
A Man Strayed From His Path

Januari 13, 2023

A Man Strayed From His Path

The man withdraw some money from his account once a week Kalimat mana yang salah?

Daftar Isi

1. The man withdraw some money from his account once a week Kalimat mana yang salah?

withdraw harusnya withdraws.

The man withdraw some money from his account once a week.

kata yang salah adalah withdraw seharusnya withdraws.

Karena dalam present tense jika subjek He maka v1 + s/es

2. kalimat negatif dan tanya the man with draws some money from his account once a week

Sepertinya terjadi kesalahan soal pada soal Anda.
Karena saya rasa pertanyaan itu janggal.
Apakah bisa dipejelas?(-)The man doesn't withdraw any money from his account once a week
(?)Does the man withdraw any money from his account once a week?

3. The man withdraws some money from his account once a week ubah menjadi kalimat tanya.


Does the man withdraw some money from his account once a week ?

4. Woman : what do you plan to do after you graduate from university? Man : I’m going to take a master’s degree abroad. Woman : will you take it in UK? Man : yes, in Cambridge. What will the man do after finishing his study from university?

He will take a master's degree abroad

Sekian.He is gonna take a master's degree in Cambridge

5. Translate adipati dolken on his path to succes

Adipati Dolken di jalan yang menuju kesuksesan.
I hope this help:)

6. a man who spends all his money

a man who spends all his money


seorang pria yang menghabiskan uangnya

7. Tolong urutkan The-short-man-bought-has-crayons-some-shop-stationary-the-from-son-his


The man Has bought some Short crayons from the stationary shop


yg lanjutan nya Ga tau lgi :v

Jawabannya adalah..

The man has bought his son some short crayons from the stationery shop.


Dalam menyusun suatu kata menjadi kalimat yang baik dan benar adalah kita harus memperhatikan baik-baik setiap katanya. Yang paling penting lagi adalah kita harus memperhatikan :

Jenis kalimat (positif, negatif atau tanya)Pengunaan to be, auxiliary verb dan kata kerja.

Hal ini akan memudahkan kita mengetahui rumus tenses yang digunakan untuk menyusun kalimatnya.

Pada kata acak di atas kita bisa mengetahui bahwa kata kerja yang digunakan adalah verb-3 "bought" dan terdapat auxiliary verb "has" serta kalimatnya bentuk positif karena tidak ada kata "not" ataupun tanda tanya "?". Maka rumus yang dipakai untuk menyusun kalimatnya adalah rumus present perfect.


↪️ Tenses yang menjelaskan tentang suatu kejadian yang terjadi pada masa lampau akan tetapi masih berlangsung pada masa sekarang.


(+) Subject + have/has + Verb-3 + Object

Diana has made some cookies for her family.

(-) Subject + have/has + not + Verb-3 + Object

Diana has not made some cookies for her family.

(?) Have/has + subject + Verb-3 + Object

Has Diana made some cookies for her family.

Penjelasan :

Susunan kalimat present perfect di atas yang tepat adalah..

➡️ The man has bought his son some short crayons from the stationery shop.(Pria itu telah membelikan anak laki-lakinya beberapa krayon pendek dari toko alat tulis)


The man => SubjectHas => Auxiliary verbBought => Verb-3 dari "buy"His son => Object pertamaSome short crayons => Object keduaFrom the stationery shop => Complement (pelengkap)

Learn more about :

Contoh Materi Present Perfect


Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Materi : Present Perfect (stating duration & experience)

Level : JHS

Kode Soal : 9.5

Kode Kategorisasi : 9.5.6

KataKunci:Present perfect

8. Of the mountain - is - his room - the beautiful view - the man - looking at - from

view is the man looking at the beautiful of the mountain from his room

The man is looking at the beautiful view of the mountain from his room

9. The man has a scar. . .his right cheek


The man has a scar on his right cheek.

10. change the following sentences into interrogative ! * The man withdraws some money from his account once a week.

Does the man withdraws some money from his account once a week ?Does the man withdraw some money from his account once a week?

