
A 0 24 G Sample Of Compound Of Oxygen And Boron

April 18, 2023

A 0 24 G Sample Of Compound Of Oxygen And Boron

Combustion analysis of 1.200 g of an unknown compound containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen produced 2.086 g of CO2 and 1.134 g of H2O. What is the empirical formula of the compound?

Daftar Isi

1. Combustion analysis of 1.200 g of an unknown compound containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen produced 2.086 g of CO2 and 1.134 g of H2O. What is the empirical formula of the compound?

Rumus Empirisnya adalah CH2O.

2. A compound of nitrogen and oxygen has the formula NO. In this compund there are 8/7 g of oxygen for each 1 g of nitrogen. A different compound has the formula N2O. How many grams of oxygen would combined with each 1 g of nitrogen in N20? a. 4/7 g b. 1 g c. 8/7 g d. 2/7 g e. 16/7 g

Matter : Stoichiometry
Sub matter : Dalton's Law

Weigh of O = 8/7 gram of N

Ratio mass of NO:
N ÷ O = 7 ÷ 8

Compound N2O:

2×N ÷ O = 7 ÷ 8
2 ÷ O = 7 ÷ 8
O = 16/7

Answer is E.


3. A compound contains one atom of calcium, two atoms of hydrogen and two atoms of oxygen. What is the correct chemical formula of the compound?



maaf kalau salah

4. a sample of 0.3220 g of an ionic compound containing the bromide ion (Br2) is dissolfed in water and treated with an excess of AgNO3.if the mass of the AgBr precipitate that froms is 0.6964 g. what is the percent by mass of Br in the original compound ?​


aku juga mau tanya sama kamu gimana sih bikin pertanyaan lagi aku ngk bisa yah

5. What affect the colours of the aurora?A. Gas.B. Electrons and gas.C. Nitrogen and oxygen.D. Oxygen and electrons.E. Electrons, nitrogen, and oxygen.​


E. Electrons, nitrogen, and oxygen

or elektron, nitrogen dan oksigen


The reaction between solar wind particles and the Earth's atmosphere, produces a variety of colors in the aurora. At altitudes above 300 km, solar wind particles will collide with hydrogen atoms to form a reddish aurora color. Increasingly, at an altitude of 140 km, solar wind particles react with oxygen atoms that form blue or purple auroras. Meanwhile, at an altitude of 100 km protons and electrons contact with oxygen and nitrogen atoms so that the aurora is visualized in green and pink


Reaksi antara partikel angin matahari dengan atmosfer bumi, menghasilkan berbagai macam warna pada aurora. Pada ketinggian di atas 300 km, partikel angin matahari akan bertumbukan dengan atom-atom hidrogen sehingga terbentuk warna aurora kemerah-merahan. Semakin turun, yakni pada ketinggian 140 km, partikel angin matahari bereaksi dengan atom oksigen yang membentuk cahaya aurora berwarna biru atau ungu. Sementara itu, pada ketinggian 100 km proton dan elektron bersinggungan dengan atom oksigen dan nitrogen sehingga aurora tervisualisasikan dengan warna hijau dan merah muda.

6. A Coumpound of nitrogen and oxygen has the formula NO. in this compound there are 1.143 b of oxygen for each 1.00g of nitrogen.A difreng compound of nitrogen and oxygen has the formula NO2. How many grams of oxygen would be combined with each 1.00g of nitrogen in NO2? a. 2.286g O b. 1.000g O c. 0.5715g O d. 4.572g O e. 2.000g O Mohon bantu dengan Caranya ;)


perbandingan mol N2 dan O2 adalah 1:2

1gram N2= 1:28 mol= 0.0357142857 mol,,,
jadi mol O2 = 0.0714285714 mol

jadi massa O2= 0.0714285714 x 32 = 2.2857142848gram

7. kind of next and sample word

maksudnya apaan?? gak ngerti

8. Air is mixture of different gases. The example of gas are . . . A. Carbohydrate and oxygenB. Carbon dioxide and oxygenC. Oxygen and waterD. Oxygen and light​


b. carbon dioxide and oxygen

9. 3. When the metal magnesium burns in oxygen gas, a compound is formed.(a) What is the name of the compound?​


materi stoikiometri


2Mg (s) + O2 (g) --> 2MgO (s)

MgO = Magnesium Oksida

10. what out the area and perimeter of each of these compound shapes?

area = 36 m2
perimeter = 24 m

11. How many grams of calcium nitrate Ca(NO3)2 contains 24 grams of oxygen atoms? a. 164 g b. 96 g c. 62 g d. 50 g e. 41 g

Matter : Stoichiometry

O: 6×16/164 × M = 24 grams

M = 41 grams.

Answer is E.


12. A sample of chemical X is found to contain 5 grams of oxygens, 10 grams of carbon and 20 grams of nitrogen. The law of definite proportion would predict that a 63 gram sample of chemical X should contain how many grams of carbon? a. 5 g b. 6,7 g c. 10 g d. 15 g e. 18g

Matter : Stoichiometry

Weight ratio
C ÷ O ÷ N = 10 ÷ 5 ÷ 20
= 2 ÷ 1 ÷ 4

Weigh of C: 2/7 × 63 = 18 grams

Answer is E.


13. What is compound words and write the compound words of Leadership!


Compound words are a combination of two basic words (morphemes) that ultimately have a new meaning. This tense will easily be found in Indonesian language in addition to compound sentences.

