
Ncc Full Form In Telugu

November 03, 2022

Ncc Full Form In Telugu

what does “please complete the following form in full. once complete, please sign in the bottom of this form, and return” mean? explain!

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1. what does “please complete the following form in full. once complete, please sign in the bottom of this form, and return” mean? explain!

"please complete the following form in full. once complete, please sign in the bottom of this form, and return”

Artinya: mohon lengkapi formulir dibawah ini. Bila sudah selesai, mohon beri tanda tangan di bagian bawah dari formulir ini dan kumpulkan/kirim formulirnya kembali.

2. tolong dong kk saya belum faham ncc​


C. KL² = ML² + KM²

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Teorema Phytagoras

KL² = ML² + KM²

ML² = KL² - KM²

KM² = KL² - ML²

Maaf klo salah

3. apa arti nc dan ncc di rp??​

Menfess yaitu pesan rahasia. NC artinya Need couple yaitu butuh pasangan. NNC artinya No Need couple yaitu tidak butuh pasangan. Hiat atau hiatus artinya istirahat dari RP sementara.



girlfriend itta bhi nhi pta or gf rakhte ho. hehehege


in the form of a glass bottle and beside there are water ponds


I hope this helps

5. Perhatikan kalimat dibawah ini: Anita cooks in the kitchen Ubah kalimat tersebut menjadi : 1.Simple past tense in positive form 2.Simple past tense in negative form 3.Simple past tense in interrogative form 4.Present perfect tense in positive form 5.Present perfect tense in negative form 6.Present perfect tense in interrogative form


semoga membantu ny maaf klo slh

Past Tense:
(+) Anita cooked in the kitchen.
(-) Anita didn’t cook in the kitchen.
(?) Did Anita cook in the kitchen?

Present Perfect Tense:
(+) Anita has cooked in the kitchen.
(-) Anita hasn’t cooked in the kitchen.
(?) Has Anita cooked in the kitchen?

6. Written in the affirmative form into the negative one. Both full and short forms example my shoes are very dirty


my shoes aren't very dirty

are my shoes very dirty


maybe that one is able to answer your quetion. ,

7. The train .... (be) full with passenger. The correct form in Simple Past Tense is​


The train was full with passenger (Keretanya penuh penumpang)

Verb 1 (base form); Verb 2 (past tense); Verb 3 (past participle)

Be; was/were; been

Maaf jika ada yang salah

8. Answer in simplest form

600g/4kg=600g/4000g= 3/20

9. 1. make 5 sentences in nominal form!2. make 5 sentences in verbal form!​


1. Simple present tense nominal

(+) The new song is catchy.

Lagu baru itu menarik.

(+) There is a text book under the table.

Ada buku tulis di bawah meja.

(+) Students are in a science laboratory.

Murid-murid berada di laboratorium sains.

(-) The pen is not blue.

Pena itu tidak berwana biru.

(-) Danny’s mother is not a baker.

Ibu Danny bukan seorang tukang roti.

(-) The cartons are not neatly stack.

Kardus itu tersusun rapi.

(?) Is your room clean?

Apakah kamar kamu bersih?

(?) Am i the only one in here?

Apakah hanya saya yang ada di sini?

(?) Are your parent in the office?

Apakah orang tuamu berada di kantor?

2. Simple present tense verbal

(+) Ryan watches shreek movie from DVD.

Ryan menonton film shreek dari DVD.

(+) Mom and dad go to my uncle’s house.

Ibu dan ayah pergi ke rumah paman.

(+) The company gives free tickets for loyal customers.

Perusahaan memberikan tiket gratis untuk pelanggan setia.

(-) You do not close that bottle cap.

Kamu tidak menutup tutup botol itu.

(-) Zoo officials do not open the north gate.

Petugas kebun binatang tidak membuka pintu utara.

(-) Andy does not cross this street.

Andy tidak melewati jalan ini.

(?) Does your parents go to work?

Apakah orang tuamu pergi kerja?

(?) Do you read the news today?

Apakah kamu membaca berita hari ini?

(?) Do you take your medicine?

Apakah kamu minum obatmu?


1. Simple present tense nominal :

Positif (+) : S + to be (is/am/are) + A/N/A (Adjective/Noun/Adverb)

Negatif (-) : S + to be + not + A/N/A

Introgatif / Kalimat tanya (?) : to be + S + A/N/A + ?

2. Simple present tense verbal :

Positif (+) : S + V1+s/es + O/C

Negatif (-) : S + Do/Does + not +V1 + O/C

Introgatif / Kalimat tanya (?) : Do/does + S + V1 + O/C

Tenses apa yang diminta?

Berikut ini dalam simple present tense.

Nominal sentences:

English is very interesting languageShe is the most beautiful girlWe are angry with himThis house is too large for meI am happy with my achievements

Verbal sentences:

I go to school every dayMy parents work at the same officeMy English teacher teaches me how to speak patientlyHer sister works in AustraliaMy grandmother speaks Arabic

10. make 2 sentences in future continous form. The sentences is in poditive and negative form.​



+) I will be going to school tomorrow

-) I will not be going to school tomorrow


+) They will be reading books in the library today

-) They will not be reading books in the library today


11. jelaskan tentang metode pembuatan form dengan cara create form in design view

Pembuatan form demikian diawali dengan klik tombol ribbon Create dan klik tombol Form Design (di group Forms).
Dengan metode ini, form dibuat sesuai keinginan kita. Mulai dari tata letak objek sampai penulisan kode program yang diperlukan.

12. Look at the information given in each box.which form does the information1 belong in?write in the correct form.

lihat informasi yang diberikan di setiap kotak. yang mana dari informasi 1? tulis dari yang benar

13. A. Have you ever filled in a form?B. What kind of form?C. When did you fill it in?D. In what occasions do people commonly fill in a form?E. What do you fill in the form with?F What is the function of a form?​



14. a. Have you ever filled in a form?b. What kind of form?c. When did you fill it in?d. In what occasions do people commonly fill in a form?e. What do you fill in the form with?f What is the function of a form?​


a. yes I have

b. google adsens form

c. today

d. to get advertisement for youtube channel

e. I fill with laptop

f. to valid the data

15. Look at the information given in each box.which form does the information1 belong in?write in the correct form.

Lihatlah informasi yang diberikan di masing-masing kotak. Formulir mana informasi 1 di dalamnya? Tulis dalam formulir yang benar.
good luck :)

16. Perhatikan kalimat dibawah ini: Anita cooks in the kitchen Ubah kalimat tersebut menjadi : 1.Simple past tense in positive form 2.Simple past tense in negative form 3.Simple past tense in interrogative form 4.Present perfect tense in positive form 5.Present perfect tense in negative form 6.Present perfect tense in interrogative form

Past Tense:
(+) Anita cooked in the kitchen.
(-) Anita didn’t cook in the kitchen.
(?) Did Anita cook in the kitchen?

Present Perfect Tense:
(+) Anita has cooked in the kitchen.
(-) Anita hasn’t cooked in the kitchen.
(?) Has Anita cooked in the kitchen?

17. We are sitting in the porch waiting for the full moon tonight. The Negative form of the sentence is…(-)​


negative: we are not sitting in the porch witting for tha full moon tonight


18. express in standar form( scientific form 0.00000567=​


lah ya mana saya tau saya kan orang biasa

19. write in the correct form. purchase form

tulis dalam form yang benar

20. Why does water return to earth’s surface in a fresh form? Select one: a.It has been evaporated b.It is full of water vapour c.It is kept in the atmosphere d.It is in the form precipitation e.It is kept in the form of cloud D/E nih?

D , bukti di kalimat pertama paragraf 3

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