
A Train Is Moving Slowly On A Straight Track

Maret 17, 2023

A Train Is Moving Slowly On A Straight Track

9. The traffic is movinga. Slowlyb slowc slowedd slowen​

Daftar Isi

1. 9. The traffic is movinga. Slowlyb slowc slowedd slowen​


9. The traffic is moving

a. Slowly

b slow

c slowed

d slowen


➡️ A. Slowly


◀️ Present Continuous Tense

◀️ S + is/am/are + V-ing

◀️Present Continuous Tense Adalah tense yang digunakan untuk Menyatakan sebuah kejadian yang sedang berlangsung sekarang.

➡️ Slowed = Karena "slowed" adalah verb 2 dan 3 Biasanya digunakan untuk kejadian yang sudah terjadi

➡️ Slow = Slow adalah Verb 1 Kurang tepat jika kita gunakan "Slow"

➡️ Slowen = Sedangkan Kata Slowen adalah kata yang kurang tepat, "Slow"Tidak mengguankan EdanN dibelakangnya dan ini tidak termaksud verb apa pun

Maka Pilihan Yang tepat adalah Slowly

Jadi The Traffic is moving slowly


Have a nice day!

~sekian terimakasih

[tex][answer \: by \: herdina.n][/tex]



9. The traffic is moving

a. Slowly

b slow

c slowed

d slowen​


Jawaban yang benar adalah poin a. slowly karena merupakan Adverb (kata keterangan) yang memodifikasi kata kerja is moving.

Semoga membantu ya.

2. a chair on weel for moving round is.....​

Jawaban:Kursi beroda untuk bergerak adalah.....

Penjelasan: maaf kalo salah kalau bener follow

3. A train 280 m long is moving at 60 km/hr. Time taken by the train to cross a tunnel 220 m long is ..

Time taken by the train to cross a 220 m long tunnel is 30 seconds.

ExplanationLength of train: l(train) = 280 mLength of tunnel: l(tunnel) = 220 mTrain speed: v = 60 km/hr

To cross that tunnel, because l(tunnel) < l(train), the minimum distance needed is:
d = 2×l(tunnel) + Δl
⇔ d = 2×l(tunnel) + l(train)–l(tunnel)
⇔ d = [ 2×220 + (280–220) ] m
⇔ d = [ 440 + 60 ] m
d = 500 m = 0.5 km

The minimum time needed:
t = d/v
⇔ t = (0.5 km) / (60 km/hr)
⇔ t = (1/120) hr
⇔ t = (1/120) × 3600 seconds
t = 30 seconds


∴  Time taken by the train to cross a 220 m long tunnel is 30 seconds.

4. 1.(DO NOT ALIGHT FROM A MOVING VEHICLE( the warning means that we must not A. bring heavy things on a moving vehicle B.take alight from a moving vehicle C. Bring alight on a moving vehicle D. Gett of a moving vehicle

B.take alight from a moving vehicle

5. his hair is....... A straight​


His hair is Long and a straight

( Rambutnya panjang dan lurus )


Semoga membantu ;)

6. Glaciers ... slowly to the oceans for thousands of years A. have moving B. has been moving C. have been moving D. has moving Bantu jawab, nanti dijadikan jawaban terbaik.




karena kata kerja has digunakan untuk he,she,it. sementara kata kerja have digunakan untuk I,we,you,they.

Semoga membantu.

7. What is the importance of gaps that are found at regular intervals along MRT tracks A: The gaps prevent the rails from buckling on hot days B:The gaps enable the MRT train to move at a higher speed C:The gaps enable the MRT train to move at a higher speed D:The gaps reduce the sound produced when the MRT train is moving


D:The gaps reduce the sound produced when the MRT train is moving

semoga terbantu, kalau salah maaf

8. 5. He is a train driver. He (work/works) on a train Tolong Jawab.​


jawaban nya adalah He is a train driver. He work on a trsin


He is a train driver. He works on a train


karena subjeknya singular jadi menggunakan works

9. 68. Why is the following situation impossible? A freight train is lumbering along at a constant speed of 16.0 m/s. Behind the freight train on the same track is a passen- ger train traveling in the same direction at 40.0 m/s. When the front of the passenger train is 58.5 m from the back of the freight train, the engineer on the pas- senger train recognizes the danger and hits the brakes of his train, causing the train to move with accelera- tion 23.00 m/s2. Because of the engineer's action, the trains do not collide.




