
A Mass M Is Suspended From A Light Spring

Januari 11, 2023

A Mass M Is Suspended From A Light Spring

When a 14.0 kg mass hangs from a spring that has a spring constant of 550 N/m, the spring has a length of 82 cm. Determine the length of the spring before any force is applied to it.​

Daftar Isi

1. When a 14.0 kg mass hangs from a spring that has a spring constant of 550 N/m, the spring has a length of 82 cm. Determine the length of the spring before any force is applied to it.​


given :

m = 14.0kg

k = 550N/m

g= 10 m/s²

total length = 82cm = 0,82m


the length of the spring before any force is applied to it, Lo =?


F = m. g = 14.0 × 10 = 140N

F = k. ∆x

140 = 550.(0,82 -Lo)

14 = 55(0,82 -Lo)

14 = 45.1 - 55Lo

55Lo = 45.1 -14

= 31.1

Lo = 31.1/ 55

= 0.565m

= 56.5cm

2. If a 10 N/m spring is stretched 0.3 m from its rest position, what is the potential energy stored in the spring?


Diketahui :

Diketahui :k = 10 N/m

Diketahui :k = 10 N/mΔx = 0,3 m

Diketahui :k = 10 N/mΔx = 0,3 mDitanya :

Diketahui :k = 10 N/mΔx = 0,3 mDitanya :EP = ?

Diketahui :k = 10 N/mΔx = 0,3 mDitanya :EP = ?Jawab :

Diketahui :k = 10 N/mΔx = 0,3 mDitanya :EP = ?Jawab :EP = 1/2. k. Δx^2

EP = 1/2. 10. 0,3^2

EP = 1/2. 10. 0,3^2EP = 1/2. 10. 0,09

EP = 1/2. 10. 0,3^2EP = 1/2. 10. 0,09EP = 0,45 J

EP = 1/2. 10. 0,3^2EP = 1/2. 10. 0,09EP = 0,45 JJadi, energi potensial yang tersimpan pada pegas adalah 0,45 J (D).


Energi Potensial pegas


k = konstanta pegas = 10 N/m Δx = perpanjangan pegas = 0.3 m


Ep = energi potensial pegas ?


Ep = ½ × k × Δx²

Ep = ½ × 10 × 0.3²

Ep = 5 × 0.09

Ep = 0.45 J ✔

3. In a water power generator, water is used to A. turn the turbines and power up the generator B. generate a waterfall from a spring C. change electricity into light D. produce light in a light bulb


Jawaban A


Turn the turbines and power up the generator.

4. A body of mass 100 g is hang to a light helical spring and moves back and forth in SHM with a period of 1s. Calculate the mass that needs to be added so that the oscillators will give a periodof 3s.​

Arti:Benda bermassa 100 g digantung di pegas heliks ringan dan bergerak maju mundur di SHM dengan periode 1 detik. Hitung massa yang perlu ditambahkan sehingga osilator akan memberikan periode dari 3 d.

• Follow akun saya nanti di folback

5. What is the force constant of a spring which is stretcheda) 2 mm by a force of 4N,b) 4cm by a mass of 200g?.


Untuk menghitung konstanta gaya suatu pegas, kita perlu menggunakan rumus:

k = F / x

Di mana:

k = konstanta gaya (dalam newton/meter)

F = gaya yang diberikan pada pegas (dalam newton)

x = perpanjangan pegas (dalam meter)

a) Dalam hal ini, gaya F = 4 N, dan perpanjangan pegas x = 2 mm = 2 x 10^-3 m. Jadi, konstanta gaya k = F / x = (4 N) / (2 x 10^-3 m) = 2000 N/m.

b) Dalam hal ini, massa m = 200 g = 0.2 kg. Selain itu, kita juga tahu bahwa gaya gravitasi pada bumi adalah F = m x g, di mana g adalah percepatan gravitasi (9.8 m/s^2). Jadi, gaya F = 0.2 kg x 9.8 m/s^2 = 1.96 N. Perpanjangan pegas x = 4 cm = 4 x 10^-2 m. Jadi, konstanta gaya k = F / x = (1.96 N) / (4 x 10^-2 m) = 49 N/m.


6. A guava has a mass of 385 g. It is 10 times as light as watermelon. What is the mass of the watermelon?

Diketahui :

Guava = 385g

Watermelon = 10 x Guava

Ditanya : Mass of the watermelon ?

Dijawab :

Mass of the watermelon = 10 x 385 = 3.850g

Mapel:  Matematika

Kelas:  3

Materi:  Pengukuran satuan waktu, panjang dan berat

Kata Kunci:  Satuan berat

Kode soal:  2

Kode Kategorisasi : 3.2.6

7. the light from a laser differs ______ produced by other sources, such as electric bulbs, fluorescent lamps, and the sun.A. from the lightB. and the lightC. the light that isD. the light can be​




Jawaban: b. and the light

Penjelasan:Cahaya dari laser berbeda "dan cahaya" arti soal + jawaban

8. A box having a mass of 1.5 kg is accelerated across a table at 1.5 m/s2. the coefficient of friction on the box is 0.3. what is the force being applied to the box? if this force were applied by a spring, what would the spring constant have to be in order for the spring to be stretched to only 0.08 m while pulling the box?​


28.125 N/m


Untuk menghitung gaya yang diterapkan pada kotak, kita dapat menggunakan persamaan gaya = massa x akselerasi. Jadi, gaya yang diterapkan pada kotak adalah:

