
To What Temperature Must A Neon Gas Sample Be Heated

Januari 18, 2023

To What Temperature Must A Neon Gas Sample Be Heated

A mixture contains two substances. What property must the two substances have for them to be separated by paper chromatography? A. Both substances must be soluble in the solvent B. Both substances must have a low boiling point C. Both substances must be coloured D. Both substances must be solid at room temperature

Daftar Isi

1. A mixture contains two substances. What property must the two substances have for them to be separated by paper chromatography? A. Both substances must be soluble in the solvent B. Both substances must have a low boiling point C. Both substances must be coloured D. Both substances must be solid at room temperature



2. how much gram of calcium carbonate must be heated to get 16.8 gram of calcium oxide​


maaf ya kalau salah


semoga membantu ya

3. what happened to a solid when it is heated?​


will melt


will melt:akan mencair

Semoga bermanfaat

4. In this pandemic, what must be done to avoid the virus?​


1. Stay at home

2. If forced to leave your house, do social distancing and wear a mask

3. Eat healthy food

4. Exercise regularly

5. Wash your hands with anti-germ soap


1. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water.

2. Maintain at least 1 metre distance between you and people coughing or sneezing.

3. Avoid touching your face.

4. Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and just wear a mask.

5. Stay home if you feel sick.

6. Physical distancing by avoiding large groups of people.

5. what a namel she must be prety​

Jawaban:The camel's nose is a metaphor for a situation where the permitting of a small, seemingly innocuous act will open the door for larger, clearly undesirable actions.


6. oliver investigates what happens to matterials when they are heated ​


a. The material that does not change when Oliver heats it is material D

b. Material C boils when Oliver heats it

c. The material melts when Oliver heats it is material E

7. after a drop in temperature of 3 degree the temperature is -12,what was the temperature to start with


setelah penurunan suhu 3 derajat suhu menjadi -12, berapa suhu awalnya?

suhu akhir = -12°

perubahan = -3°

suhu awal = -12 - (-3) = -9°

semoga membantu

semoga membantujadikan jawaban terbaik ya..

8. Thermodinamics : 1.5 m ^ 3 gas helium temperature 27'C to 87'C isobaric heated. If the helium gas pressure of 2 x 105 N / m2, helium gas to move heaven for?

Diket :
V1 = 1,5 m³
T1 = 27°C = 300 K
T2 = 87°C = 360 K
P = 2 x 10⁵ N/m²

Dit :
W  .. ?

Mencari V2 :
V2/T2 = V1/T1
V2 = ( V1/T1 ) x T2 = ( 1,5/300 ) x 360 = 1,8 m³
    = 2 x 10⁵(1,8 − 1,5)
    = 0,6 x 10⁵ = 60 x 10³    
    = 60 kJ <--

semoga membantu :)

9. ∆You want to be success people. What must you prepare to reache it?bantuannya dong kakkk_''​

Translate: jika kamu ingin menjadi orang sukses. Apa yang harus kamusiapkan untuk mencapai itu?

Jawaban dalam inggris:
There’s hundreds of way to be a successful person. Well, in my opinion, to be a successful people, you need to prepare some simple requirements, firstly, during your school, primary, junior high school and senior high school, you need to learn as good as you can, so that you got a big score in your raport book. And also, to be successful you may need support from other people, that support can come from your family or your best friend, you cant success while you are alone.

10. 1 kg of water was put in a container. It being heated so the temperature will increase from 20°C to 80°C. What can you tell about: (before and after heated)? a. Internal energy b. Temperature C. Average energy of a molecule (not multiple choice)





moga membantu

maap kalo slh


11. what information must be in a poster?

the main point of information- Prohibiton
- Command
- Caution
- Offer
- Due

12. Please make a settence by using must have to must not not have to, be to, be obliged to, and need


Please make a settence by using must have to must not not have to, be to, be obliged to, and need


Silahkan membuat kalimat dengan menggunakan must have to not have to, be to, be obliged to, and need

13. 2. what happens to the particles in a solid when they are heated?​


When a solid object is heated, it moves, the particles of the solid object, faster and the attractive force between the particles becomes weak. As a result, the particles can move places causing the substance to change from solid to liquid

14. what must you do to be a better generation for the future? pliss jawab!!! ​

We have to behave well, not break the rules, we must change our habits for the better, in order to create a good young generation

15. What message does the song tell us? A. A person must fight to be a hero. B. One should do hard effort to be successful. C. We must go far away to become a hero. D. Everybody must be strong to become a hero.​

B. One should do hard effort to be successfull

Because Lagunya mengenai Awalnya sangat susah tapi di akhirnya berhasil

Orang tidak mau kalah sampai dia berhasil

dan tetap berusaha itu lagu yang diceritakan

16. necessity (must be, must to, have to)​


•He must be more careful next time. (Dia harus lebih berhati-hati lain kali)

•I must learn to drive a car. (Aku harus belajar mengendarai mobil)

•We have to brush our teeth twice a day. (Kita harus menggosok gigi dua kali sehari)


A. Affirmative Form (Bentuk Afirmatif atau Kalimat Berita)

Pola yang digunakan untuk membuat kalimat keharusan yang menggunakan must, yakni:

Subjek + must + kata kerja

B. Affirmative Form (Bentuk Afirmatif atau Kalimat Berita)

Berikut adalah pola kalimat keharusan dengan menggunakan have to:

-Past form: subjek + had to + kata kerja

-Present form: subjek + have to/ has to + kata kerja

-Future form: subjek + will + have to + kata kerja

semoga membantu : )

maaf bila ada yang salah

17. write 5 sentences about what you must do to be a better person​


dont be naughty, dont do something wrong, dont go to the place with gangstas, always help someone

18. what do you think temperature will be affect transpiration in a plant​


it help for metamorfosis

19. What two conditions must be met if an object is to be in equilibrium?​


Syarat keseimbangan yang berlaku pada benda tegar adalah syarat keseimbangan translasi dan rotasi. Adapun syarat yang harus dipenuhi yaitu resultan dari semua gaya yang bekerja pada benda tegar harus sama dengan nol (∑F = 0) , dan resultan torsi yang bekerja pada benda tegar harus sama dengan nol (∑T = 0)


folow ya

20. what are the conditions that must be prepared to apply for a job?​


the conditions were we have a experience about that job and when we graduate the university.


Mohon maaf atas inggris saya yang burik. Jangan lupa untuk selalu cek kembali jawabannya dan semoga membantu.

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