
Mata Ka Aanchal Class 10 Summary

Oktober 03, 2022

Mata Ka Aanchal Class 10 Summary

Activity 3: Making a Summary B Have you ever read the story of Rapunzel? Read the story of Rapunzel below, then summarize it! Present your summary to the class orally! ​

1. Activity 3: Making a Summary B Have you ever read the story of Rapunzel? Read the story of Rapunzel below, then summarize it! Present your summary to the class orally! ​


Answer yourself Lo independent


I do not know

2. terjemahan dari summary itu

Maaf kalau salahArtinnya summary itu ringkasa dan kalau disuruh merubah tulisan yang ada digambar itu menjadi inggris saya tidak bisa

3. Make a summary based on these points: (Di summary nya harus ada points2 itu)


ngak tau deh kalau b. inggria

4. menjelaskan pengertian summary?

teknik yang digunakan konselor untuk menyimpulkan atau ringkasan mengenai berbagai apa yang telah dikemukakan klien pada proses komunikasi konseling

Jika salah tolong di maaf kan

5. apa yang dimaksud executive summary

Executive summary adalah ringkasan penting saat anda ingin membiyayain ide yang anda milikin.


Executive summary dibuat untuk menjelaskan semua point penting agar orang yang membacanya dengan mudah mengetahuin ide anda menarik bagi mereka.

6. what is summary writing?​


translet = apa itu penulisan ringakasan?

7. summary the lagecy?​

'The Legacy' is a modernist short story by British writer Virginia Woolf. It is a story about how the wife of a well-known politician commits suicide to reunite with her lover. ... The politician's wife's name was Angela Clandon. This is Angela's story that her husband, Gilbert Clandon, reads about from her diaries' pages


The Legacy' is a modernist short story by British writer Virginia Woolf. It is a story about how the wife of a well-known politician commits suicide to reunite with her lover. ... The politician's wife's name was Angela Clandon. This is Angela's story that her husband, Gilbert Clandon, reads about from her diaries' pages.11 Sep 2020

The Legacy 'adalah cerita pendek modernis oleh penulis Inggris Virginia Woolf. Bercerita tentang bagaimana istri seorang politisi terkenal bunuh diri untuk bertemu kembali dengan kekasihnya. ... Istri politisi itu

8. Summary dari cerita Cinderella

in far away,long ago kingdom.Cinderella is living happily with her mother and father until her mother dies.Cinderella's father remarries a cold and cruel woman who has twho daughter.Drizzela and Anastasia.When the father's dies,Cinderella's wicked stepmother her turns into a virtual servant in her own house.Meanwhile,across town in the castle,the King determines that his son the Prince should find a suitable bride and provide him with a required number of grandchildren.So the King invites every eligible maiden in the kingdom to a fancy dress ball,Where will be able to choose his bride.Cinderella has no suitable party dress for a ball,but her friends the mice,gus and birds lend a hand in making her one,a dress the evil stepsister immediately tear apart on the evening of the ball.At this point,enter the fairy Godmother,the Pumpkin carriage,the royal ball,the store of midnight,the glass slipper,and the rest,as they fairytale history.- filmfactsman.When cinderella's cruel stepmother pervents her from attending the royal ball,she gets some unexpected help form lovable mice,gus and jaq,and from her fairy godmother-kenneth Chisholm

9. Arti dari income summary?

ringkasan pendapatan?

itu bahasa Inggris dr Laporan Laba Rugi

10. Summary about congratulating

ringkasan tentang ucapan selamat

11. Summary about necessity


Every human being carries out an economic activity to make ends meet. From the income, human economic activities can fulfill their life needs. Therefore, in meeting their needs, humans must make a priority scale for their needs. With the priority scale, it can inhibit the occurrence of excess expenditure

bigger than income. This priority scale contains more urgent needs, especially to be fulfilled.

A. Human needs

a need is a desire for a good or service that demands fulfillment. If not fulfilled it will affect life.

1. Types of needs according to their intensity or level:

A. Primary needs or basic needs

Primary needs are the necessities of life that must be met because if they are not met, it will affect survival. Example: Food, Clothing, Home

B. secondary needs or additional needs

Secondary needs are needs that are met after primary needs are met. Is a fixture of primary needs. For example: household furniture, cupboards, alorji, radio, soap, and others.

