Evergreen Social Science Lab Manual Solutions Class 10 Solutions
Oktober 28, 2022
10 problems and solutions
1. 10 problems and solutions
1. I can't wake up early in the morning
=> You should sleep early in the night
2. I'm stupid
=> You should study hard
3. My shirt was dirty
=> Clean it!
4. I don't have book
=> You should buy it
5. I'm hungry
=> Let you eat something
6. I don't have money
=> You should work
7. I don't have friends
=> You should be friendly
8. My phone was broke
=> You should buy a new phone
9. I missing my pen
=> Let you find it.
10. I'm headache
=> You should be take a rest
2. Apa saja layanan di Netmagic Solutions ??
Layanan untuk mengelola IT
NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com) dan Netmagic Solutions Private Limited (Netmagic Solutions) secara bersama-sama mengumumkan pada tanggal 25 Januari bahwa NTT Com akan mengakuisisi 74% saham Netmagic Solutions, penyedia terkemuka layanan pusat data di India. Akuisisi ini tunduk pada persetujuan otoritas terkait di India.
Penambahan layanan pusat data dan situs Netmagic Solutions akan memperluas kemampuan NTT Com untuk memberikan solusi ICT satu atap di pasar India yang berkembang cepat, serta mempercepat penawaran layanan cloud tanpa hambatan secara global melalui perluasan infrastruktur ICT di seluruh Asia.
Netmagic Solutions, penyedia handal layanan untuk mengelola IT, saat ini mengoperasikan tujuh pusat data di kota-kota besar di India antara lain Mumbai, Chennai, Noida (Delhi-NCR) dan Bangalore. Perusahaan ini memberikan layanan seperti kolokasi dan pengelolaan kepada lebih dari 1.000 pelanggan, serta layanan ISP dan cloud bagi pelanggan lainnya. Perusahaan ini diberi penghargaan sebagai Penyedia Layanan Pusat Data di India pada tahun 2011 oleh Frost & Sullivan. Netmagic Solutions, yang didirikan pada tahun 1998, dipimpin oleh CEO Sharad Sanghi dan pengoperasiannya berbasis di Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai dan Delhi. Perusahaan ini mempekerjakan sekitar 500 orang. Kantor pusatnya berlokasi di Lantai 2, (Bagian Utara), Blok B-2, Phase I, Nirlon Knowledge Park, Goregaon (Timur), Mumbai.
3. Jelaskan tentang global hospitality solutions
Global hospitality solutions(GHS) adalah penasehat, konsultan dan manajemen pembangkit tenaga listrik yang selalu menemukan solusi terbaik untuk setiap tantangan strategi, pengembangan, manajemen dan operasi di industri perhotelan, pariwisata dan rekreasi. Kami mengembangkan dan menerapkan strategi yang relevan dan rencana sebagai manajer interim di situs, terkemuka sebagai tangan-operator di seluruh dunia.
4. apa yang di maksud dengan e-doceo solutions dan sebutkan funsinya?
Ecodeo Adalah Perusahaan yang membuat membuat aplikasi bisnis HTML5 / CSS3 bisa dibawa kemana mana lebih lanjut:http://edoceo.com/
Semoga Membantu
5. why are all solutions are mixtures, but not all mixtures are solutions, explain. Please dijawab besok dikumpul, aku kasih 50 poin.
All solutions are mixtures because it is two or more substances mixed together. A mixture such as oil and water is not homogeneously dissolved and therefore not a solution. ... Since not all mixtures are homogeneous, not all mixtures are solution.2
maaf kalau salah
Answer and explanation:
Jawaban dan penjelasan:
"Why are all solutions mixtures, but not all mixture are solutions?"Kenapa semua larutan itu campuran, tapi gak semua campuran itu larutan?
All solutions are combination, that's to say the mixture, of two or more substances (larutan = gabungan/campuran dari 2 zat atau lebih). The solute needs to be dissolved into the solvent. (Harus larut di dalam pelarut). Example salt dissolves in water (air melarutkan garam).
If the mixture is heterogeneous (heterogen) = has substance which is inmiscible and dissimilar (zatnya tidak bisa diaduk dan gak sama dgn yang lain), for example oil and water (air dan minyak gak bisa diaduk), then it's not a solution (berarti bukan larutan)
#StayPositive - kexcvi
6. were there any solutions at the end of the story
of course there is a mandate from every story, not just films but lots, like fables, comics, books that have stories, poems, songs and others
this is my answer :)
7. bagai manamana cara menjaga sikapistiqamah?One thousand problems, million solutions
1..Meluruskan niat. ...
2..Memahami makna syahadat. ...
3.Memperbanyak bacaan Alqur'an. ...
4.Meningkatkan kualitas ibadah sedikit demi sedikit. ..
5.Bergaul dengan orang-orang shaleh. ...
