
Sukumar Roy Biography In Bengali

Januari 03, 2023

Sukumar Roy Biography In Bengali

pronouns using in biography​

Daftar Isi

1. pronouns using in biography​

hopefully its can help you

2. what sentences used in a biography text? what point should we write in a biography? how is a biography text constructed?

main parts of biography :
1. Introduction: Explanation about who the person was/is.
2. Body: Information about him/her (birthplace, birthday, education, career, things that make him/her special, achievements)
3. conclusion: the importance of his/her contribution

3. Diffrence between auto biography and biography ( answer in english I DIDN'T ASK THE MEANING )


A biography is an account of a person's life, written by someone else. An autobiography is an account of a person's life, written by that person.


Semoga membantu

4. What should you write in orientation of a biography

their birthday, their hobby, their siblings ((im not sure))

5. what should you mention in a biography?

a person is:Date of born,achievement,family,study.

6. What should you mention in the opening of a biography

Give an introduction about the person you're talking about and mention their famous achievements, what are their most prominent role, why are they noteworthy and why do you think they should have a biography about them.

P.S. If necessary: What are the attitudes of this person that inspires you the most.

I hope it's helping :)
apa yang harus anda menyebutkan dalam pembukaan biografi
maaf klo salah:)ini artinya
semoga bermanfaat

7. Correct the underlined errors in the biography of emma watson

mengoreksi kesalahan yang di garis bawahi dalam biografi emma watson   ini artinya ya...  

*maaf kalo salah *


authorized itu dibuat dengan kontribusi tokoh yang bersangkutan, sementara unauthorized tidak

9. apa perbedaan biography dan text biography resmi ​

Jelaskan perbedaan teks biografi dan autobiografi

Namun apa sebenarnya perbedaan antara biografi dan autobiografi? Yang paling mendasar adalah penulisnya. Biografi merupakan cerita hidup seseorang yang ditulis oleh orang lain. Sedangkan Autobiografi adalah cerita hidup seseorang yang ditulis sendiri.

10. what should you mention in a biography ?

A person is: date of born, achievement, family, study. Maap klo salah:)-Name
-Date and place of birth (and death, if applicable)
-Work experience
-Major achievements


11. what should you mention in a biography?

who's biography?'... maksutnya apa ya?yaitu kamu harus menulis biigrafhy kamu dan seskripsikan

12. the final structure in a biography text is... ​


The final structure in a biography text is the reorientation, which serves as the conclusion of the biography and may include the writer's personal comment. Its inclusion is not always necessary, however.

13. what should you mention in a biography?

we should tell about the person's name, born day, and anything about the person that you tell

semoga bermanfaat :)nambahin person's achievement juga penting... influencenya dalam masyarakat juga penting

14. what is definition of biography text in Indonesian ​


Biografi, atau hanya bio, adalah deskripsi mendetail tentang kehidupan seseorang. Ini melibatkan lebih dari sekedar fakta dasar seperti pendidikan, pekerjaan, hubungan, dan kematian.

biografi populer
biografi sejarah
biografi sastra
referensi biografi
biografi fiksi

16. What should you write in orientation of a biography

Pengalaman dari tokoh
Siapa sih sebenernya tokoh itu
Apa yang dia lakukan
Apa yang dia dapatkan
something like that lah pokoknya

17. What should you mention in the opening of a biography

Surely, Introduction about myself first, like as my name, my birthday and other information before entering main ideaMy personal identity

18. Why is a biography written in chronological order

in order to easy to learn it

19. what is the use of simple past tense in biography ?

To describe the figure's life in the past, to retell their achievements and things done in the past.

20. Answer these following questions bellow!1. What is Recount Text in the form of Biography?2. What is the social function of Recount Text in the form ofBiography? 3. What are the structures of Recount Text in the form ofBiography? Explain each of the structure of Recount Text in the form of Biography?Tolong bantu jawab kak​


dalam bahasa Indonesia

1. Apa itu Recount Text dalam Bentuk Biografi?

2. Apa fungsi sosial dari Recount Text dalam bentuk


3. Apa saja struktur Recount Text dalam bentuk

Biografi? Jelaskan masing-masing struktur Recount Text dalam bentuk Biografi

jawaban dalam bahasa Indonesia

1.Biographical recount adalah teks tentang kisah hidup seseorang atau biografi. Biografi merupakan jenis teks yang menceritakan kisah hidup seseorang.

2.Teks recount pengalaman pribadi biasanya berupa pengalaman yang dianggap menarik atau berkesan. Penulis menceritakan kembali apa yang dialaminya kepada para pembaca. Maka dari itu, fungsi dari teks tersebut adalah entertain the readers atau menghibur pembaca.




dalam bahasa Inggris

1.A biographical recount is a text about a person's life story or biography. A biography is a type of text that tells a person's life story.

2.Personal experience recount texts are usually experiences that are considered interesting or memorable. The writer recounts what happened to the readers. Therefore, the function of the text is to entertain the readers or entertain the readers.




semoga bermanfaat:")

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