
If Xavier Is Neither The Youngest Nor The Oldest

Desember 16, 2022

If Xavier Is Neither The Youngest Nor The Oldest

1. wildan is ... of them alla. oldestb. youngestc. the youngest d. the oldestpenjelasannya juga​

Daftar Isi

1. 1. wildan is ... of them alla. oldestb. youngestc. the youngest d. the oldestpenjelasannya juga​

Jawavannya adalah

D.The Oldest


The answer could be either the youngest or the oldest, based on the context of the text.


We need to put "the" before the superlative adjective as the pattern is: [S + to be (is/am/are) + the + adjective + est] for the adjective which has one or two syllables or[S + to be (is/am/are) + the most + adjective] for the adjective which has three or more syllables.

Hope it helps you^^

2. neither james nor jenny told the truth . the passive is?​


baik james maupun jenny tidak mengatakan yang sebenarnya. yang pasif itu?


The truth was neither told by James nor jenny.


semoga membantu...

3. Based on the dialog, Robin is the ... the family. *tallestbiggestyoungestoldest​




ayah carrie: 45 th

ibu carrie: ?

kakak carrie (Jhon): 18 th

kakak carrie (Kim): 16 th

Robin: 5 th

meski umur ibu carrie tak di ketahui, bisa di pikirkan kalau orang tua tidak mungkin berumur di bawah 5th (umur Robin). jadi, robin adalah yang termuda di keluarga carrie dengan usia 5th.

maaf kalau salah.

4. Perintahnya : Combine the sentences using either, or, neither, nor

pokoknya kalo either itu pasangannya or, digunakan pada kalimat positif.
sedang neither itu pasangannya nor, digunakan pada kalimat negatif. intinya itu

5. Neither the managers nor the workers..... Late

Neither the managers nor the workers because Late

6. "neither james nor jenny has been told yet." the passive is​


Truth isn't told either by James or Jenny

7. Mita is the … of all. *tallestshortestoldestyoungest​


semoga membantu.




umurnya yang paling muda

8. 1.He doesn't wear a coat. He doesn't wear a jacket.norneither2. They didn't bring umbrellas. They didn't bring rain coats.neithernor3. She doesn't buy a backpack. She doesn't buy a travel bag.neithernor4. The guests don't ride cars. The guests don't ride motorbikes.neithernor5. Mr. Adi doesn't use the escalator. Mr. Adi doesn't use the lift.neithernor​


1. He doesn't wear a coat. He doesn't wear a jacket.

➡ He wears neither a coat nor a jacket

2. They didn't bring umbrellas. They didn't bring rain coats.

➡ They brought neither umbrellas nor coats

3. She doesn't buy a backpack. She doesn't buy a travel bag.

➡ She buys neither a backpack nor a travel bag

4. The guests don't ride cars. The guests don't ride motorbikes.

➡ The guests ride neither cars nor motorbikes.

5. Mr. Adi doesn't use the escalator. Mr. Adi doesn't use the lift.

➡ Mr. Adi uses neither the escalator nor the lift.


Correlative Conjunction is a pair of phrases used to connect the sentence elements (phrase/clause) that have the equal information.

Neither-nor is used to negate two choices.

Pattern :

Neither + noun + nor+ noun


Neither John nor Kathy has passed the English test.



She is neither shy nor naughty



He can neither write nor read.



Lucy neither brought a bag nor bought a sunglasses.


Learn more about


Correlative Conjunctions



Grade        : X

Subject    : English

Category : Sentence structure

Sub. Cat. : Correlative Conjunction

Code : 10.5.3

Keywords  : Correlative conjunction, neither nor

9. Lia is the ...... of allA. tallest B. shortestC. oldestD. youngest​


a. tallest (yg paling tinggi)


A. Tallest


Karenatinggi badannya(height)lebihtinggidaripadayanglain.


10. Anne is the ... of alla. youngestb. youngc. oldest d. old​


a. youngest


11. neither the students nor their the classroom​


Neither the students nor their teacher are in the classroom


Semoga membantu

Mohon maaf klo salah

Studying together / study


12. neither the principal nor the teacher (understand/understands) the rules.




Neither atau nor menyatakan bahwa itu subjectnya adalah singular. Jadi untuk simple present Subject+Verb1+object, karena subjectnya adalah singular maka Verb+s atau es, dalam pilihan jawabannya adalah understand dan understands jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah understands.



Jawaban  :

Neither the principal nor the teacher understands the rules.

Note/Discussion :

Subject-verb agreement / concord refers to the proper relationship between  the verb and its subject / object of the sentence. The proper relationship which is applied in concord rule means that the verb form of the sentence depends on its subject /object form whether singular or not. Neither....nor is one of correlative conjunctions which represents negative statement. Correlative conjunction has the function to join words or clauses with the same meaning  each other into a  coherent statement.  When we apply this correlative conjunction ( neither....nor ), the verb "understands " which is written after noun/subject "the teacher" becomes singular form because it is written based on the singular form of its nearby noun/subject "teacher. "


PAIRED CONJUNCTIONS( CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTIONS)Merupakan kata penghubung yang berpasangan yang digunakan untuk menggabungkan frasa/klausa yang memiliki kesamaan informasi.Kata penghubung ini harus diterapkan  bersama-sama   ( bergandengan) layak nya suatu tim dalam suatu kalimat sehingga terbentuk konteks kalimat yang saling terkait.4 KATEGORI PAIRED CONJUNCTIONS :

1. EITHER ...OR.

Kata penghubung berpasangan  ini digunakan untuk menggabungkan ungkapan  positif.Menunjukkan pilihan dimana tidak ada masalah jika hanya dilakukan salah satu diantaranya.

