The Wind And The Sun Story Pdf
November 29, 2022
9. What lesson can you learn from the story?a. The wind and the sun were disputing which was strongerb. The wind and the sunc. Were disputing which was strongerd. The wind
1. 9. What lesson can you learn from the story?a. The wind and the sun were disputing which was strongerb. The wind and the sunc. Were disputing which was strongerd. The wind
teks ceritanya mana?
9. Pelajaran apa yang dapat Anda pelajari dari cerita ini?
a. Angin dan matahari memperdebatkan mana yang lebih kuat
b. Angin dan matahari
c. Apakah memperdebatkan mana yang lebih kuat
d. Angin
2. Complication The wind and the sun
terjemahannya adalah komplikasi angin dan matahari maaf kalo salah dan jawabannya jangan dihapus dan jadiin yg terbaik (terbrainly)
3. Complication dari cerita the wind and the sun?
the wind and the sun where disputing which was the stronger
good luck :)
4. Bagian dari orientatian complication and resolution dari cerita the wind and the sun adalah
One day, The wind and the sun argued which one was the stronger. Spotting a man travelling on the road.
they sported a challenge to see which one could remove the coat from the man's back the quickest. The wind began, He blew so strong until he was so exhausted, but the travelller didn't remove his coat. when the sun's turn, He gently sent his beams upon the traveler until the man became so warm. And then the traveller took off his coat
It was now the sun's turn. He gently sent his beams upon the traveler. The sun did very little, but quietly shone upon his head and back until the man became so warm that he took off his coat and headed for the nearest shade tree.
5. what were the problem, the resolution and the end of the story of Strong Wind ?
6. moral dari film the wind and the sun
It teaches me no matter what situation you're in always never lose hope, especially the hope that you have always hoped for years, never give up on something quickly and get back up when you fall to the ground finally yet importanly always focus on your goal.
7. which one is strouger, the wind or sun
mana yang lebih kuat, angin atau matahari
8. tolong dong lengkapi yang kosong ini ,. ' I would like to tell you a story. Listen to me carefully! 1)______ the Sun and the North Wind was arguing. They boasted that they 2)______. No one accepted it. But the sun said that 3)______ in gentleness. Suddenly they 4)_____ wearing a loang coat. Then the North Wind told the Sun that whoever 5)____ the man's coat was the winner. The North Wind 6)_____ so hard to show his power. However the man just 7)____ and tighter. The North Wind 8)____. Then the sun started to show his power. The sun 9)____ brightly with all his beams. It grew hotter. The man did'nt stand it anymore. Finnaly, he took off his coat, and the sun.
1. Long ago
2. Powerful
3. Who
4. Fight
5. Took
6. Tries
7. Calm
8. Worried
9. Eradiate
9. tranlate the wind and sun (soure:my favourite fables-kuala lumpur)
Angin dan matahari
angin dan matahari berdebat tentang siapa yg paling kuat di antara mereka.angin berkata: aku sangat kuat karena aku dapat menghembus awan d langit. matahari berkata: aku lebih kuat karena aku bisa memanaskan lautan dan akan membuat lebih banyak awan.
untuk waktu yg lama matahari dan angin terus berdebat.saat itu, mereka melihat seorang bocah lelaki berjalan d sepanjang jalan. dia menggunakan mantel.angin memiliki sebuah ide. dia berkata: mari kita lihat siapa yang bisa membuat mantel itu lepas dari bocah itu.matahari pun setuju.
angin mulai pertama kali.dia meniup semampunya.dia meniup dari belakang dan depan bocah lelaki itu. semakin kuat dia berhembus, semakin kuat pula bocah itu menggenggam mantel nya agar tidak terbawa angin.setelah beberapa lama, angin pun menyerah.
lalu giliran matahari.dia dtg dari belakang angin dan bersinar terus di dekat bocah itu.bocah itupun merasa kepanasan.setelah itu,ia merasa semakin panas, panas,dan panas.akhirnya, lelaki itu tidak dapat menahan panas lebih lama lagi.dia pun melepaskan mantel nya. matahari pun menang.
semoga membantu
10. one day as the wind and the sun were disputing which was
Suatu hari ketika angin dan matahari berselisih
semoga membantu :)
11. Resolution cerita dari the wind and the sun
the wind and the sun where disputing which was the stronger
good luck :)
12. Struktur dari cerita the wind and the sun adalah
the win and the sun where disputing which was the stronger
good luck :)
13. Struktur dari cerita the wind and the sun adalah
resolusionthe wind and the sun where disputing which was the stronger
good luck :)
14. "THE WIND AND THE SUN”Onene day the wind and the sun were disputing which was stronger. Suddenly they sawa traveler coming down the road.The Sun : I see a way to decide our dispute. Whichever of us can cause that traveler totake off his cloak shall be regarded as the strongest.The wind : Would you mind not talking so loudly?The sun: Sorry. Okay, you begin. I will retire behind a cloud.The wind : I will blow as hard as I can and I'll be the winner.The sun: Okey. Good luck.The wind : Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I'm so tired. What is happening to me? Ishouldn't give up. I have to blow harder ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.But the harder he blew the closer the traveler wrapped his cloak around him, till at lastthe wind had to give up in despair.Then the sun came out and shone in all his glory upon the traveler, who sun found it tohot to walk with his cloak on.6. Which one is stronger, the Wind or sun?A. Windc. DisputingB. Sund. Stronger
B.. (sun)
smg membantu
maaf kalo salah (´ω`)
15. Which one is stronger,the wind or sun
16. What are the differences between the wind and the sun ?
If wind is always coll/chilly
But sun always hot and if night sun nothing
the wind is a breezy air
the sun is a star that is really hot
17. Which one is stronger the wind or the sun give reason
i think the sun is stronger than the wind. because the element of the sun is so big. we can feel the hot from the sun , while our earth is so far into the sun. the sun is a big material. that's my reason.
18. Orientation cerita the wind and the sun
THE WIND and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger.
19. which one is the stronger, the wind or the sun
kalo malem malem lu gabisa pake panel surya tapi kalo plt angin bisa tetep jalan
tapi kalo siang siang jauh lebi keras matahari
20. Which one ia stronger, the wind or sun?
mana yang lebih kuat, angin atau matahari?
maaf klo slh
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