Tuliskan 5 nama Internet Service Provide yang ada di Indonesia !​

1. IndiHome.

2. First Media (FastNet).

3. Biznet Home.

4. MyRepublic.

5. MNC Play.

5. TEXT1. What is beingadvertised?2. What does "ComputerDoctor" means?3. How many days a weekComputer Doctor providea service?4.Where does ComputerDoctor provide a service?bantu jawab kak​


1. It's advertising about services for PC's macs & networks home or office visits

2. Computer doctor basically means someone who fixes computers/tukang servis komputer

3. It provides service 7 days a week

4. In Toronto


Hope this helps-!!!

6. kaka-kaka bantuin dong bikinin Complaint Letter dari topik ini: your photo-copy machine is not working. you call a service man from the company. they sent you one. the service man was excellent but he was unable to repair the machine with the correct spare part. you have telephoned the company to provide the correct spare parts but there has not been any respone yet

melati street
jakarta,23245(boleh di ganti)

Oktober 20,2014

Customer Service
electric store
15 Kibuyut Trusmi Street

Dear Sir or Madam manager of electric store,

i have recently call the service man from your company to fix myphoto copy machine and i so thanks you sent the service man,his works very excellen but he was unable to repair the machine with the correct spare part.

To resolve the problem,i try to call your company again  to provide the correct spare parts but there has not been any respone yet. i n this case i complain about your company fix this problem so slowly.

Than you for taking the time to read this letter.If you need to contact me, you can reach me at (555) 555-5555.

Ken Thomas

moga membantu :)

7. The company created new produres....improre customer service




Perusahaan membuat prosedur baru untuk meningkatkan layanan pelanggan.

8. TEXT1.What is being advertised?2.What does "Computer Doctor" means?3.How many days a week Computer Doctor provide a service?4.Where does Computer Doctor provide a service?​


Computer doctorComplete range of service for pc's macs & network or office visits7 days a weekin Toronto

9. 1. what does .... mean?it means a device to provide internet service at home or officesorry lupa taruh satu lgi soalan nya​





1. apa itu wifi?

ini adalah perangkat yang menyediakan pelayanan internet di rumah atau kantor

10. An account in trading company which is not found is a service company is

accounts that are not found in companies are private services

11. how to accep a service?​


Agreement by the defendant (or the defendant's attorney) to accept papers or a complaint without having the papers served by a process server or a sheriff. Acceptance of service is accomplished by signing a "receipt and acknowledgment of acceptance of service" (or similarly titled instrument).


Semoga Membantu

I hope this helps


Accepting Service/Help (Menerima jasa/Bantuan)

●Thank you.

●That’s very kind of you.

●Thanks (very much).


Terjemahan :

Menerima Layanan / Bantuan (Menerima jasa / Bantuan)

■Terima kasih.

■Anda sangat baik.

■Terima kasih banyak).



sudah jelas


12. carrol wishes she (have) a new dress to go to party


Carrol berharap dia memiliki baju baru untuk pergi ke pesta


Carol Berharap dia mempunyai baju baru untuk pergi ke pesta

13. Hal hal apa saja yg perlu dipertimbangkan untuk menentukan Internet service provide

yang diutamakan adalah jaringannya yang cukup luas, kedua adalah harga dan ketiga service dan pelayanan..

14. 1. Do you know how to offer a help / a service? 2. Do you know how to respond to an offer / a service? 3. Do you know how to accept an offer / a service ? 4. Do you know how to refuse an offer/ a service

1. Apakah Anda tahu cara menawarkan bantuan / layanan?
2. Apakah Anda tahu cara menanggapi penawaran / layanan?
3. Apakah Anda tahu cara menerima penawaran / layanan?
4. Apakah Anda tahu cara menolak tawaran / layanan

tuh artinya

15. The company created new produres ....improre customer service


Perusahaan membuat prosedur baru .... meningkatkan layanan pelanggan


for / for

16. how to accep a service?​

Agreement by the defendant (or the defendant's attorney) to accept papers or a complaint without having the papers served by a process server or a sheriff. Acceptance of service is accomplished by signing a "receipt and acknowledgment of acceptance of service" (or similarly titled instrument).

17. we are unable to provide stable service for the appon this devicekenapa ada pemberitahuan ini di line play​

perangkat mu tidak stabil untuk menjalankan aplikasi tersebut atau perangkat mu di bawah standar untuk menginstall aplikasi tersebut

18. what is general journal of “ provide service to medan tuition agency amount rm 25k by cash?? help pls quite confused with it


General Journal :

27 Jan

Cash ...................................25.000

          Services Revenue ...........25.000

26 Jan

Aircond .................................1.900

          Cash ......................................1.900

28 Jan

Prive ......................................1.000

          Cash ......................................1.000

30 Jan

Salary Expense .................4.500

          Cash .....................................4.500


Make it Best Answer

19. 1. Do you know how to offer a help/a service? 2. Do you know how to respond to an offer/a service? 3. Do you know how to accept an offer/a service? 4. Do you know how to refuse an offer/a service?

Offering Help/Service

1. Do you know how to offer a help/a service?

=> Yes, I do. Here are the expressions to to offer a help/a service:

May I help you? (bolehkah aku membantumu?)  Would you like a cup of coffee?(maukah kamu secangkir kopi?)  May I give you a hand? (Bisakah aku membantumu?)  Shall I bring you a pillow? (haruskah aku membawakanmu bantal?)  Can I do the dishes for you? (bisakah aku mencuci piring untukmu?)  Shall I help you with your project? (haruskah aku menolongmu dengan tugasmu?)  Would you care for another cup of tea? (maukah kamu secangkir teh lagi?)  

2. Do you know how to respond to an offer/a service?

=> Yes, I do. We can respond it by accepting or refusing.

3. Do you know how to accept an offer/a service?

=> Yes, I do. Here are the expressions to accept an offer/a service:

Thank you. (terimakasih)  Yes, please. (ya tolong)  I’d like it very much. (aku akan sangat menyukainya)  Yes please. I really appreciate it. (ya tolong, aku sangat menghargainya)  Thank you, it’s very kind of you (terimakasih, kamu baik sekali)  Yes, please, that would be lovely(ya tolong, itu akan sangat menyenangkan)

4. Do you know how to refuse an offer/a service?

=> Yes, I do. Here are the expressions to refuse an offer/a service:

No thanks. (tidak terimakasih)  I can’t, thanks anyway (aku tidak bisa, terimakasih)  No, I really won’t, thank you (tidak, aku tidak mau, terimakasih)  It’s okay, I can do it myself. (terimakasih, aku bisa melakukannya sendiri)  No thank you. (tidak terimakasih)  No thanks, I don’t need any help (tidak terimakasih, aku tidak membutuhkan bantuan)  Don’t worry, I will do it myself. (jangan khawatir, aku akan melakukannya sendiri)  That’s alright, I will manage it on my own. (tidak apa apa, aku akan melakukannya sendiri)  


Offering Service/Help used to offer service/help to others. (Offering Service/Help digunakan untuk menawarkan jasa atau bantuan kepada orang lain.)

Patterns of offering help/service are:

May + I + verb 1?

Would you like me to + verb 1?

Can + I + verb 1?




Kelas : 12

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris  

Bab : 1

Kode : 12.5.1  


20. The company created new produres....improre customer service that order to C.even though spite of


B. in order to


untuk pelayanan pemesanan customer

maaf kalo salah,


yg A dek



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