
What Objectives Can Be Fulfilled Through The Heritage Projects

Oktober 23, 2022

What Objectives Can Be Fulfilled Through The Heritage Projects

what can be viewed through the diving goggles

Daftar Isi

1. what can be viewed through the diving goggles


we can ask any question and know anything there

2. what is the meaning fulfilled


arti fulfilled adalah terpenuhi/dipenuhi

fulfilled = terpenuhi

3. what qualifications should be fulfilled to apply administratio staff​


Pelajari pengucapannya

kualifikasi apa yang harus dipenuhi untuk menerapkan staf administratio.

4. they are going reserve a room in a local hotel. the.... can be done through email

maaf kalau salah

5. All nine planets can be seen through a



All nine planets can be seen through


If I'm not mistaken the telescope


Kesembilan planet dapat dilihat melalui


Kalau tidak salah teleskop


semoga membantu ya ^_^


the order of the planets in the solar system, starting nearest the sun and working outward ia the following: Mercury,Venus,Eart,Mars, Jupiter, Saturnus, Uranus, Neptunus and then the possible Planet Nine. Id you insist on including Pluto, it would come after Neptune on the list

6. heat can be transferred through a vacuum by

maaf kalo salah
sorry if my answer was wrong

7. Scarcity can be eliminated through


If we only had more resources we could produce more goods and services and satisfy more of our wants. This will reduce scarcity and give us more satisfaction (more good and services). All societies therefore try to achieve economic growth. A second way for a society to handle scarcity is to reduce its wants.


SORRY if wrong:)

8. 1 what sickness can be relieved by this medicane 2 what the writer's purpose to write the text above 3 what can we conclude from the label above 4 who must be consulted to the doctor before taking this medicine 5 "temporarily resteres freer breathing through the nose" what is the has similar meaning of the underlined word




pada dasarnya nilai-nilai luhur dan bangsa

9. Why the formulation of the problems, the objectives of the research, and the research hypothesis should be synchronized?

because the research hypothesis need to be perfect so it need to be synchronized.

maaf kalo salah

10. 1.Describe the characters of the young hunter! 2.What was the condition should be fulfilled by the young hunter if he wanted to marry the maiden? Mohon dibantu!!

kelas : SMA
Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : imperative sentence
kata kunci : meaning, grab

Grab, artinya to grip suddenly = memegang (dengan tangan) secara tiba-tiba
Grab bersinonim dengan = seize, clutch.

soal di atas, susunannya kurang tepat, seharusnya GRAB IT FAST.
Grab fast merupakan idiom.
Grab it fast artinya dapatkan segera.
kalimat grab it fast digunakan untuk mempromosikan sesuatu yang baru saya dikeluarkan

Simak lebih lanjut di -

11. what is the difference between hearing the message through the telephone and through the air?

Apa perbedaan antara mendengar pesan melalui telepon dan melalui udara

12. 1.Describe the characters of the young hunter! 2.What was the condition should be fulfilled by the young hunter if he wanted to marry the maiden? Mohon dibantu!!

1) The young hunter's character is willing to take a risk and greedy.
2) He has to take a scalp if he wanted to marry the maiden.

13. heat can be transfered through a vacuum by

... radiation, just like how the heat got transfered from the sun through the earth

14. 3. What conclusion can you make about the substances that pass through thewall of the small intestine?​

substances that pass through the wall of the small intestine are passed by diffusion. Water-soluble nutrients are absorbed directly into the bloodstream and Fat soluble lipid compounds are absorbed into the lymp rather than the blood, then it will go to the next process

15. there visitors can stroll through cool........? ,what does the underlined word mean? ​


Their visitors can stroll through cool........?, what does the underlined word mean?

the underlined word means is the visitors' walk slowly

maaf kalo salah

16. 1.Describe the characters of the young hunter! 2.What was the condition should be fulfilled by the young hunter if he wanted to marry the maiden? Mohon dibantu!!

kelas : SMA
Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : imperative sentence
kata kunci : meaning, grab

Grab, artinya to grip suddenly = memegang (dengan tangan) secara tiba-tiba
Grab bersinonim dengan = seize, clutch.

soal di atas, susunannya kurang tepat, seharusnya GRAB IT FAST.
Grab fast merupakan idiom.
Grab it fast artinya dapatkan segera.
kalimat grab it fast digunakan untuk mempromosikan sesuatu yang baru saya dikeluarkan

Simak lebih lanjut di -

17. They are going to reserve a room in local hotel. The ___________ can be done through email

They are going to reserve a room in local hotel. The reservation can be done through email.verb : reserve diubah menjadi noun (kata benda) : reservation
reserve : memesan
reservation : pemesanan
They are going to reserve a room in local hotel. The reservation can be done through email.

18. 1. What planet rotates on its side like a ball rolling?2. What planet is the farthest from the sun?3. What is the largest planet in the solar system?4. What planet has rings that can be easily seen through a telescope?tolong dong mau disubmit ​


1. Uranus

2. Neptunus

3. Jupiter

4. Saturnus


1. Planet Uranus diketahui berotasi seperti bola yang menggelinding termiring-miring sekitar 90 derajat, sementara planet lain berotasi seperti gasing yang berputar relatif terhadap bidang tata surya.

2. Neptunus merupakan planet terjauh dengan urutan dari yang terdekat. Merkurius, Venus, Bumi, Mars, Jupiter, Saturnus, Uranus, Neptunus.

beberapa waktu lalu terdengar kabar jika Pluto kembali dimasukkan kedalam jajaran planet, tapi informasi tersebut saya rasa masih kurang officially benar benar dikatakan kembali menjadi planet.

3. Jupiter atau Yupiter adalah planet terdekat kelima dari Matahari setelah Merkurius, Venus, Bumi, dan Mars. Planet ini juga merupakan planet terbesar di Tata Surya. Jupiter merupakan raksasa gas dengan massa seperseribu massa Matahari dan dua setengah kali jumlah massa semua planet lain di Tata Surya.

4. planet bercincin ini juga bisa dilihat dengan mata telanjang. Padahal memiliki jaraknya cukup jauh dengan Bumi. Planet ini akan terlihat seperti bintang tak berkedip yang berwarna kuning keemasan.

Saturnus biasanya muncul pada sore hari di langit selatan.

sekiranya begitu, semoga membantu

19. the cupboard that can be.......... is family heritage .A moves B moving C moved

c moved

passive : can + be + v3

20. 1.Describe the characters of the young hunter! 2.What was the condition should be fulfilled by the young hunter if he wanted to marry the maiden?Mohon dibantu!!

~The Faithful Lovers~
1. poor, faithful, brave, greedy
2. He should took a scalp

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