
Rs Aggarwal Class 8 Chapter 20 Exercise 20b

Maret 15, 2023

Rs Aggarwal Class 8 Chapter 20 Exercise 20b

chapter 4 hal. 55English class 8

1. chapter 4 hal. 55English class 8

jawaban nya ada pada gambar

2. exercise on chapter 9​


3. fat?

4. disappointed atau angry

5. do

6. good when

7. strong

8. she

3. Terjemahan vocabulary exercise chapter 11


latihan kosa kata bab 11


latihan kosakata Bab 11

4. Tolong Bantu Kak!!English Exercise Chapter 1​


Andri : "Robby, where are going? You look in a hurry."

Robby : "Hai, Andri. Yes, I walk quickly because the sun shines so extreme, hehe..

Andri : "How is your condition today? Are you in a good health?"

Robby : "Extremely good, Andri. I can assume that my leg has recovered about 90 percent."

Andri : "Great, I am glad to hear that. I hope you will get better soon so you can join us in

the next basketball training."

Robby : "I hope so too. And hopefully we can do our best to win the competition too."

Andri : "That's why I really wish that your leg will recover soon."

Robby : "Yeah... me too.I will do the exercise for my leg. I hope we can get the

championship title this time."

Andri : "At last competition our club got the first rank."

Robby : "Really? Congratulation friend. I am happy for it"

Andri : "Thanks. And we will so happy too if we win the next basketball championship in

this city."

Robby : "Yes, you are right, we will so happy for that of course.

Andri : "I hope so. See you next week, Rob and don't force yourself!"

Robby : "I will. Thank you friend!"

Andri : " You're welcome friend."

5. Please solve and send me the solution chapter = mrs packeltides tiger (class 8)


Sorry, I mean what to do


#semoga membantu 222

6. chapter 2 narrative 1 exercise 1 listening

Bab dua (2) teks naratif pertama (1) LATIHAN satu (1) mendengarkan.
itu translatenya

7. apabila panjang RS = 8 cm maka panjang Rs adalah

panjang Rs 8cm panjang Rq 16cm
maaf kko slh

8. what have you learnt in this chapter 5 class 8

depend on the book,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.....,,

apa yang kamu pelajari dari capter 5 kelas 8

9. Modals for requests and offers class 12 exercise



10. 15% + 9 per 10a. 21 per 20b. 22 per 20c. 20 per 22d. 21 per 22

= 15/100 + 90/100

= 105/100

= 1 5/100

= 1 1/20

= 21/20 (A)

11. chapter function of sentence this exercise topic about explicit/implicit relationship within and between sentences

=> B
The adolescent attitude towards study is that it is a task to be avoided if at all possible. At best it is an unpleasant chore. It is begun under duress an escaped as soon as the opportunity presents itself.the mark of truly adult learning.
However, is that is done with no sense of being is entirely voluntary and carried on with a sense of enjoyment and satisfaction.

=> A
frequent move made by the average american family put a strain upon young people.who often grow up feeling they have no real home and that they owe no allegiance to anyone. Consequently, crime,devorce and other social problem have increased in recent time.


12. Ok,class, open chapter I in your book

Artinya: baik, anak-anak, buka bab satu pada buku kalian. OK KELAS BUKA BAB 1 DI BUKU MU

13. Right now we are in class. We ......exercise.​


We are doing exerxise


Menggunakan Present Continuous tense karena ada keterangan waktunya yaitu RIGHT NOW yang berarti sekarang.

Semoga bermanfaat! Semangat!

14. My Journal chapter 4 class IX,tolong berikan jawabannya dalam bahasa inggris,Tx

i have just to learnt to:
I have to study more of these things so I can understand and understand more

the activities i like most:
(ini aktifitas waktu km belajar bagain mana yg km suka)

the activities i found most difficult were:
(ini bagian materi yg menurutnu susah ap?)

what i need to do better is/are:
I need to learn more of this material to understand more

maap kalo ada kesalahan

15. 3. Didit: The class is empty.Where is everyone? Nana : They................ in the hall. A. Were doing exerciseB. Are doing exercise.C. Did exerciseD. Do exercise.​


B. They are doing exercise in the hall


3. Didit: The class is empty.  Where is everyone?

Nana : They A. Were doing exercise in the hall.

kalau salah, boleh dibenarkan, semoga membantu, have a nice day~ :D

16. Hasildari-8+(-12)= A.20B-21C.21D.-20


D. -20

maaf kalo salah

Terima kasih semoga membantu

jika benar tolong jadikan jawaban tercerdas OK !!

Dan follow aku ya


D. -20

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:







17. Kurangkan 20+10B-10 dari 30 A +20B + 40c​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

(30A+20B+40C)  -  (20A+10B-10C)

=30A-20A +20B-10B +40C+10C




18. Chapter IV ( Associating ) hal. 56 , for example , Tabel English class 8 Tolong jawab bsk mau dikumpulin

Gambar pertama urutannya disesuaikan dg kolomnya.

Moga membantu

19. Bentuk sederhana dari -5 (6a + 4b - 3) adalahO -11a + 9b + 8-30a - 20b + 15a - 9b -2O-30a + 20b - 15​


==> (-5.6a)(-5.4b)(-5.-3) = -30a - 20b + 15

20. chapter 4 For example hal 56English class 8 please answers...

maaf kalo salah
hal 55 sama hal 56 kan??

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