F = 1.5 kg x 1.5 m/s2 = 2.25 N

Untuk menghitung konstanta pegas yang diperlukan untuk menarik kotak sejauh 0,08 m, kita dapat menggunakan persamaan pegas: F = k x d (dimana F adalah gaya, k adalah konstanta pegas, dan d adalah jarak). Karena gaya yang diberikan adalah 2,25 N dan jarak adalah 0,08 m, konstanta pegas yang diperlukan adalah:

k = F / d = 2.25 N / 0.08 m = 28.125 N/m

9. A sports shop has 6 light bowling balls and 6 heavy bowling balls. The mass of a heavy bowling ball is twice that of a light bowling ball. The total mass of the 12 bowling balls is 65.7 kg. Find the mass of a light bowling ball to the nearest kg.​


The mass of a light bowling ball is 3,65kg.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

So, 6 light bowling balls+6 heavy bowling balls=65,7kg

6lbb+6(2)lbb=65,7kg   --> hbb=2lbb, so 6hbb=12hbb





10. A 1-kilogram mass is attached to a spring whose constant is 16 kg/second/second, and the entire system is then submerged in a liquid that imparts a damping force numerically equal to 10 times the instantaneous velocity. Determine the equations of motion if (a) the mass is initially released from rest from a point 1 meter below the equilibrium position, or (b) the mass is initially released from a point 1 meter below the equilibrium position with an upward velocity of 12 m/s.


pake cara kerja kah????

11. Is a lamp matter?what about light and heat from the lamp?


hello om under water plies help me


ya Ndak tau kok tanya ok nanyak saya emmmmmmm itu anu nya

12. A half metre rule AB is freely pivoted at 18cm from end A and balances horizontally when a body of mass 35g is hung 48cm from end B.Calculate the mass of the rule

sikap kayang Berdasarkan pernyataan tersebut melakukan gerak

13. An object with mass 2.7 kg is executing simple harmonic motion, attached to a spring with spring constant k = 310 N/m. When the object is 0.020 m from its equilibrium position, it is moving with a speed of 0.55 m/s (a) Calculate the amplitude of the motion. (b) Calculate the maximum speed attained by the object.


Object mass 2 .7kg is executing

14. ana and ani are twins two have a body mass difference of 2,5 kg,ana's body mass is greater than ani's.ana's body mass is 25 kg and she sits at a distance of 1 m from the pivot of a order for the seesaw to balance,ani should sit at a distance of...m from the pivotplease bantu pake cara

Ana > Ani (beda = 2,5 kg)

Ana = 25 kg, Ani = 22,5 kg

Ana berjarak 1 m dari titik tumpu (total gaya = 25 N)

25/22,5 = 10/9 = [1,10 m]

Setau aku sih jawabannya kayak gitu.. Tapi maap misal kalo salah kak ^^

15. a coconut falls from its tree which height is 3,5 m. if its mass is 6 kg (g = 10 m/s²), what is kinetic energy when touched the ground ?

h= 3,5 m
m= 6 kg
g=10 m/s²
dit: Ek=...?
Ek=210 J
h = 3,5 m
m = 6 kg
g = 10 m/s²
Ek = 1/2 m v²
Ek = 1/2 m (2gh)
Ek = 1/2 x 6 x (2x10x3,5)
Ek = 3 x ( 70)
Ek = 210 J

16. A spring with a constant of 80 N/m, is extended by 2 m. How much energy stored in the extended spring?

Energi Potensial pegas


k = konstanta pegas = 80 N/m Δx = perpanjangan pegas = 2 m


Ep = energi potensial pegas ?


Ep = ½ × k × Δx²

Ep = ½ × 80 × 2²

Ep = 40 × 4

Ep = 160 J ✔

17. kengiro Has a spring spring with le=20 o/m, Strechec 3m. What is the elastik energi of that Spring?​


jawaban nya ya gak tau nayak kok saya

18. If the mass of load on the spring is increase, then the period of spring is...


teperture maaf amaf kalo salah

19. The mass movement of birds from a colder region to a warmer region is called... .​




Bird migration is the regular seasonal movement, often north and south along a flyway, between breeding and wintering grounds. Many species of bird migrate. Migration carries high costs in predation and mortality, including from hunting by humans, and is driven primarily by availability of food. It occurs mainly in the northern hemisphere, where birds are funneled on to specific routes by natural barriers such as the Mediterranean Sea or the Caribbean Sea.

the meaning=artinya

Migrasi burung adalah pergerakan musiman yang teratur, seringkali ke utara dan selatan sepanjang jalur terbang, antara tempat berkembang biak dan musim dingin. Banyak spesies burung bermigrasi. Migrasi membawa biaya tinggi dalam predasi dan kematian, termasuk dari perburuan oleh manusia, dan terutama didorong oleh ketersediaan makanan. Ini terjadi terutama di belahan bumi utara, di mana burung disalurkan ke rute tertentu oleh penghalang alami seperti Laut Mediterania atau Laut Karibia.

+++I hope this helps, sorry if it's wrong, make the answer the BEST and the SMARTEST answer.


+++semoga membantu,maaf kalau salah,jadikan jawaban TERBAIK dan jawaban TERCERDAS.

20. The original length of a spring is 8 cm. When a mass is attached to it, the length of the spring is 10.5 cm. Find the percentage increase in the length of the spring.​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

increase in length :
10.5 - 8 = 2.5cm

% increase :
= increase in length / original value x 100%
=2.5 / 8 x 100
=31.25 %

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