
The Course Of The Loisels Life Changed

Februari 03, 2023

The Course Of The Loisels Life Changed

31. The main idea of paragraph 4 is?A. The fisherman collected the goldB. The fisherman didn't believe what thefish saidC. The fisherman took care of the fishtenderlyD. The fisherman's life changed​

Daftar Isi

1. 31. The main idea of paragraph 4 is?A. The fisherman collected the goldB. The fisherman didn't believe what thefish saidC. The fisherman took care of the fishtenderlyD. The fisherman's life changed​


B. The fisherman didn't believe what the

fish said


maaf kalo salah

2. Passive voice dari they changed the date of the meeting

they changed the date of the meeting
passive = the date of the meeting was changed by them

3. Passive voice dari they changed the date of the meeting

keyword : simple past

✐ formula : O + was/were + V3

they changed the date of the meeting
→ the date of the meeting was changed by them

4. What is the thene of the song the time of my life


Apa tema lagu itu dalam hidup saya

5. What is the focus of the study afthe course

"apa fokus penelitiannya nanti?". Atau "apa fokus studi tentang kursus?" jawabannya ada 2 karna saya gak tau "afthe", jadi mengira-ngira.
Maaf kalo salah, smoga membantu^^

6. A.they have changed the pleace of the meetingP.?Mohon bantuannya..​


Bentuk passive dari kalimat "They have changed the place of the meeting" adalah..

Active : They have changed the place of the meeting

Passive : The place of the meeting hasbeenchangedby them.


Dilihat dari struktur kalimat yang digunakan pada kalimat aktif nya, maka rumus yang digunakan adalah PresentPerfectTense.


Active : S + Have/has + V3 + O

Passive : S + Have/has + been + V3 + by..


Auxiliary verb Have digunakan apabila subject nya I/you/they/we/plural subject.Auxiliary verb Hasdigunakan apabila subject nya orang ketiga tunggal, seperti she/he/it/etc.


Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Materi : Active and Passive Voice

Kelas : 9

Kode Soal : 9.5

Kode Kategorisasi : 9.5.5

7. by the and of the story, how have the relationship among the family members changed ?

Rebuild Trust

Rebuilding trust is one way to rebuild relationships with your family members. However, one thing to remember is that trust can not be established within 1 day. One way to restore their trust is to show your family that you have changed and you can be trusted. It takes time and patience to regain the trust that has been lost.

Show Regret

Show that you are sorry for what you did. Do not continue to defend yourself and blame others for what you have done. Focus on your mistakes and start from there. Apologizing is the first step to showing your regret.


When someone hurts you, then they will lose the ability to hurt you again when you forgive them. Forgiveness is an important step in order for you and other family members to be able to resolve the various problems that exist and move on.

Show That You Have Changed

Showing to your family members that you have changed is also important if you want to rebuild your relationship with your family members. Show that you have changed and that you will never make the same mistake again. It can help your family members trust you again.

Show Empathy

You must start your efforts to approach your family empathize. Try to understand how your family feels by putting yourself in their shoes. It can help you understand how they feel so you understand why you should not go back to making the same mistakes.

Do not Divert Things from Your Family

Although you do not have to tell every thing that happens in your life in detail, it's important to tell things that happen in your life to your family. Fellow family members should not keep each other secret. Be honest with your family and never hide important things in your life.


Patience is essential to building and maintaining a relationship. Patience can only cause disappointment and anger. Depending on how heavy the problem is, patience can be very helpful to you. Do not ever expect that your family will instantly receive you with open arms and joy, especially if your mistakes are so bad.

Shared Discussion

The process of reconciliation should start from discussing with the whole family involved. If it is difficult to gather all the family members involved, then you can meet some people who have a quite dominant role in your family.


Membangun kembali Kepercayaan

Membangun kembali kepercayaan adalah kepercayaan itu tidak dapat dibangun dalam waktu 1 hari. Salah satu cara untuk mengembalikan kepercayaan mereka adalah dengan menunjukkan pada keluarga Anda bahwa Anda telah berubah dan Anda dapat dipercaya. Butuh waktu dan kesabaran untuk mendapatkan kembali kepercayaan yang telah hilang.

Tunjukkan Penyesalan

Tunjukkan bahwa Anda menyesal atas apa yang Anda lakukan. Jangan terus membela diri dan menyalahkan orang lain atas apa yang telah Anda lakukan. Fokus pada kesalahan Anda dan mulailah dari sana. Meminta maaf adalah langkah pertama untuk menunjukkan penyesalan Anda.


Ketika seseorang menyakiti Anda, maka mereka akan kehilangan kemampuan untuk menyakiti Anda lagi ketika Anda memaafkannya. Pengampunan adalah langkah penting agar Anda dan anggota keluarga lainnya mampu menyelesaikan berbagai masalah yang ada dan terus maju.

