
Paper Boat Poem By Rabindranath Tagore

November 07, 2022

Paper Boat Poem By Rabindranath Tagore

Apa peran rabindranath tagore dalam perkembangan teater moderen di india

Daftar Isi

1. Apa peran rabindranath tagore dalam perkembangan teater moderen di india

sastrawan terbesar di india

2. tokoh pejuang kemerdekaan India yang terkenal dengan ajaran-ajarannya adalaha. Jawaharlal Nehrub. Mahatma Gandic. Rabindranath Tagored. Santi Niketan

B. mahatma gandhi tokoh yang paling terkenal diindonesia

3. Diantara nama-nama berikut, yang pernah menerima hadiah nobel kimia adalah: A. Jean Henry Dunant B. Merry Curie C. Rabindranath Tagore D. Albert Einstein


B. Merry Curie


Untuk penemuan unsur radium dan polonium, melalui isolasi radium dan studi tentang sifat dan senyawa unsur yang mengagumkan pada tahun 1911.


Ilmuwan yang menerima nobel kimia adalah Merry Curie(B). Pada tahun 1911 Marry curie menerima penghargaan nobel kimia karena dia menemukan unsur radium dan polonium melalui isolasi radium.

terimakasih semoga bermanfaat....

4. Seorang angota All Indian National Congress yang akhirnya keluar dari Kongres dan mendirikan Liga Muslim, adalah …. a. Surendranat Benerjee b. Muhammad Ali Jinnah c. Mahatma Gandhi d. Rabindranath Tagore e. Jawaharlal Nehru

b. muhammad ali

*semoga membantu *

5. 4. Arrange the following sentences into a good order!How to make a Moving Paper Boat1. Put the boat on water and observe what happens.2. Then, seal the outer part of your boat with some seal tape to keep the paper dry.3. After that, grease the back part of the boat some creamy soap4. Make a paper boat. Use thick paper to prevent your boat from leak.5. Your boat is moving because the soap breaks the tension on the water surface.A. 4-2-3-1-5C. 1-3-5-4-2B. 4-1-2-5-3D. 1-4-2-3-5​


jawabannya b, maaf kalo salah

6. How to make boat paper? jawab ya kak pakek bahasa inggris terimakasih

How to make a paper boat 
 materials : Piece of paper and Flat surface
1.Lay the paper on a flat surface. Fold the paper in half lengthwise.
2.Then,Fold the two corners of the folded edge in toward the middle to form a point.
3.And Fold the loose rectangular edge on the top side of the paper up over the flaps and fold down the overlapping triangles at the ends. Then turn the boat over and repeat on the other side.
4.Turn the hat 90 degrees and open it. Lay the upper and the lower parts on each other.
5.Fold the lower triangle flap upward and onto the upper triangle. Then turn the boat over and repeat with the other side
6.Open the resulting square, putting the upper part on the lower.
7.And Finally Open the flaps, revealing a triangle sail in the middle of your new paper boat. Now you are ready to sail away. Bon voyage.Fold paper in half from top to bottom.Unfold the paper and fold it in half vertically.Fold down the top corner while leaving 1-2 cm in the space at the bottom .Fold the bottom of the paper up against both sides.Fold the bottom corners in. Make the triangle into a square.Fold up the bottom flaps.Make the triangle into a square again.Pull out the triangles on the side of the square.Float your boat.

7. Salah satu peranan Rabindranath Taggore dalam perjuangan kemerdekaan Indonesia adalah​


mengusung pendidikan

8. 1.He writes a poem quicklya. poem was written by him quicklyb. poem has been written by him quicklyc. poem is written by him quickly d. poem had been written by him quicklytolong kak ​


1.He writes a poem quickly

a. poem was written by him quickly

b. poem has been written by him quickly

c. poem is written by him quickly

d. poem had been written by him quickly

jawabannya : C.poem is written by him quickly





[tex]answer \: by \div yanti \: yoo62[/tex]

