
Two Identical Balls A And B

Oktober 31, 2022

Two Identical Balls A And B

The figure shows two identical semicircles and two identical quarter circles in a rectangle. Find the area of the shaded part. (Take π=22/7)

Daftar Isi

1. The figure shows two identical semicircles and two identical quarter circles in a rectangle. Find the area of the shaded part. (Take π=22/7)

The area of the shaded part

rectangle area - 3/4 circle area

[tex](l \times b) - ( \frac{3}{4} \times \pi \times r \times r) \\ (14 \times 10 \frac{1}{2} ) - ( \frac{3}{4} \times \frac{22}{7} \times 7 \times 7) \\ 147 - 115,5 \\ 31,5 \: {cm}^{2} [/tex]

2. A : What are there in your school bag?B : There are ......a. A glass, two balls, and two platesb. Three apple, a banana, and a watermelonC. A pencil, two books, and a drawing book​


C. A pencil, two books, and a drawing book.


c. A Pencil, two books, and a drawing book


Dari semua jawaban, yang ke C lah yang paling masuk akal untuk barang-barang yang ada di tas sekolah

3. Make the sentence: are/ There/ balls/ two/ the/ bed/ near a. There balls are near the two bed. b. There are two balls near the bed. c. Are two near the bed there.




Ada dua bola di dekat tempat tidur

4. the figure is made up of two identical quadrants and a square. find the area of the shaded region.

[tex] \frac{1}{4} [/tex] x 21 + [(21 x 21) - 

5. The figure is made up of a rectangle, four identical quarter circles and two identical semicircles. Find its perimeter and area ( take π=22/7)


Area=6202 cm2 Perimeter = 420 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Area quadrant = 22/7 x 28 x 28=2464 cm2

Area semicircle= 22/7 x 21 x21=1386 cm2

Area rectangle=56x42=2352 cm2

Total Area=2464+1386+2352=6202 cm2

Perimeter quadrant= 22/7×56=176 cm

Perimeter Semi circle= 22/7 x 42=136 cm

28x4=112 cm

176+132+112=420 cm

6. The figure is made up of a rectangle, four identical quarter circles anf two identical semicricles. Find its perimeter and area


we divide the shape into 3

Build 1 = Rectangle

[tex]l = p \times l[/tex]

[tex]l = 56 \times 42[/tex]

[tex]l = 2352 \: {cm}^{2} [/tex]

Build 2 = two identical semicricles

[tex]l = \frac{1}{4} \times \pi \times {d}^{2} [/tex]

[tex]l = \frac{1}{4} \times \frac{22}{7} \times 42 \times 42[/tex]

[tex]l = 1386 \: {cm}^{2} [/tex]

Build 3 = four identical quarter circles

[tex]l = \pi {r}^{2} [/tex]

[tex]l = \frac{22}{7} \times {28}^{2} [/tex]

[tex]l = 2464 \: {cm}^{2} [/tex]

we add the three shapes

[tex]2464 + 1386 + 2352 = 6202 \: {cm}^{2} [/tex]

[tex]area = 6202 \: {cm}^{2} [/tex]


for four quarter circles


2×π×r = 2×22/7×28 = 176 cm

For two semicircles


2×π×r = 2×22/7×21 = 132 cm

we add the two shapes

132 + 176 = 308 cm

Perimeter = 308 cm

Sorry if wrong.

Sorry I did not translate well

I only know that.

7. The figure is made up of a rectangle, four identical quarter circles and two identical semicircles. Find its perimeter and area(take phi 22/7)

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

22 di banding 7 = 20+28+28+28+28+42=448m

8. 12. two balls... Under the table.a. Isc. wasb. ared. were​


d. were ( itu )


insyaallah benar

D. Were

Karena subjek majemuk (balls)

9. This figure is made up of a semicircle and two identical quadrants (Take π 22 /7). { ​tolong Ya 30 menit lagi}

Cara :

setengah lingkaran bisa digabung dengan 2 seperempat lingkaran menjadi satu lingkaran, maka :

diameter lingkaran = 28 cm

jari - jari = 28 / 2 = 14 cm

Luas lingkaran = π × r²

                        = 22/7 × 14 × 14

                        = 616 cm²

10. 1. Mention two Icona that are identical with Sydney! ​


Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge


semoga membantu


1.Sydney Opera House.

