
Sand Is Being Dropped On A Conveyor Belt

November 02, 2022

Sand Is Being Dropped On A Conveyor Belt

apa saja yang di angkut belt conveyor ??

Daftar Isi

1. apa saja yang di angkut belt conveyor ??

belt conveyor dapat digunakan untuk mengangkut material baik yang berupa unit load atau bulk material seacara mendatar ataupun miring

2. Perjalanan massa air laut dalam satu putaran megelilingi dunisma disebut.... A. Conveyor belt current b. Conveyor belt current thermohaline

jawaban nya A. conveyor belt current.
maav ya kl slah

3. Beberapa hal yang diperhatikan selama mengoperasikan belt conveyor adalah


-Pahami Atribut Conveyor

-Perkiraan Usia Kerja

-Energi Jangka Panjang


-Jaminan Kinerja


maaf kalo salah,semoga membantu^^

4. Iwan is wearing a belt.... belt is blackA. HisB. HerC. OurD. Theirto long...​





A. His


karna His di gunakan untuk laki-laki

Semoga membantu

5. Lestari sometimes drops dishes. She . . . one yesterdaya. was droppedb. is droppedc. droppedd. drops​


C. Dropped





6. Artinya this is a beach riko is lying on the sand

Riko sedang memainkan pasir di pantai

itu rangkaian kata bree

7. manakah yang harus digunakan.. is atau areA. There is much sand on this bucketB. There are much sand on this bucketJelaskan alasannya

B. Karena kata "are" = sedangjawabannya yg b .
there are . karna kan banyak, jadi pake are untuk to be nya, are much , karna ga keitung pakenya much . kalo many buat yg cuman bisa diitung.

8. CLICK!What is the best sentence to describe the picture above?A. Put on your seat belt when you go by car.B. Only wear your seat belt in seat belt area.C. Put off your seat belt when you drive a car.D. This is seat belt area, put your seat belt off​


A.Put on your seat belt when you go by car


Soalnya menanyakan kalimat yang tepat pada fotonya.Karena gak ada fotonya saya perkirakan lewat pilihan gandanya

Semoga Dapat Membantu^^

9. Based on text, what is the key to being a successful chef?

- working hard
- learn technice of cooking
- always practice cooking
- learn something new recipe
- never stop to try

10. She is not.....(wear) a seat belt..​

use maaf kalo salah.......................

11. This is something that the queen wears on the waist, It is a .... A. necklace B. belt C. ring D. crown




maaf klo salah

jangan lupa jadiin jawaban tercerdas ya


it is a B.belt

I hope this helps^^

12. 9. Which machine is used to remove the kernels from each ear of corn? A . a crib B. a conveyor belt C. a scalper D. a fan


A. A crib


maaf kalo salah


c. a scalper


ada di teks ya...

13. 2. YuliNuriA belt"What is that on your head ?"Oh, it is a ....B. hat C. tieD. shoes​


B. Hat


Kalau jawabannya tie itu kan dasi memang dipakai di kepala?

kalau shoes itu kan sepatu mana mungkin dipakai di kepala.



Semoga bermanfaat dan membantu


14. 1. What is the topic of the text? 2. How should you place the document you are going to photocopy?3. How do the electrical shadows move?a. before the conveyor belt rotatesb. along with the movement of the beltc. right after the on button is pressedd. right before the copying is donee. after the machine is given an electrical charge4. From the text it can be concluded that..a. the photoconductor is filled with seleniumb. the powedered ink is spread by the beltc. the toner particle are fused temporarily on paperd. the photoconductor is in a form of a rotating conveyor e. much more light reflects off the black areas than off the white ones5. What makes the final copy warm?a. two hot rollesb. a static electric chargec. the toner particlesd. the conveyor belt's rotatione. a strong electrical charge​

1. A
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. B

maaf kalau salah

15. Niko, Nita, Veri and Evi are going to the beach. Niko is lying on the sand. He is enjoying sunlight. Veri is sitting under the tree, he is reading a book. Nita and Evi are stting on the sand. They are enjoying sea scenary, some children playing on the sand some others are swimming.What does Niko doing? He is .... *​

what does Niko doing? He is lying on the sand

16. Membuat pertanyaan which tentang belt conveyor

Contoh pertanyaan menggunakan kata which tentang belt conveyor (alat pemindah barang, yang biasanya sering ditemukan di ruang pengambilan koper di bandar udara, yaitu sejenis permukaan yang bergerak dan beralaskan barisan lempeng karet keras berwarna hitam yang bergerak berputar mengelilingi suatu jalur tertentu yang menghubungkan bagian pemindahan bagasi dari luar bandar udara ke bagian pengambilan bagasi bagi penumpang di dalam bandar udara.

Budi: Do you have any baggage to claim?

Andi: Yes, I have 1 suitcase and 1 box to pick up.

Budi: Let's go to the baggage claim area then.

Andi: Do you know which pick up area we need to go to?

Budi: For our flight, we should go to Area 2A for domestic flight baggage claim. Your baggage should be claimed from conveyor belt A.

Andi: You seem to know a lot about this. Can you lead the way?

Budi: Sure. Just follow me.

Andi: Hmm, I don't see my baggage anywhere. Are you sure we're in the right place?

Budi: Let's check the monitor. It shows our flight number, so we're already in the right place. Perhaps they are still unloading the baggage from the plane. Just be patient. When you see the conveyor starting to move, it means that the passengers' baggage is en-route.

Andi: There it is. It's moving now. It won't be long then.

Budi: See? I told you.

--------------------------------------------------------------- Detil Tambahan Kelas: SMP Mapel: Bahasa Inggris Materi: Making Conversation using Which about Conveyor Belt Kata Kunci: Conversation, Which, Belt, Conveyor

17. you have a nice belt. this is .... belt​



is = sebuah^^


18. Based on text, what is the key to being a successful chef?

dari text diatas,apa kunci untuk menjadi chef yg sukses?

19. What is the best sentence to describe the picture above?A. Put on your seat belt when you go by car.B. Only wear your seat belt in seat belt area.C. Put off your seat belt when you drive a carD. This is seat belt area, put your seat belt off plisss bantu​


A. Put on your seat belt when you go by car


Becausee none of the sentence are make scence except A.

20. The little boy ... his meal at the party last night. The best predicate to complete the sentence is ... *A. droppedB. was droppedC. is droppedD. have droppedE. is dropping​


A. dropped


kejadian masa lampau jadinya pakai

v2 dari drop yaitu dropped maaf jika salah




Topic:simple past tense

Simple past tense dipakai untuk menyatakan kegiatan tunggal Yang dilakukan dimasa lampau (time signalnya yesterday,last+day/month/year.


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