Appreciation Of The Poem Cherry Tree
Januari 28, 2023
Translate george washington and the cherry tree
1. Translate george washington and the cherry tree
George Washington dan Pohon Ceri
Saat masih kecil, George Washington suka menjelajahi kebun ayahnya yang luas. Sambil berjalan-jalan di kebun, George suka sekali menyabit pohon dan semak yang merintangi jalannya. Satu kali George tidak sengaja menyabit pohon ceri kesayangan ayahnya. Dia tidak berani menceritakan kejadian itu pada orang lain.
George tutup mulut selama beberapa hari. Ketika ayahnya tahu pohon cerinya tersabit, ayahnya sangat marah. Dengan garang ayahnya meminta para pelayannya mengaku. Tentu saja tidak ada pelayan yang mengaku karena mereka memang tidak melakukannya. Ayah George pun bertambah marah.
Akhirnya, George memberanikan diri menemui ayahnya sambil membawa tongkat sabitnya. Dia bilang ke ayahnya bahwa dia tidak berani berbohong. George mengaku telah menyabit pohon ceri kesayangan ayahnya. Tanpa diduga, ayah George malah langsung memeluknya. Kata ayah George, kejujuran George lebih berharga daripada pohon cerinya. Bahkan, kejujuran George jauh lebih berharga daripada pohon ceri berdaun emas sekalipun.
Kebenaran cerita ini masih diragukan. Namun kita dapat mengambil pelajaran dari cerita ini, dimana kita harus menghargai kejujuran seseorang dan kita harus tetap jujur meskipun ada resiko besar yang harus kita tanggung setelahnya.
2. apa makna yang terkandung dalam cerita George Washington and the Cherry tree????
you have to be honest even though you did something bad
3. definition of poem and make the steps of poem
Poetry is a literary work resulting from the expression and feelings of a person with a language that is bound to rhythm
steps:Determines the style of the poem.
Determine the theme and title of the poem.
Envision atmosphere.
Using language style.
Develop poetry as beautiful as possible.
Writing poetry.
semoga membantu ya
4. the writer of poem is called?
called poet. Poet is the term for the author of poetry
5. C. Answer the following questions based on the poem! 1. What is the social function of the poem? 2. What is the poem about the poem?3. What can you understand about the poem? 4. What is the message of the poem?5. How many lines are there in the poem? 6. How is the mood of the poem?7. Can you find imagery in the poem? If yes, write! 8. Does the poem use simile? Explain! 9. Can you find onomatopoeia in the poem? What is it? 10. Explain the rhymes of the poem! tolong segera ya
1. The role of mother in the family is very important. How a mother could take care of the whole family member with affection and love. The poem is written to appreciate mother.
2. An Appreciation to mother.
3. The poem tries to tell how a mother is full of love and affection when she takes care of family including her child and husband.
4. The poem tries to deliver a message about how lovely, caring, and affectionate a mother is.
5. Eleven lines
6. Heart-melting
7. Yes. I imagine a mother figure who is full of love
8. Yes. Like for the example the tenth line, 'Mysterious like the God above', the writer compares a mother to a God which completely different things.
9. Yes. In the line 5, a choo-choo train.
10. The rhymes of the poem are identical.
A poem is a group of spoken or written words that contains expressions of ideas or emotions in a powerfully structural and imaginative style. A poem is made of a particular rhythmic and metrical pattern. Technically, it is different from prose or ordinary speech, as it is either in a metrical pattern or in free verse.
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6. what is the message of the poem?
Kecuali kita membalikkan keadaan
Itu mungkin benar.
Orang mengira kami tidak bisa kembali
Kami tahu itu
Itu lelucon.
Bekerja keras
Adalah bagaimana kami menangani masalah kami.
Menyerah adalah sesuatu yang tidak pernah kita lakukan.
Mengubah dunia kita menjadi lebih baik
Tidak akan mudah, tapi kami akan berusaha.
Melupakan waktu itu,
Adalah hal yang bodoh untuk dilakukan.
Menjadi penuh kasih, hormat, dan baik hati
Apakah cara untuk pergi.
Hidup hanya untuk uang dan kekuasaan
Adalah pemborosan. Dan kita tahu
Kami benar-benar berhasil
Memikirkan itu
Generasi kita gagal.
Itu salah, kenyataannya adalah
Kami adalah puncak umat manusia.
Tidak akan pernah ada yang mengatakan
Generasi kita tidak akan dikenal.
I'm just helping you translate it
7. what is the definison of poem?
a piece of writing that usually has figurative language and that is written in separate lines that often have a repeated rhythm and sometimes rhyme.
a piece of writing that usually has figurative language and that is written in seperated lines that often have a repeated rhythm and sometimes rhyme. and often exhibits such formal elements as meter,rhyme, and stanzaic structure
8. 1.what is the theme of the poem? many rhyme does the poem have?3.what is the pattern of stanza of the poem?4.what is the message of the poem that you can get to your life?