6.Berdoa dan berzikir kepada Allah SWT.
Semoga bermanfaat.jadikan jawaban terbaik ya
8. how to solve set solutions
bagaimana untuk menyelesaikan ,solusinya?
9. were there any solutions at the end of the story
solutions , u got it when the problems get down, and after tension problem downed
10. how many grams of NaC1 required to prepare each of the following solutions2500 ppm (w/v) NaC1 250 mL solutions
Formula : m NaCl (in Molar) = n ppm × mL
= 2500 ppm = masses of Salt / mL
= masses of Salt (µg) = 2500 ppm × mL
= massea of salt (µg) = 2500 ppm × 250 mL
= masses of salt (µg) = 625 µg or in mg = 625 µg × 10^-4 = 0,0625 grams
11. TUGAS 2.BAHASA INGGRIS.B.2. TALKING ABOUT SOLUTIONSWRITE DOWN 2 SOLUTIONS FOR EACH PROBLEM.(TULISKANLAH 2 SOLUSI UNTUK MASING-MASINGMASALAH.1.Problem :There are too many traffic jams.Solutions :ES2. Problem: There are too many endangered animals.Solutions :wees3.Problem : There is too much air pollution.Solutions:AM
1. Masalah: Terlalu banyak kemacetan.
Solusi :
2. Masalah: Ada terlalu banyak hewan langka.
Solusi :
3. Masalah: Terlalu banyak polusi udara.
12. Sigma Quiz......!! Give your solutions!
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
rumus jumlah kuadrat : ∑[1 to n](p²) = n(n+1)(2n+1)/6
rumus jumlah pangkat 1 : ∑[1 to n](p) = n(n+1)/2
rumus jumlah pangkat 0 : ∑[1 to n](p⁰) = ∑[1 to n](1) = n
∑[1 to n]((3p-2)(2p+1)) = ∑[1 to n](6p²-p-2)
= 6.∑(p²) - ∑p - 2.∑1
= 6.n(n+1)(2n+1)/6 - n(n+1)/2 - 2n
= n(n+1)(2n+1) - n(n+1)/2 - 2n
= n.(n+1).(2n+1 - 1/2) - 2n
= n.(n+1).(2n + 1/2) - 2n
= n( (n+1)(2n + 1/2) - 2)
= n.( 1/2 . (n+1)(4n+1) - 2)
= 1/2 . n (4n²+5n+1 - 4)
= 1/2 n.(4n²+5n-3)
13. what should i mention in asking giving opinions,solutions?
What your opinion about my new dress?
Solution idk i’m sorry:(
14. 5. The solutions of |6-3x| = 2x + 7 is
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
good luck with the answer.
15. Tahapan berpikir komputasional secara urut adalah... . a. Sensing problem – defining problems – deriving solution – implementing solutions – evaluating outcomesb. Deriving solution – defining problems – Sensing problem– implementing solutions – evaluating outcomesc. Sensing problem – defining problems – deriving problems – implementing solutions – evaluating outcomesd. Deriving problems – defining problems – Sensing problem– implementing solutions – evaluating outcomes
D deriving problems- defining problems- sensing problems- implemering solitions- ivalutating autcomes
Berpikir komputasional adalah kemampuan dasar untus setiap orang bukan hanya bagi orang orang yang berkutat dalam studi komputer sains
16. Buat kalimat penawaran (offer) dengan mengklasifikasikan berupafood, money, solutions, friendship
Would you like to have dinner with us?
Do you want some of my money?
Do you need help?
Do you want to be be my friend?
Maaf banget klo salah
Binggung banget klo dialog atau kalimat
17. what are our expressions to suggest solutions and ideas?
Let’s revise our lessons.
What about going to the cinema tonight?
How about playing cards?
Why don't we do our homework?
Couldn't we invite your grandmother to our party?
Shall we have a walk along the river?
What would you say to a cup of coffee?
Don't you think it is a good idea to watch TV?
Does it matter if we use your car?
18. help! give solutions and answer in english please :((
Math Senior High School
→→ Vektor ←←
Pembahasan :
(a - b) . (6a + b) = 0
6|a|² - 5ab - |b|² = 0
6(2)² - 5ab - 3² = 0
6(4) - 9 = 5ab
5ab = 15
ab = 3
Cos β = (ab)/(|a| |b|)
Cos β = 3/(2 . 3)
Cos β = 3/6
Cos β = 1/2
Cos β = Cos 60°
β = 60°
19. Solution which is included in strong electrolyte solutions is
#larutan elektrokit
#X semester 2
yang termasuk dalam larutan elektrolit kuat :
(basa kuat, asam kuat atau garam)
20. write some solutions from the problem below "should" or "shouldn't"
he shouldnt play to much gadgets
he should hand his task assightment before playing games
he should study than playing games
kayak begini ya maksud kk?..maaf kalau salah
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