2.One Central Park.

maaf kalo salah


11. In a basket there are 30 plastic balls. Among the balls are 18 blue plastic balls and the rest are red. Calculate the ratio of red and plastic balls.


Red : Blue = 2 : 3

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


[tex] = 30 - 18 \\ = 12[/tex]


[tex] = R : B \\ = 12 : 18 \\ = 2 : 3[/tex]


12. Which two Christmas trees are identical?

Jawaban :

3 and 4

Arti pertanyaan :

"Mana dua pohon natal yang terlihat sama?"

1 and 5

because if 5 and 1 are the same as 5 + 1

karena jika 5 dan 1 sama dengan 5 + 1

Yg hasil nya adalah 6

13. The figure is made up of a rectangle, four identical quarter circles anf two identical semicricles. Find its perimeter and area (take phi 22/7)

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

keliling = ( π × d ) + ( π × d)

= (22/7 × 42 ) + ( 22/7 × 56 )

= 132 + 176

= 308 m

luas =

- luas lingkaran 1

= π × r²

= 22/7 × 28²

= 22/7 × 784

= 2.464 m²

-luas lingkaran 2

= π × r²

= 22/7 × 21²

= 22/7 × 441

= 1.386 m²

- luas persegi panjang

= p × l

= 56 × 42

= 1.092 m²

luas keseluruhan :

= 2.464 + 1.386 + 1.092

= 4942 m²

14. two billiard balls approach each other?


Two strings you have any plans tonight or tomorrow morning and then we can do it again and again and again and he was a good day.


https: // brainly co. id / tugas / 1504015

15. Mrs Kim buys 60 balls for $700. There are red balls and white balls. Red balls cost $11 each and white balls cost $13 each. How many balls of each colour has she bought?




ax + by=700

a + b=60

11a + 13b=700

11a=700 - 13b

a=700/11 - 13/11b

700/11 - 13/11b + b=60

700/11 - 2/11b=60

700 - 2b=660

-2b=660 - 700



11a + 13(20)=700

11a + 260=700

11a=700 - 260



So, Mrs Kim bought 40 red balls and 20 white balls.

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat :)

#nocopypaste @BlackRanger

Materi: Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel

Kelas: 8

16. Two identical bowling balls are placed 1.00m apart. The gravitational force between the bowling balls is 3.084 × 10–⁹ N. a. Find the mass of a bowling ball. b. Compare the weight of the first ball with the gravitational force exerted on it by the second ball.​

r = 1 m

F = 3,084 x 10⁻⁹ N

massa sama, m₁ = m₂ = m

a. Massa bola

F = G.m₁.m₂/r²

F = Gm²/r²

m² = Fr²/G

m² = 3,084 x 10⁻⁹.1²/6,674x10⁻¹¹

m² = 0,462 x 10²

m ≅ 6,8 kg


Berat : w = mg = 6,8 x 10 = 68 N

weight >>>> gravitational force

17. two identical cars are travelling along edsa?


Jika diubah ke bahasa indonesia maka jawabannya adalah


Dua mobil identik jalan-jalan sepanjang edsa

Semoga membantu...

18. there are 5 white balls,8 red balls,7 yellow balls and 4 green balls in a container.a ball is randomly drawn.the probability of selecting either a red or a white ball is

(5 + 8 + 7 + 4)= 24
 RED balls = 8/24

White balls = 5/24Total amount of balls=5+8+7+4=24
Red+White = 13

19. is the voltage of two identical lamps the same?​


kalo artinya:

adalah tegangan dua lampu identik yang sama

adalah tegangan dua lampu identik yang sama

20. she measure the mass of a platic cup containing ten identical balls the plastic cup has a mass of 2.5 g​


This rock will not scratch glass. ... Turn over 10 9 Safia wants to find the density of a small ball. (a) She measures the mass of a plastic cup containing ten identical balls.


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