
The Ratio Of Acceleration For A Solid Sphere

Desember 20, 2022

The Ratio Of Acceleration For A Solid Sphere

fifty-four solid hemispheres each of diameter 2cm, are melted to form a single sphere. find the radius of the sphere.

Daftar Isi

1. fifty-four solid hemispheres each of diameter 2cm, are melted to form a single sphere. find the radius of the sphere.

arti indonesianya..Empat puluh empat belahan solid masing-masing berdiameter 2cm, dilebur untuk membentuk bola tunggal. temukan radius bola.
smga membantu

2. Sphere a has the radius 6 inches and sphere b has diameter 14 inches. find the ratio of the surface area !


Artinya adalah:


Sphere a memiliki jari-jari 6 inci dan sphere b memiliki diameter 14 inci. temukan rasio luas permukaan!

#Kucing Oren

3. the acceleration of an electron in electric field of a positively charged sphere is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the electron and the centre of the sphere. let an electron fall from rest at infinitely to the sphere. what is the electron velocity when it reaches the surface of the sphere


percepatan elektron dalam medan listrik bola bermuatan positif berbanding terbalik dengan kuadrat jarak antara elektron dan pusat bola. biarkan sebuah elektron jatuh dari keadaan diam tak terhingga ke bola. berapa kecepatan elektron saat mencapai permukaan bola.



4. What is the sphere of marble


Materi : Arti.

Kls : VI SD.

Pelajaran : B. Inggris.

Jawab :

What is the Sphere of marble.

Artinya : Apa itu Sphere dari Marmer.

Terima kasih.

maaf ya kalo salah ya.

5. the area of a sphere with a radius of 3,5 cm is ..... cm

Area = 4.pi.r^2 = 4.22/7.3,5^2 = 154 cm^2

6. 7. The solid below is stacked up against a wallThe solid is made up of 1-cm cubes. Find the volume of the solid.​Tolong, mksih


If im not wrong yng the second cube itu 125 cm³

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

5 x 5 x 5=125 cm³

Maap Kalo salah :)

7. Two solid spheres form an isolated system. Sphere X moves with speed 6cms-1 in a straight line directly towards a stationary sphere Y The spheres have a perfectly elastic collision. After the collision, sphere X moves with speed2 cm s–1 in the same direction as before the collision. What is the speed of sphere Y


4 cm/s


dilampirkan.. maaf jika kurang tepat:)

8. the ratio of a and b is 5:3 and the ratio of b and c is 4:1 find the ratio for a:b:c​


A : B = 5 : 3

B : C = 4 : 1

Buat Persamaannya dulu

A : B = 20 : 12

B : C = 12 : 3

A : B : C = 20 : 12 : 3


9. a cylinder and a cone of the same height 2r and the same base diameter 2r. A sphere has a diameter of 2r. Find the ratio of the volume of the cylinder to that of the cone and to that of the sphere



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Volume of the cylinder = [tex]\pi r^{2}h=\pi r^{2}(2r)=2\pi r^{3}[/tex]

Volume of the cone = [tex]\frac{1}{3} \pi r^{2}h=\frac{1}{3} \pi r^{2}(2r)=\frac{2}{3} \pi r^{3}[/tex] and,

Volume of the sphere = [tex]\frac{4}{3} \pi r^{3}[/tex]

thus, the ratio of the volume of the cylinder to that of the cone and to that of the sphere are

Volume of the cylinder : Volume of the cone : Volume of the sphere

[tex]2\pi r^{3}:\frac{2}{3} \pi r^{3}:\frac{4}{3} \pi r^{3}\\=2:\frac{1}{3} : \frac{4}{3} \\=6:1:4 \\[/tex]  

10. what is the definition of acceleration

it means to increase in the rate or speed of something.

11. the area of a sphere with a radius of 3,5 cm is ..... cm

Area = 4.pi.r^2 = 4.22/7.3,5^2 = 154 cm^2

12. A body starting from rest moves with constant acceleration. what is the ratio of distance covered by the body during the fifth second of time to that covered in the first 5.00 s?


kak nga tau bahasa inggris

Distance covered in nth second =

S(n) =(a/2)(2n-1),therefore


Distance covered in time t=

S=ut+1/2at^2, since u=0, we get,



13. The area of a sphere with a radius of 3.5 cm is ... cm2

luas = π x r x r
= 22/7 x 3,5 x 3,5
= 22 x 0,5 x 3,5
= 38,5 cm2

14. The metal pendulum consist of a cone and a half sphere if the radius of the half sphere is10 cm and the slant height (apothem) of the cone is 20 cm the surface area of the pendulum is

lp1/2bola=2phi×r kuadrat
=624 cm kubik
surface area of pendulum =942+624
=1566cm kubik

15. A solid is made up of cone and a cylinder. The radius of the cylinder is 7 cm. If the height of the cylinder is 10 cm and the height of the solid is 16 cm, then the volume of the solid

Padat terdiri dari kerucut dan silinder. Jari-jari silinder adalah 7 cm. Jika tinggi silinder 10 cm dan tinggi padatannya 16 cm, maka volume padatannya adalah ... cm

r = 7 cm
t tabung = 10 cm
tinggi kerucut = 16-10 = 6 cm

volumenya adalah
= volume tabung + volume kerucut
= phi r^2 t + 1/3 phi r^2 t
= 22/7 x 7 x 7 x 10 + 1/3 x 22/7 x 7 x 7 x 6
= 1540 + 308
= 1840 cm^3

16. find the volume of a sphere with radius 4m

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

volume of sphere = 4/3 × phi × r³

4/3 × 3,14 × 4³ = 267,9048 m³

17. find the volume of a sphere with radius 14mm

v= 4/3×π×r³ = 4/3×22/7×14×14×14 = 11498,6 mm³

18. apa arti the area of a sphere with a radius of 3,5 cm is

area bola dengan radius 3,5 cm adalaharea bola dengan radius 3,5 cm adalah

19. A planet has a mass of 7 times of the earth's mass and its radius is 3 Times of the radius of the earth's if the acceleration of gravity of the earth's surface is g; the acceleration of gravity of the planet is

diket: Mx = 7 Mb
Rx = 3 Rb
gb = g
ditanya: gx ...?
jawab: gx
gx/gb = Mx . Rb²/Mb . Rx²
gx/g = 7 Mb . Rb²/Mb . (3 Rb)²
gx/g = 7 Mb . Rb²/Mb . 9 Rb²
gx = 7/9 g

20. A solid metal sphere of surface area 394,24 cm2 is melted down and recast as a solid circular cone of height 5.6 cm. find the base radius of the cone.


the working and the answer are shown in the pic.

semangat belajar....

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