
Six Persons Are Sitting Around A Circular Table

Oktober 20, 2022

Six Persons Are Sitting Around A Circular Table

Sitting – are – they – table – around – a – in – the restaurant. The correct sentence is … .

Daftar Isi

1. Sitting – are – they – table – around – a – in – the restaurant. The correct sentence is … .


They are sitting in a table around the restaurant.

Semoga membantu :)

2. 24. How many persons are there in Bob's family? There are ... persons. a. three b. four c.fourd. six​


24. Berapa banyak orang yang ada dalam keluarga Bob? Ada ... orang.

24. Berapa banyak orang yang ada dalam keluarga Bob? Ada ... orang.A. tiga

24. Berapa banyak orang yang ada dalam keluarga Bob? Ada ... orang.A. tigaB. empat

24. Berapa banyak orang yang ada dalam keluarga Bob? Ada ... orang.A. tigaB. empatc.empat

24. Berapa banyak orang yang ada dalam keluarga Bob? Ada ... orang.A. tigaB. empatc.empatD. enam


*itu soal ad ceritanya gak??kalau ingin bertanya kasih ceritanya juga biar yg jawab tuh gak bingung:)

3. (+) Andi and Rara are sitting on the table.​


terjemahan bahasa Indonesia : Andi dan Rara sedang duduk dimeja


semoga bermanfaat

4. There....... six books on the table.a. Areb.isc. haved. has​


have maaf y salah

jadikan jawaban betul

Jawaban: a.

maaf kalo salah


5. cat is sitting ... the chairThe books are ... the tableThe shoes are ... the tableThe clock is ... the tableThe dog is sitting ... the boxThe table is ... the chair and the boxThe chair is ... the table​




6. fill in the blanks with correct answer !!!!!! 1).the women is looking........................her laptop 2).the women is sitting .......................a table complete the sentences below correctly !! 1)...................the picture,there are four people 2).A couple is sitting.......................the table 3).they are sitting..................chairs 4).the drinks are ...........the table 5).one women is standing ..........................the table

1.) the women is looking at her laptop
2) the women is sitting next to a table
1) in 
2) next to
3) on
4) on
5) next to1.look at 
4.placed on the to

7. indah:who. . . Beside Mr. Steward? Rino:Mr. Rudi, in the new teacher A. Is sitting B. Sitting is C. Are sitting D. Sitting are


A. Is sitting


Merujuk pasa satu orang dan present time.

8. bella:how many table in the classroomsinta:.....a.there are six table in the classroomb.there is six table in table in the classroomc.there is five table in the classroomd.there are seven table in the classroom​


a. there are six table in the classroom


9. how many persons are three on the conversations?a 2 personsb 3 personsc 4 persons​


B.3 persons

maaf kalau salah

10. the6. The students are sittingcampfirea. amongb. underC. aroundd. on the corner​


C. Around............


C. around


mohon maaf kalo salah

11. mr harry,his wife and his children, rahma and aprilia are in the restaurant now. they are having lunch together. they are sitting around the dining table arti nya

Mr Harry, istrinya, dan anaknya, Rahma dan Aprilia sedang di restoran sekarang. Mereka sedang makan siang bersama. Mereka duduk di sekitar meja makan.

(maaf bila salah dan semoga membantu:)

12. rona: look there are some books on the table.uli:yes you are right,. ....are six books on the table​




Mengapa tidak harus There saja Karena Jika ditambahin S didepannya maka buku itu banyak lain lagi jika buku itu ada satu Maka tidak Usah Memakai S didepannya

Terimakasih :)

13. 16. Lala and I... (sit) on the chair= a. am sitting b. are sitting c. is sitting d. sitting are​


16. Lala and I ... (sit) on the chair

B. are sitting


Jika benar, jangan lupa jadikan jawaban yang terbaik ya

Mohon minta maaf kalau salah

#Learn with Brainly

#May this answer be the best

Answer by: Bellaaustin1


b. Are sitting


Mengapa "are sitting" ?

Karena lala and i = orang ada lebih dari satu.

Maka to be yang dipakai adalah Are

Karena mereka sedang duduk dan kegiatan itu sedang berjalan, maka memakai V ing ( present continuous tense )

jadi jawaban yang benar adalah

b.Are sitting

Semangat belajarnya!

14. mr harry,his wife and his children, rahma and aprilia are in the restaurant now. they are having lunch together. they are sitting around the dining table arti nya


pak Harry,istrinya dan anaknya,Rahma dan Aprilia ada di restoran sekarang.mereka makan siang bersama sama.mereka duduk disekitar meja makan.

maaf kalo salah

B. Inggris

mr harry,his wife and his children, rahma and aprilia are in the restaurant now. they are having lunch together. they are sitting around the dining table

B. Indonesia

pak harry, istrinya dan anak-anaknya, rahma dan aprilia ada di restoran sekarang. mereka makan siang bersama. mereka duduk di sekitar meja makan.

Aku yakin benar. Semoga Membantu.

Jangan lupa follow aku

15. make a table list of 5 activities that people around us are doing​




1. play guitar

2. talking

3. playing games

4. running

5. singing

16. 12. One little bug is hiding in the leave.Two little bugs are sitting on the tree.Three little bugs are flying in the air.How many bugs are around?a. five insectsb. six animald. eight birds​


B. Six bugs


Hope helping


B. Six bugs


One little bug is hiding in the leaf = satu ekor kumbang bersembunyi dibalik daun.

Two little bugs are sitting on the tree = dua ekor kumbang sedang duduk diatas pohon.

Three little bugs are flying in the air = Tiga kumbang kecil sedang terbang di angkasa.

Total kumbang =

1 + 2 + 3 = 6

Jadi ada 6 kumbang yang ada di sekitar.

17. 1.The students are sitting on the ...a. tableC. chairb. flagd. pen​


Chair (Kursi)


Para murid duduk di kursi(chair)


C. chair


mohon maaf apabila salah..

18. there are many things at the dining table. 1.there are six chairs at the dining table . 2. there s a one big rice bowl on the table on the left.

ada banyak hal di meja makan.
1. ada enam kursi dimeja makan
2.ada satu mangkuk nasi besar di atas meja disebelah kiriada banyak benda di meja makan.
1.Terdapat 6 buah kursi di meja makan
2.Terdapat sebuah Mangkok nasi besar di sebelah kiri

19. circular big old wooden table brown javanese

osascom : big old circular brown javanese wooden table

20. Some boys were seated around a circular table. a bag of 41 sweets was passed around the table, starting from elijah. each boy took the same number of sweets. when the bag reached elijah again, there was only 1 sweet left. if elijah took the last sweet and he had 6 sweets altogether, how many boys were seated around the circular table?

answer: 8 boys


there were 41 sweets in total. if elijah didn’t took the last sweet, there were 40 sweets in total with each boy having the same amount of sweets.

if elijah had 6 sweets when he took the last sweet, then elijah had 5 sweets.

after knowing that all the boys had taken 5 sweets each,
40 (total of sweets) : 5 (amount of sweets each boy had) = 8 boys

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