1 apa tema puisi tersebut? 2.berapa banyak sajak yang dimiliki puisi tersebut? 3. Bagaimana pola bait puisi tersebut? 4. apa pesan puisi yang bisa kamu dapatkan dalam hidupmu?
9. what is the structure of poem?
inner structure and phisycal structure
10. 1.what is meaningful poem 2. what is inspirational poem? 3. mention types of poems! explain then? 4.what are the structures of poem. 5.what are the language featured of poem
1.apa itu puisi penuh makna 2.apa itu puisi inspirasional? 3. sebutkan jenis-jenis puisi! jelaskan kemudian? 4.apa saja struktur puisi? 5.apa bahasa yang ditampilkan dalam puisi?
itu artinya, semoga membantu
11. What is the title of the poem?
artinya ' apa judul puisi itu? '
kalo gak percaya liat di translete
12. Tolong bantu di jawab wahai suhu b.Inggris1. What is the subject of the poem?2. What is the theme of the poem?3. What does writer compare on his poem?4. What words help develop the tone of the poem?5. Paraphrase the poem in your own words in a fee sentence?
first of all I wanna ask you. Where's the poem? we can't answer those questions if you don't add the poem
13. why is the little of the poem useless
itu apa maksunya ini jawaban saya : mengapa sedikit dari puisi itu tidak berguna
Why is the title of the poem useless?
A poem is usually presented in compact form, and structure is more important than subject matter. A title is pretty much useless.
14. What is the indication of poem?
Expanded indications of POEM include classic indications such as type I, type II, type III achalasia, failed prior treatments, including Botulinum toxin injection, endoscopic balloon dilation, laparoscopic Heller myotomy, and hypertensive motor disorders such as diffuse esophageal spasm, jackhammer esophagus.
Apa indikasi puisi?
semoga membantu
15. Bahasa Inggrisnya dari POHON PENGETAHUAN apa yah? Apakah The Tree Of Knowledge / Tree Of The Knowledge atau Tree Of Knowledge. Mohon bantu jawab. Terimakasih.
the knowledge tree (tanpa of)
The knowledge of tree (pengetahuan tentang pohon)
tree of knowledge (jika pakai of)
16. 10.Select the best message found at the coda!A. Poem is usually made by God.B. God merely creates trees not others.C. A tree is a part of human's life.D. Asa poem, a tree is easily created by everyoneE. Human beings cannot create a tree.
E. Human beings cannot create a tree
edit: maaf tadi aku salah, aku baca lagi. ternyata aku kurang teliti.. Sorry bangett
Jadi jawabannya E ya..
E. Human beings cannot create a tree
17. What is the definition of poem
What is the definition of poem = Apa defenisi dari puisi
Puisi adalah bentuk karya sastra yang terikat oleh irama, rima dan penyusun bait dan baris yang bahasanya terlihat indah dan penuh makna. Puisi terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu puisi lama dan puisi modern. Puisi lama masih terikat dengan jumlah baris, bait, ataupun rima ( sajak ). Puisi lama adalah pantun dan syair. Puisi modern tidak terikat pada bait, jumlah baris, atau sajak dalam penulisannya. Sehingga puisi modern disebut puisi bebas.
Poetry is a form of literary work that is bound by rhythm, rhyme and compiler of stanzas and lines whose language looks beautiful and full of meaning. Poetry is divided into two, namely old poetry and modern poetry. Old poetry is still bound by the number of lines, stanzas, or rhymes (rhymes). Old poetry is poetry and poetry. Modern poetry is not bound by stanzas, number of lines, or poetry in their writing. So modern poetry is called free poetry.
Poem is a piece of writing that partakes of the nature of both speech and song that is nearly always rhythmical, usually metaphorical, and often exhibits such formal elements as meter, rhyme, and stanzaic structure.18. mention the elements of poem
artinya sebutkan unsur unsur puisi
semoga bisa membantu
19. what is the purpose of poem ?
tujuan nya itu, mencurahkan isi hati ..Poetry or poem is a constant reminder of all the things that can only be said in one language, and are untranslatable. And the first the most obvious function – to give pleasure. A poem must perform this function if it is to perform any.
20. www.jamilyfriendpodWhat does the poem tell us about?How is the feeling of the writer of this poem?How is the ryme of the poem? And what kind of stanza is used?What do you fell after reading the poem? Give your own opinion.What is the theme of the poem?3.4.5
poem nya mana?? ga ada poemnya
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