
Study The Following Statements About Ozone

Januari 24, 2023

Study The Following Statements About Ozone

Which of the following statements ia not true about the tex?

1. Which of the following statements ia not true about the tex?

Mana textnya???.............................................

2. which of the following statements about the text is false?

jawabannya B yaa karena gaada keterangannya di dlm textnya :)

3. Which of the following statements is true about Singapore?

artinya"Pernyataan manakah dari pernyataan berikut yang benar tentang Singapura? ".

4. apa artinya respond to the following statements

Tanggapi pernyataan berikut artinya : tanggapi
pertanyaan berikut
itu artinya
# semoga membantu

5. which of the following statements is true about text artinya d bhs Indonesia


yang mana dari pernyataan ini yang benar tentang text

6. Respond to the following statements

1. I think you should study and do more practice
2. You should try lavender essential oil, it’ll help you to sleep well.
3. That’s a good goals. You should study hard for it.
4. You should take a medicine, eat healty foods, and take a rest.
5. You should manage your time wisefuly.
6. Mungkin yang dimaksud : I can’t see well. You should buy a glasses for your eyes. Kalau memang benar I can see well ini jawabannya : Ohh that’s great!
7. I know right.
8. Yea, I love him / her so much.

7. 73. Which of the following statements is true about generally rottan​


ueueeueuryeuueyeyye j

8. The following statements are incorrect, except ....

tidak ada soal? jhony jhony yes papa

9. The following persons are very famous in creative industries. Listen to the following statements and guess who the speakers are talking about.

The following persons are very famous in creative industries. Listen to the following statements and guess who the speakers are talking about.

1)    She is such a hard-working animator that she never gives up improving her skills and always asks for critiques.

2)    He is so talented that he becomes a presenter, movie actor, and fashion designer.

3)    He is such a well-known culinary expert in Indonesia that many chefs want to learn the art of European and Asian cuisine from him.

4)    He is so brilliant that he received a Fulbright Scholarship to further his study in Sequential Art at the Savannah College of Art and Design.

5)    This Indonesian artist was so popular that his work continues to inspire thousands of people all over the world.

6)    He is such a talented fashion designer that he won the annual Wonders of Indonesian fashion design competition in 2012.

7)    He was such a talented painter that he once won the prestigious Silver Medal in 1937 at the International Colonial Art Exposition in Paris.


Listening Comprehension adalah jenis soal yang sering dijumpai dalam tes bahasa Inggris. Ada beberapa trik untuk menjawab soal jenis ini,

1. Jika soal berbentuk dialog pendek, perhatikan ucapan orang kedua. Biasanya pertanyaannya seputar ungkapan atau jawwaban dari orang kedua.

2. Jika soal berbentuk dialog panjang, selain memperhatikan orang kedua anda juga harus melihat pilihan jawabannya. Biasanya pertanyaannya akan secara urut berdasarkan percakapannya.

3. Jika soal berentuk monolog, simaklah listeningnya sambil menyimak pilihan jawabannya. Biasanya jawaban akan urut sesuai dengan monolognya.

Pelajari Lebih LanjutPengertian Listening - Jawaban

Kelas: SMA

Mapel: B Inggris

Kategori: Listening Comprehension

Kata Kunci: Creative Industries

10. Report the following statements.​

[tex]\green{\huge{\sf 1.}}[/tex]

James said he read a book per month.


[tex]\green{\huge{\sf 2.}}[/tex]

Peter said (that)he went to the cinema on Saturday.


[tex]\green{\huge{\sf 3.}}[/tex]

Maria said (that)teachers didn't like noises.


[tex]\green{\huge{\sf 4.}}[/tex]

They said (that)they were very calm.


[tex]\green{\huge{\sf 5.}}[/tex]

The children said (that)they didn't want to watch TV.


[tex]\green{\huge{\sf 6.}}[/tex]

Charles said (that)he didn't like horror films.


[tex]\green{\huge{\sf 7.}}[/tex]

Joshua said (that)he didn't like TV,he preferredcinema.


[tex]\green{\huge{\sf 8.}}[/tex]

Mrs. Robins said (that)the curch was just around the corner.


[tex]\green{\huge{\sf 9.}}[/tex]

Barbara saidthatwas her favourite film.


[tex]\green{\huge{\sf 10.}}[/tex]

Peter said (that)Saradidn't liketo chew a gum when she was at the cinema.


[tex]\green{\huge{\sf 11.}}[/tex]

He said (that)girls preferredfashion magazines.


[tex]\green{\huge{\sf 12.}}[/tex]

Tom said (that)boys likedcar magazines,and they didn't like girlish magazines.


[tex]\green{\huge{\sf 13.}}[/tex]

Brenda said (that)she bought that magazine every weekend.


[tex]\green{\huge{\sf 14.}}[/tex]

They said (that)they enjoyedtheir classes.


[tex]\green{\huge{\sf 15.}}[/tex]

Samantha said (that)that place was absolutely fabulous.


[tex]\green{\huge{\sf 16.}}[/tex]

Daniel said (that)those cars didn't work.


[tex]\green{\huge{\sf 17.}}[/tex]

Carl said (that)that day was his birthday.


Note :

(that)bisa ditulis maupun tidak, kecuali untuk jawaban nomor 9, that harus ditulis.

11. Which of the following statements is true about the history of the olympic games

Manakah dari pernyataan berikut yang benar tentang sejarah olimpiade?

12. which of the following statements about tjipto mangunkusumo is True?​


in hospital


13. Respond to the following statements,​

yang nomer 2 paling,aku sendiri kuran tau kak ;[

maafin aku kalau salah

14. which of the following statements most accurately reflects the aunthor's opinion about exotic spexies

which of the following statements most accurately reflects the aunthor's opinion about exotic spexies

pernyataan mana yang paling akurat mencerminkan pendapat aunthor tentang speksi eksotis

15. Which of the following statements is notabout forms?​


Which of the following statements is not

about forms? ,memiliki arti =Manakah dari pernyataan berikut yang tidak

tentang formulir?

16. Which of the following statements ia true


manakah dari pernyataan berikut yang benar


mapel : bahasa Inggris

kunci : -

jawaban by anandadwilya


where the sentence or paragraph?

17. C1. Which of the following statements is notabout forms?​


where is the ststement

Where Is The Ststement

18. Read the following statements.​


bacalah pernyataan-pernyataan berikut.

19. Pay attention to the following statements.


English ---> Indonesia

Arti dari " Pay attention to the following statements" :

"Perhatikan pernyataan berikut."


20. Which one of the following statements is false about sang prabu

tha sang of tbe sing

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