C. tertiary needs or luxury goods needs

Tertiary needs are needs that are met after primary and secondary needs are met. Meeting these needs depends on the financial condition of each person. Examples: jewelery, wall hangings, etc.,

2. Types of needs according to their nature:

A. Physical needs

Physical needs are needs that give satisfaction to the body or body (material in nature). Example: food, medicine, drink, health, sports, and others.

3. Various needs based on the time of use :

A. Needs now

         Namely human needs that must be met immediately when needed.

B. Future needs

         Namely human needs whose fulfillment can be postponed in the                  future.

4. Kinds of needs according to the subject

A. Individual needs

          Namely needs that are directly related to individuals

B. Group needs (collective)

Namely the needs felt by a group of people together. Examples: roads, bridges, schools, markets, fields, and others.

B. Factors that influence different human needs:

1 Gender

2 Level of education

3 The living environment

4 Advances in science and technology

5 Income level

6 Social status

7 Different tastes

I hope this helps ( semoga membantu )

12. Tolong buat summary (ringkasan)

the bioggrafy miko......
    he name miko julianto,he school the smpn nusa indah jaya,he live at bengkulu jl.sbroto no 12345,,he very smart the in to class,he hansome boy,many girls love he,he haave two brother and one sister................................................................................... thank

13. summary of fight song

Ringkasan lagu perjuangan
Maaf kalo salahThe song “fight song” describes us who must be strong fighting and circumstances in life may not be as we expected, but if we are sad and stand by hand, will not make the situation change. Then the choice is only one, we must go forward, do not give up with the circumstances, do not care about negative comments. Make every negative comment a booster so we can be better and even the best.

semoga membantu :)

14. Apa ciri ciri dari review dan summary?


riview ialah mengulang kembali apa yang telah dipelajari atau biasa disebut repetision

sedangkan summary atau biasa disebut rangkuman atau ringkasan sebuah materi


Ciri-Ciri Review

Berikut ini terdapat beberapa ciri-ciri review, terdiri atas:

Tinjauan yang focus pada kata sifat Menggunakan kata atau klausa yang cukup panjang serta komplex Menggunakan perumpamaan

Maaf kalau salah

15. short summary about yourself?

Short summary about yourself it is like you are descripting your own self, you make a summary about your character. Example : I am handsome, kind, patient, and etc.

16. Summary text brocure tea


Maksudnyaa Apaa Yaa? . . .

17. jika di worksheet ada akun income summary dan ada nominalnya di debet dan kredit, maka income summary ditulis/masuk ke laporan keuangan yang mana?


Income summary biasanya tidak ditulis/masuk ke dalam laporan keuangan. Income summary adalah akun sementara yang digunakan untuk menyajikan informasi mengenai seluruh aktivitas pendapatan dan biaya dari suatu periode akuntansi. Sehingga, saat laporan keuangan dibuat, nominal akun income summary biasanya sudah dijurnal kembali ke akun-akun pendapatan dan biaya yang sesuai.

18. Summary dari cerita Cinderella

Cinderella was a poor girl because her father and mother died, and then she had a wicked stepmother and stepsisters. They treat her badly. And one day there’s an invitation to a ball in the palace. Stepmother and stepsisters did not let Cinderella to join them, and she’s sad. Suddenly a fairygodmother came and gave her carriage, gown, servants and everything she need, including a beautiful glass shoes. The fairy said not to go home before twelve or not she’ll lost everything. Cinderella went to the ball and she danced with the prince. They fell in love, and it’s twelve. Cinderella ran and became herself again, but she lost her other shoe. The shoe’s with the prince, and he wants to find Cinderella

So they ask any girls to fit in the shoes, but then Cinderella fits and they reunites. And they got married and lived happily ever after

Semoga membantu ❤️

19. Apa ciri ciri dari review dan summary?


Tinjauan yang focus pada kata sifat

Menggunakan kata atau klausa yang cukup panjang serta komplex

Menggunakan perumpamaan

Penjelasan:Ciri-Ciri Review

Berikut ini terdapat beberapa ciri-ciri review, terdiri atas:

Tinjauan yang focus pada kata sifat

Menggunakan kata atau klausa yang cukup panjang serta komplex

Menggunakan perumpamaan

Simak lebih lanjut di -

20. contoh summary yang benar

contoh summary shopping list :
1. 10 ballons
2. 10 hat
3. 2 cake
4. 10 trumpets

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