Example  :

I can choose either English or Physic.

Analysis :

Konteks Kalimat tersebut menyatakan bahwa tidak ada permasalahan jika saya memilih salah satu dari kedua mata pelajaran tersebut, baik bahasa inggris ataupun Fisika.


Kata penghubung berpasangan ini digunakan untuk ungkapan negatif.

Example  :

Neither do I nor my sister likes the junk foods.

Analysis :

Kalimat tersebut menyatakan bahwa saya dan adik saya sama sama tidak menyukai makanan junk  ( makanan yang tidak mengandung banyak nutrisi ) . Dalam artian bahwa tak seorangpun dari  kami menyukai makanan junk


Kata penghubung berpasangan ini digunakan untuk pernyataan kalimat penekanan yang artinya "kebersamaan"

Example  :

Not only my mother but also my sisters accompany me to the hospital.

Analysis :

Kalimat tersebut menyatakan "kebersamaan"( bersama-sama) dimana tidak hanya adik saya tetapi juga ibu saya menemani saya ke rumah sakit.

4. BOTH.....AND

Kata penghubung berpasangan ini menyatakan adanya penekanan informasi.

Example  :

This film is appropriate for both children and for adults.

Analysis :

Kalimat tersebut ada penekanan informasi bahwa film nya sesuai utk semua umur dan tidak ada pengecualian.

Struktur penulisan CORRELATIVE conjunction Jika menggunakan "Both...and" , subjek -verb agreement nya bentuk jamak karena memiliki sifat penekanan kekuatan.Jika menggunakan either...or, neither ...nor, not only ....but also menggunakan Subject-verb agreement nya disesuaikan dengan subyek terdekat nya.

Example  :

1. Neither I nor my FRIENDS ARE here.

2. Neither I nor my SISTER IS here

Analysis :

Harap cermati penulisan kata penghubung berpasangan "neither...nor " terdapat perbedaan pada kalimat pertama dengan yang kedua. Penggunaan tobe jamak "are" pada kalimat pertama menyesuaikan subject terdekatnya "my friends." Sedangkan kalimat kedua , penggunaan tobe tunggal "is" karena menyesuaikan subject terdekatnya "my sister."PATTERN OF CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTIONSecara garis besar penulisan Correlative Conjunction harus sama pembahasannya baik dari noun - nya ( kata benda ) , adjective-nya ( kata sifat ) dan verb-nya ( kata kerja )

Both + noun + and + noun

Not only + verb + but also + verb

Either + noun + or + noun

Neither + adjective + nor + adjective


For more information , learn about the similar topics :  ( exercise of correlative conjunction )  ( definition of correlative conjunction) ( another exercise about correlative )  ( another exercise about correlative )





GRADE          = SHS

CODE           = 5


13. Neither the teacher nor the students ___ to use this book again

Jawabannya : "have"

Maaf klo salah


maaf apakah ada soal keseluruhannya? seperti text atau yg lain? soalnya jawaban tidak pasti, bisa jadi "doesnt want" or "want" atau bahkan "need"



14. What does the “either... or .... and neither ..nor mean??​


Either : Adalah Subjek Dimana Kita Mengatakan Ini Untuk Menunjukkan Kalau Kamu Mengalami Hal Yang Sama Juga Misalnya " Did You Like Him? Do you? I dont Either "

Neither : Adalah Subjek Dimana Kita Mengatakan Ini untuk Menunjukkan Kalau Kita Tidak Mengalami Hal Yang Sama Misalnya " neither of u believe me "

Nor : Adalah subjek Dimana Kita Mengatakan Jika Kita Sedang Membandingkan sesuatu, Nor Ini berpasangan dengan Neither, Nor Ini Bisa Dipakai Alone Yang Artinya Tanpa Neither, Misal " They were neither cheap and nor convenient:[

Semoga Membantu... : D


Both choices are used during comparisons of two things, but the difference is: Either/or is used when making a positive decision between two or more things. Neither/nor is used when the choice is negative or the person wants to say that more than one thing is not true.


Semoaga bantu

15. F. Combine the two sentences using "neither...nor" 1. He doesn't wear a coat. He doesn't wear a jacket. ........neither..............nor...... . 2. They didn't bring umbrellas. They didn't bring rain coats. .................neither..........nor...... 3. She doesn't buy a backpack. She doesn't buy a travel bag. ................neither..........nor....... 4. The guests don't ride cars. The guests don't ride motorbikes. ...........neither.........nor........ 5. Mr.Adi doesn't use the escalator. Mr.Adi doesn't use the lift. ............neither..........nor.......


1. He doesn't wear neither a coat nor a jacket.

2. They didn't bring neither umbrellas nor rain coats.

3. She doesn't buy neither a backpack nor a travel bag.

4. The guests don't ride neither cars nor motorbikes.

5. Mr. Adi doesn't use neither the escalator nor the lift.

16. neither the teacher nor the student ... in the hall


17. Neither the students nor the teacher (knows/know) anything about the news


Neither the students nor the teacher knows anything about the news.


Karena subjek sebelum kata kerja (know) adalah teacher yang berarti antara (she/he) maka kata kerjanya + s jadi knows.

18. john-neither-nancy-nor-the theief-saw-the-room-entered.​

neither john nor nancy saw the thief entered room

Maaf kalau salah

semoga membantu :D

19. Choose the correct answer. • The meal is ... delicious nor excellent. A Either B Neither C both

b. Neither

Karena Neither berpasangan dengan Nor.Neither.because,neither and nor like a couple.wkwkwk...neither pasangannya nor

20. ________________ Bob nor his sister is going to the conference.   Neither  Either

(Neither) Bob nor his sister is going to the conference.

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