
Bhagwat Sharan Upadhyay Ka Jeevan Parichay

Oktober 16, 2022

Bhagwat Sharan Upadhyay Ka Jeevan Parichay

retno:did you do the test well eny? eny:(1.) .... in fact, I don't put any hape of passing thir teetretno:are you seriom? eny:yes,not a singgle hope!retno:(2.) ....(1.) A. yes,I did B. I'm afnaid I didn't(2.) must be happy B. don't worry next time betterwalter:are you reddy to arder? wahyu:well,I'd like chicken up fried gurame and iced tea how about you, sharan? sharan:well,I'd like to try gado-gado, but (3.) ....wahyu:(4.) .... I'llask the walter to put only me chili into the saucesharan:sounds great,I'll take it, then(3.) A. I'm not sure B. I can't believeit(4.) A.don't worry B.I'm surehesty:usten I ve gut news for youdiana:(5.) ....hesty:bedah rumah is going to come to my neigh bourhooddiana:no kinding I when? hesty:this afternoondiana:(6.) .... let's go there after school then(5.) A. what's up? B. when? (6.) A.good afternoon out(7.)do-worry-not-too-much=(8.)I-I-can-doubt-submit-the-on- aisigment-time=(9.)is-sure-not-whether-she-well- join-be-she-able-tour-to-the=

Daftar Isi

1. retno:did you do the test well eny? eny:(1.) .... in fact, I don't put any hape of passing thir teetretno:are you seriom? eny:yes,not a singgle hope!retno:(2.) ....(1.) A. yes,I did B. I'm afnaid I didn't(2.) must be happy B. don't worry next time betterwalter:are you reddy to arder? wahyu:well,I'd like chicken up fried gurame and iced tea how about you, sharan? sharan:well,I'd like to try gado-gado, but (3.) ....wahyu:(4.) .... I'llask the walter to put only me chili into the saucesharan:sounds great,I'll take it, then(3.) A. I'm not sure B. I can't believeit(4.) A.don't worry B.I'm surehesty:usten I ve gut news for youdiana:(5.) ....hesty:bedah rumah is going to come to my neigh bourhooddiana:no kinding I when? hesty:this afternoondiana:(6.) .... let's go there after school then(5.) A. what's up? B. when? (6.) A.good afternoon out(7.)do-worry-not-too-much=(8.)I-I-can-doubt-submit-the-on- aisigment-time=(9.)is-sure-not-whether-she-well- join-be-she-able-tour-to-the=

1. b
2. b
3. a
4. a
5. a
6. b
7. do not worry too much
8. I doubt I can submit the assignment on time
9. she is not sure whether she will be able to join the tour

2. bersama pa poadasebagaanyang berareD. membangun methatnya dalam bidang perioadabangun masjid NabawPano masayaA penyelenggaraan sharaniAbu Bakar AddeddipimpC shalat Idul Fitri dua rekaatD. membaca doa uut padaA Abdurrahman bin AB.Umar bin KhatabZubair bin AwwamD. Zaid bin TsabeDal pemerintah yang diangkatKhalifah Umar bin Khattabyang bertugas sebagai penguruslan pajak dan tanah adalahA Sahib al KhanB. Katib6. Sahib Baitul MalD. Sahib al Ahdas32Salah satu usaha penuaan dewanwilayah, Khaitah Utsman bin Affanmembentuk angkatan laut danmenyerahkan tugas ini kepadaA Amru bin AshB. Khalid bin WaldC Abdullah bin Abi SarahD. Muawiyah bin Abu Sufyan33. Salah satu hikmah Isra dan MirojNabi Muhammad SAW yaituA Nabi Muhammad menerimaperintah sholat lima waktuB. Nabi Muhammad SAW bisabertemu Allah langsungC. Nabi Muhammad SAW naikburaq dengan kecepatan seperti28. Salah saan satu jasa Khalifah Utsman bin affan yang sampai sekarang masihdirasakan manfaatnya bagi umIslam adalahA mendirikan Baitul MalB. membukukan Al-QuranC Wembentuk lawatan PosD. menyempurnakan bahasa arab09. Walisongo yang menyebarkanagama Islam dengan menggunakanmedia wayang kulit adalah ....D. Nabi Muhammad SAW menjadiImam sholat bagi para Nabipendahulunya​


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