11. 1.Man : Hello, we are brothers. Mybrother and I are students here.We are Nico and John.Woman : Are you twins?Man : Yes, we are. But we are non-identical twins.What can we learn from the dialogue above?A. The man introduces himself and hisbrother.B. The man doesn't know his twin.C. The man and his brother cannot beseparatedD. The man has just met his twin already.E. The man doesn't recognize his twin.​



Pria: Halo, kami adalah saudara. Saya

saudara dan saya adalah siswa di sini

Kami adalah Nico dan John.

Wanita: Apakah Anda kembar?

Pria: Ya, kami. Tapi kami bukan-

kembar identik.

Apa yang bisa kita pelajari dari dialog di atas?

A. Pria itu memperkenalkan dirinya dan miliknya


B. Pria itu tidak mengenal saudara kembarnya.

Cpria dan saudaranya tidak mungkin


D. Pria itu baru saja bertemu dengan saudara kembarnya.

E. Pria itu tidak mengenali saudara kembarnya




karena dia memperkenalkan dirinya dan saudaranya

jadikan jawaban terbaik gan ;)

12. A man who drives from his house to his office passes a library along the way. His house is is 4 km away from the library. The distance between the library and his office is 2 km shorter than the distance between the library and his house. What is the distance between his house and his office? ​


4km - 2 km = 2 km

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

His house is is 4 km away from the library. The distance between the library and his office is 2 km shorter than the distance between the library and his house.

rumahnya 4 km dari perpustakaan. Jarak antara perpustakaan dan kantornya 2km lebih dekat daripada jarak antara perpusatakaan dan rumahnya

Good Luck

I hope my answer can help you

13. tolong ubah kedalam kalimat passive voice - nobody could discourage him from pursuing his path - my mother cleans the kitchen once a week- many tourists have visited that beach

Passive voice.
- He could not be discouraged from pursuing his path by anybody.
- The kitchen is cleaned by my mother once a week.
- That beach have been visited by many tourist.

14. The man decided to resign from his job ... his proposal of increasing the salary was rejected. (A) thus (B) as (C) hence (D) because of

(D) because of
semoga membantu :)

15. change the verbs into the correct form (PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE OR SIMPLE PAST TENSE). Bumblebee (point)… his gun to his enemy when a man (hit) … him from behind

Was pointing, hit

Mengapa was pointing bukan was hitting? Karena mengeker (pointing) membutuhkan proses, sedangkan menabrak( hit), tidak memerlukan proses, lgsg selesai

16. E. Make a surprise partyWoman : You want to buy a new laptop.How are you going to pay for it?Man : I hope to borrow some moneyfrom my uncle.What does the man mean?A. He hopes his uncle give him some money.B. His uncle has given some money to theman.C. He wishes someone help him pay it.D. He hopes his uncle buy him a laptop.He is going to borrow some money fromhis uncle.Man: I want to get a part-time job.​


A.he hopes his uncle give him some money

17. a sepak takraw that is kicked from a height of two meters follows a path that is?


sebuah sepak takraw yang ditendang dari ketinggian dua meter mengikuti jalan setapak itu?

18. look! the man........ from his bike .let' s help him A. is falling B. fall C.fell D. has fallen​

D.had fallen

kalosalh maaf ya

A. is falling


maaf jika salah

19. From the picture we can see that man is relatively yang he is slant eyed his hair is straight and black and his nose is pointed the man has fair complexion we can see that the man is a handsome man he has a beautiful smile from the appearance he also looks so nice kind and warm_hearted terjemahkan dalam bahasa indonesia​


Dari gambar kita dapat melihat bahwa pria itu relatif yang dia dimata-matai rambutnya lurus dan hitam dan hidungnya menunjuk pria itu berkulit putih kita dapat melihat bahwa pria itu adalah pria tampan dia memiliki senyum yang indah dari penampilan dia juga terlihat sangat baik dan ramah

maaf klo gk nyambung dan salah translate nya....

20. His path was not....... with flowers but he perseveret

[tex] \mathfrak \green{ \: ≈ \: Terjemahan \: ≈ \: }[/tex]

Jalannya tidak ....... dengan bunga tapi dia bertahan.

Untuk jawabannya, menurut saya Menyenangkan.

Tapi, kalau misalnya jawabannya salah, tinggal kamu ganti saja ya ^^


[tex] \mathfrak \blue{ \: @AfifaRahmadianti \: }[/tex]

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