Maaf kalo salah

10. A train track which is made of steel has length of 500 m on 00C. How long is its expansion if it is heated until 400C? The coefficient of length expansion of steel is 1.3 x 10-5/0C.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

cmiiw yaaa hope it helps

11. A straight mark on a page or drawing is called............................


Drawing is a form of visual art in which a person uses various drawing instruments to mark paper or another two-dimensional medium. Instruments include graphite pencils, pen and ink, various kinds of paints, inked brushes, colored pencils, crayons, charcoal, chalk, pastels, various kinds of erasers, markers, styluses, and various metals (such as silverpoint). Digital drawing is the act of using a computer to draw. Common methods of digital drawing include a stylus or finger on a touchscreen device, stylus- or finger-to-touchpad, or in some cases, a mouse. There are many digital art programs and devices.

A drawing instrument releases a small amount of material onto a surface, leaving a visible mark. The most common support for drawing is paper, although other materials, such as cardboard, wood, plastic, leather, canvas, and board, may be used. Temporary drawings may be made on a blackboard or whiteboard or indeed almost anything. The medium has been a popular and fundamental means of public expression throughout human history. It is one of the simplest and most efficient means of communicating visual ideas.[1] The wide availability of drawing instruments makes drawing one of the most common artistic activities.

In addition to its more artistic forms, drawing is frequently used in commercial illustration, animation, architecture, engineering and technical drawing. A quick, freehand drawing, usually not intended as a finished work, is sometimes called a sketch. An artist who practices or works in technical drawing may be called a drafter, draftsman or a draughtsman.[2]

Penjelasan:maaf jika salah

12. a person who is on the train to bus is

A person who is on the train to bus is A PASSENGER (penumpang)

13. The displacement x of a point moving in a straight line is given by; The instantaneous velocity of the particle at t = 4 second will be:



x = 3t⁴ + 3t³ - 5t² - 2t - 5

v = dx / dt

v = 12t³ + 9t² - 5t - 2

instantaneous velocity of the particle at t = 4 second will be :

v = 12(4)³ + 9(4)² - 5(4) - 2

v = 890 m/s ✔

14. passengers.... open the door when the train is moving a. have tob. must​


a.have to


karna have to lebih formal dan sopan divandingkan dengan must

semoga membantu

Maaf kalau salah

FOLLOW ME PLEASEPassengers have to open the door when the train is moving

Jadi jawabannya yang bagian A. Have to

Maaf klo salah

15. Father took the car on a straight track for 70 km. My father covered this distance in 3 hours. how fast the car goes?​

V = S/T
S = 70
T = 3
V = S/T = V = 70/3 = 23,3
V = 23,3

16. Excuse me. Where isthe train station.Papaya Avenue.Turn on AppleStreet. The train stationisthe grocery.Thanks a lot.You're welcome.​

Huh?Apa Maksudnya ItuItuu Kan Pertanyaan.Nanti Kalau dah tau soalnya saye jawabannya saya edit

17. angles on a straight line

c) 4c + 80 + c = 180
    5c               = 100
    c                 = 20°

d) 4d + 16 + 2d + 14 = 180
     6d + 30                = 180
     6d                        = 150
     d                          = 25°

18. according to newton's 1st law if an object is moving in straight line, thena. it will eventually stopb. it will keep on movingc. it will eventually be fasterd. it will stop if there is an additional force applied to it

A. It will eventually stop.

Maaf klo salah. Pakai bahasa inggris pula, agak sulit. Hehe...

19. train is a...transportation?

Train is a LAND transportation.

Kereta adalah transportasi DARAT.




arti land


arti soal

apakah kereta itu transportasi darat?

smoga membantu maaf klo salah:)

20. Jawaban dari the train is on the

The train is on the rail / The train is on the train station

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