14. In a sample of an unknown compound, the mass ratio of Cl to C is 47.227g Cl to 4.00g C. In another sample, there are 0.553g of Cl. What mass of C would be in this sample?

Rasio perbandingan massa tiap unsur dalam suatu sample juga mewakili perbandingan mol nya

massa C/Ar. C : massa Cl/Ar. Cl

4/12 : 47,277

0,3 : 1,3

Pembulatan perbandingan mol

1 : 4

Atau senyawa tersebut memiliki rumus molekulnya CCl4

Hukum perbandingan tetap dari rumusan diatasi massa C

= 1/4 massa Cl = 1/4 x 0,553 gram = 0,138 gram

Semoga membantu.

15. What is compound words and write the compound words of Leadership.


Compound words are a combination of two basic words (morphemes) that ultimately have a new meaning. This tense will easily be found in Indonesian language in addition to compound sentences.

16. A 0.244 g sample of a compound of phosphorus and bromine, when dissolved in water, reacted to give a solution containing phosphorous acid and bromide ion. Addition of excess AgNO3 solution to the mixture led to precipitation of AgBr. When the precipitate of AgBr was collected and dried, it weighed 0.508 g. Determine the chemical formula of the phosphorus–bromine compound and predict whether its molecules are polar or nonpolar.

mass of sample : 0,244 g
(sample contains P and Br)
mass of AgBr : 0,508 g
The chemical formula of sample : .............. ?


Step 1
Make a reaction first between Br- and AgNO3.

Br- + AgNO3 ------> AgBr + NO3-

Step 2
Determine the number of mole of AgBr

mole of AgBr : mass of AgBr / Mr AgBr
: 0,508 g / 188 g/mole
: 0,0027 mole

Step 3
Determine the number of mole of Br-. By using the coefficient of reaction Br- toward the coefficient of reaction AgBr.

mole of Br- : (c. Br- / c. AgBr) x mole of AgBr
: (1/1) x 0,0027 mole
: 0,0027 mole

Step 4
Determine mass of Br

mole of Br- equals mole of Br

mole of Br : mass Br / Ar Br
0,0027 mole : mass of Br / 80 g/mole
mass of Br : 0,0027 mole x 80 g/mole
: 0,216

Step 4
Determine mass of P in sample

mass of sample : m. P + m. Br
0,244 g : m. P + 0,216 g
mass of P : (0,244 - 0,216) g
: 0,028 g

Step 5
Determine mole of P

mole of P : mass P / Ar P
: 0,028 g / 31 g/mole
: 0,0009 mole

Step 6
Compared the number of mole of P toward mole of Br. So we are going to find the formula chemical of sample.

mole P : mole Br
0,0009 mole : 0,0027 mole
0,0009 : 0,0027
------------------------ / 0,0009
1 : 3

So, the formula chemical of sample is PBr3.

We want to know that PBr3 is a polar or a nonpolar. We can use electronegativity value of element. If the difference in electronegativity for the atoms in a bond is greater than 0.4. We consinder the bond polar.

In PBr3,
electronegativity value of P is 2.8
electronegativity value of Br is 2.16
E. value of PBr3 : 2.8 - 2.16
: 0.6
So, we can conclusion that PBr3 is a polar because PBr3 have electronegativity is greater than 0.4.

Source :

Wish you helped.
Keep Learning

17. Water is a chemical compound ... consists of hydrogen and oxygen A.when What C.which D.whose E.where




karena bahasa Inggris nya yang which

jawaban C :D

soalnya kalau where, when, whose, bakalan aneh dan gk cocok sama soalnya :D

maaf ya kalau kurang jelas penjelasannya hehe

18. a sample of 0.3220 g of an ionic compound containing the bromide ion (Br2) is dissolfed in water and treated with an excess of AgNO3.if the mass of the AgBr precipitate that froms is 0.6964 g. what is the percent by mass of Br in the original compound ?​


gak tau p


ga bisa basa inggris

19. What ia compound words and write the compound words of Leadership!

Jawaban & Penjelasan:

Compound words or compositeum is a combination of basic morphemes which are all status as words that have special phonological, grammatical, and semantic patterns according to the rules of the language in question.

20. the combustion reaction of 12.0 mg of a monocarboxylic acid, which contains only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, gave 17,6 mg of CO2 and 7,20 mg of H2O. the compositional formula of the compound is ??

CxHyOz + O₂ ⇒ CO₂ + H₂O

massa C dalam CO₂ 
[tex]C= \frac{Ar.C}{Mr.CO_{2} }.massa CO_{2} \\ = \frac{12}{44}.17,6 \\ =4,8mg [/tex]

massa H dalam H₂O
[tex]H= \frac{2.Ar.H}{Mr.H_{2}O }.massa H_{2}O \\ = \frac{2}{18}.7,2 \\ =0,8mg [/tex]

kan monocarboxylic acid nya 12 mg
massa C + massa H + massa O = 12
4,8 + 0,8 + massa O = 12
massa O = 6,4 mg

C : H : O
massa C/Ar C : massa H/Ar H : massa O/Ar O
[tex] \frac{4,8}{12} : \frac{0,8}{1} : \frac{6,4}{16} \\ 0,4 : 0,8 : 0,4 \\ 1:2:1 [/tex]

compositional formulanya CH₂O

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