9. How to make paper boat. tolong bantu ya. jawab bahasa inggris

1. Take a piece of rectangular paper and place it in front of you so the paper is in portrait format - with the longer edges to the side. Fold it in half lengthwise so the top meets the bottom - with the fold at the "top" of the piece of paper.
2. Fold in to half width and unfold - this marks your center line.
3. Fold the top right corner down so the top edge line up with the center line
4. Flip Over. Repeat. This should create a "house" like shape with a "big" roof line and about an inch of paper below the triangle of the roof
5. Fold bottom edge up
6. Flip over the paper and repeat.
This makes a paper hat shape
7. Grasp the hat shape in the center. Do this at the point where the diagonal creases meet
8. Pull apart the paper and flatten. You should end up with a diamond-shape piece of paper
9. Fold the bottom edge up. Leave about a 1/4 of an inch (0.65 mm) border between the top edge and the edge of portion that has been folded-up. Once done, flip the paper over
10. Fold the bottom edge to line up with the other side
11. Hold the paper ship in the middle of the bottom edge.
Pull it apart and flatten.
12. Take the left and right triangular portions and pull apart. The bottom edge will flip up on this own
13. DONE!!!
1. Lay out the paper and fold
2. Fold the corners
3. Fold the brim
4. Open the boat
5. Fold two more triangles
6. Open the boat again
7. Finis to reveal the sail

10. Nasionalisme di India muncul dengan didahului lahirnya ajaran-ajaran kebangkitan nasional yang dibawa oleh pejuang-pejuang muda antara lain di bawah ini kecuali : (A) Rammohan Roy (B) Rabindranath Tagore (C) Swami Vivekanenda (D) Mahmud Shekat pasha (E) Swami Narendranath Dutta




11. The poem was. Paul​

the poem was written by Paul.

mf klo slah:)

12. how to make a boat or a many times do we have to fold the paper

how to make a boat or a many times do we have to fold the paper

Bagaimana cara memakai sebuah sepatu atau sebuah topi. Se berapa banyak kamu dapat membuat lipatan kertas

13. Nasionalisme di India muncul dengandidahului lahirnya ajaran-ajarankebangkitan nasional yang dibawa olehpejuang-pejuang muda antara lain di bawahini kecuali :(A) Rammohan Roy(B) Rabindranath Tagore(C) Swami Vivekanenda(D) Mahmud Shekat pasha(E) Swami Narendranath Dutta​


(C) Swami Vivekanenda


Karena ajaran yang dibawa adalah berupa rammoy,rabbin,swami dan bukan Vivekanenda

14. I am writing a poem. (Change the sentence into passive !) * 20 poin A poem is written by me. A poem was being written by me. A poem is being written by me. A poem will be written by me.


Active: I am writing a poem

Passive: A poem is written by me.

Semoga membantu:)


Passive : A poem is written by me


maaf kalau salah..

15. What is the name of the author of the poem dreaming on a paper?

nama authornya Rebecca

16. People Conget to pulau kemarau byboatWhat does the word "boat" mean?​


Boat means a water transporation, takes passengers to the other land via sea (to another island)

Semoga membantu ya :)

Hope it helps!

17. soal how to make a paper boat or hat

How to Make a Paper Boat:

- HVS/Rectangle Paper

1. First, fold the paper in half.
2. Second, fold the right and left corner into a triangle.
3. Next, fold the bottom of the triangle to the top. Do the same for the back until it looks like a hat.
4. Then, open the folds of the triangle into a square.
5. After that, fold the bottom part of the square to the top. Do it again for the back.
6. Next, open the fold into another square.
7. Finally, pull the ends of right and left to form a boat with a triangle in the middle.
8. Voila! Your boat is ready to sail ^_^

have a nice day : )

18. how to make paper aeroplane by a paper

-first, provide the material, just paper size 20cmx20cm
-then, fold into two part.
-next, ...

19. nasionalisme di India muncul dengan didahului lahirnya ajaran-ajaran kebangkitan nasional yang dibawa oleh pejuang pejuang muda antara lain di bawah ini kecuali A. Rammohan roy B. Rabindranath tagore C. Swami vivekanenda D. Mahmud shekat pasha E. Swami narendranath dutta

C. Swami vivekanenda


Karena Dia Bukan Pejuang² Yang Membangkitkan ajaran Nasional

20. Rabindranath Tagore menjadi terkenal terutama di kalangan bangsa India karena is merupakan tokoh (1) pejuang bersenjata/militer (2) pandidikan (3) negarawan (4) pujangga/sastrawan maka, jawabanya adalah... (A) (1), (2), dan (3) yang benar. (B) (1) dan (3) yang benar. (C) (2) dan (4) yang benar. (D) hanya (4) yang benar. (E) semuanya benar.


(D) hanya (4) yang benar


Rabindranath Tagore (bahasa Bengali: Rabindranath Thakur; lahir di Jorasanko, Kolkata, India, 7 Mei 1861 – meninggal 7 Agustus 1941 pada umur 80 tahun juga dikenal dengan nama Gurudev, adalah seorang Brahmo Samaj, penyair, dramawan, filsuf, seniman, musikus dan sastrawan Bengali

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