Tunjukkan Bahwa Anda Telah Berubah

Menunjukkan kepada anggota keluarga Anda bahwa Anda telah berubah juga penting jika Anda ingin membangun kembali hubungan Anda dengan anggota keluarga Anda. Tunjukkan bahwa Anda telah berubah dan bahwa Anda tidak akan pernah membuat kesalahan yang sama lagi. Ini dapat membantu anggota keluarga Anda mempercayai Anda lagi.

Tunjukkan Empati

Anda harus memulai usaha Anda untuk mendekati keluarga Anda. Cobalah untuk memahami bagaimana perasaan keluarga Anda dengan menempatkan diri Anda pada posisi mereka. Ini dapat membantu Anda memahami perasaan mereka sehingga Anda memahami mengapa Anda tidak harus kembali membuat kesalahan yang sama.

Jangan Mengalihkan Barang dari Keluarga Anda

Meskipun Anda tidak perlu menceritakan semua hal yang terjadi dalam kehidupan Anda secara detail, penting untuk menceritakan hal-hal yang terjadi dalam kehidupan Anda kepada keluarga Anda. Anggota keluarga yang lain tidak boleh merahasiakan satu sama lain. Jujurlah dengan keluarga Anda dan jangan pernah menyembunyikan hal-hal penting dalam hidup Anda.


Kesabaran sangat penting untuk membangun dan mempertahankan hubungan. Kesabaran hanya bisa menyebabkan kekecewaan dan kemarahan. Tergantung pada seberapa berat masalahnya, kesabaran bisa sangat membantu Anda. Jangan pernah berharap bahwa keluarga Anda akan segera menerima Anda dengan tangan terbuka dan sukacita, terutama jika kesalahan Anda sangat buruk.

Diskusi Bersama
Proses rekonsiliasi harus dimulai dari berdiskusi denganseluruh keluarga yang terlibat. Jika sulit untuk mengumpulkan semua anggota keluarga yang terlibat, maka Anda dapat bertemu dengan beberapa orang yang memiliki peran yang cukup dominan dalam keluarga Anda.

Semoga membantu :) :)

8. a) Justify the importance of oxygen in daily life? b) Justify the importance of nitrogen in daily life? c) Justify the importance of carbon dioxide in daily life? d) Justify the importance of inert gases in daily life?

a.Oxygen is important for human breath or animal breath
b.Nitrogen is important for chemical industry,medical and steel production
c.Carbon dioxide is important for plants photosynthesis
(sorry if wrong)

9. What is the purpose of the text the early life of marie curie?

Apa tujuan teks kehidupan awal marie curie?Di translate?

Apa tujuan teks kehidupan awal marie curie?

10. Apa jawabanya what is the focus of the study at the course


The dilligently in course.


Kerajinan dalam les.

11. Definition of Organizing The Course


The course structure refers to the choice of topics and the organization and sequencing of course content. Remember that the choice of topics and their organization should always support the learning objectives for the course.

12. equative comparision the life butterflies/long/the life of bees(negative sentence)a.the bees arent long as the butterfliesb.the bees as long as the butterfliesc.the life of butterflies isnt as long as the life of beesd.the life of butterflies dont as long the life of bees​


C. The Life of Butterflies isn't as long as the life of bees

13. The prophet's life was the perfect interpretation of


work hard and pray to God

14. The early life of Abraham Lincoln the main character Lincoln life story

Awal kisah riwayat hidup seorang Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln adlh karakter utama dalam kisah cerita riwayat hidupnya

Smg membantu

15. 1. What is the theme of the song "for the rest of my life" ?2. Whag is the social function of the song "for the rest of my life" ?​


You Buckle up lego poopy

16. In the following sentence, what are the adverbs? Suddenly, James found his quiet, boring life had changed.A. quietB. boringC. suddenly D. lifeE. changed​


jawabanya adalah b.boring ( membosankan )

17. The meaning of the proverbs friends are flowers in the garden of life

Subject: English
Category: Proverbs
Sub Category: Proverb Meaning

Friends are flowers in the garden of life
Friends are special, thy are more special when they gets older (friendship). You can not replaced them by something. What if friends are like stars, you don't always to see them, but you know they are there for you. Friends listen to what you say, and best friends listen to what you don't say.

Good Luck

18. What is the purpose of the early life of marie

what do you mean?
..........what do you mean?

19. Apa yang di maksud The Way Of life​


jalan dari kehidupan


cmiiw ya semoga membantuu

20. 2 According to the chorus of "Love of My Life', the word 'it' refers to b. The person in the 'Love of My Life' song feels sad because Life described in the chorus of "That's What Friends Are for is d. Life described in the chorus of Love of My Life is e Life described in the chorus of It's My Life is

According to the chorus of "Love of My Life", the word 'it' refers to the love that the person is asking to be brought back.

The person in the song feels sad because their love has been hurt and broken by the other person leaving them.

Life described in the chorus of "Love of My Life" is one that is filled with sadness and longing for the return of love that has been taken away.

The person in the song is pleading for the return of their love and expressing that the other person does not understand the significance and meaning of the love they share.

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